No.P3/19-2/Cuddalore dt. 20.03.2012
Smt. Santhi Nair, IPS,
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Grant of natural calamity advance to the staff working under Cuddalore
Postal Division – Reg.
Ref: 1. Govt. of Tamilnadu GO (Ms) No.46 dt. 06.02.2012
2. Copy of orders No. C II/1/1/2012-Cyclone adv dt.14.02.2012 issued
by the Asst. Commissioner of Central Excise, Cuddalore.
3. Copy of orders No.CII/1/1/2012-Estt. Dt. 23.02.2012 issued by the
office of Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Cuddalore.
It is well aware that Cuddalore and Villupuram Districts are badly affected by Cyclone ‘Thane’ and there is extensive damage to the movable and immovable properties of the residents of that area. Hence the staff working under Cuddalore & villupuram Districts are deserving to be granted with Natural Calamity Advance . They have also applied for the same . But till time no decision is seems to be taken by the Circle Administration.
In this connection our Circle Union brings forth the following for the kind consideration of the CPMG, TN Circle , so as to grant the advance at the earliest means, before the close of this Financial year.
1. The Tamilnadu State Govt. has declared Cuddalore and Villupuram Districts as Cyclone affected vide the ref. cited under sl. 1. (Copy enclosed)
2. In all other Central Govt. establishments Natural calamity advance was granted to their staff working under these Districts well in advance, vide the ref. cited under Sl. 2&3(Copy enclosed)
3. It is reported that even in our Department , the staff working under Pondichery Divisions, who are coming under the Villupuram Dist unit , also granted with Natural calamity advance.
Hence in no other argument the grant of such advance be delayed further, in case of Cuddalore Division . Our Circle Union brings this matter to the personal attention of the Chief PMG, TN, so as to grant Natural Calamity advance to the entire staff working under the Revenue jurisdiction of Villupuram and Cuddalore Districts, covering the Postal Divisions of Cuddalore and Vridhachalam, at the earliest means , before the close of this Financial year.
Thanking you Madam,
With regards,
Circle Secretary.