. No.4-2412011-SPB.ll
Governmenotf India
Ministryo f Communication&s lT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan,Sansad Marg,
New Delhi , Dated: 9 -August , 2011.
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamil nadu Circle,
Subject:- Declining promotion to Postmaster Grade-I by the officials
declared successful in Postmaster Grade-l Departmental
Competitive examination held on 12.6.2011.
I am directed to refer to Circle Office's letter No STA/5-21 Gr.l Postmaster/Ruling/2010 dated 25.7.2011 on the above subject and to say that declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-l after passing the Departmental Examination, but before his appointment, may be accepted.
Yours faithfully,
(D K Chanda)
SectionO fficer( SPBl.l )