Monday, April 9, 2012


The Postmaster General,
Central Region,
Trichirappalli 620 001.

No. P3/-2/Trichy                                                                                          dt. 02.04.2012

Sir,             Sub:  Staff  matters  pertaining to  various Divisions in Central Region – Request  for
                                          Settlement  - Reg.
1.       Tennur East S.O. was  attached with Tennur SO sometimes back ,  based on building problem. Recently  it was ordered  to be relocated as  Exptl. SO  TN 1067 at HRO RMS ‘T’ Division campus w.e.f. 7.12.2011. Now  it was ordered  to be closed   on 31.3.2012  and the   incumbent  SPM was tfd. to 100 Kms away from his    working place.

a)      In this connection , it is to  note  that   the  said  SO  was functioned  with full justification as a ‘B’ Class office.  This  was hampered  and  now  closed against  the  orders   of  Directorate.  Even in the   name of  relocation , it was not  retained and   all  the  SB/RD/TD/MIS etc. a/cs were   attached with  Tennur  SO.  This  is   nothing  but  , artificially hampering  the   good running office and    made to  close down on the   plea  of   non justifiable transactions  at  the HRO RMS campus.  We request  that   the  office may  kindly be  relocated  at  Anna Nagar  area  , as requested by   the  Divisional union.

b)      The incumbent  SPM  having  done  any wrongs, was abruptly   tfd. To  Tirumanur SO as a punishment   measure , for not having secured   SB/RD accounts at   the   new area. You may  well aware  that the  area  is purely a  floating   population area  with full of business establishments and not  a residential area. The business people are already operating  their accounts   in   many banks  with  24 hours ATM drawing  facility and  they cannot be switched over to PO  SB.  Also  ,  the  SPM  single  handedly  opened the office for more than  12 hours , against  the norms,  and  he cannot  move out  to canvas any accounts or  to lock  the  office   during  office hours. On any grounds ,   the transfer is not justifiable. Hence  the same  may kindly be   reconsidered and   he may be given place at  Trichy town .

2.         Already  the Accounts  branch of Trichy HO was  running  short  with one Accountant, against the sanctioned strength. Now    it is reported that  one  post of Accountant  was ordered to be  diverted  into R.O.   resultantly  the    existing staff are suffering much, with resultant delay in  the  disposal of  staff matters  at  the Accounts.  Hence  we  request  that the   said  post may kindly be restored  immediately at   Trichy HO.
3.       It is reported  that  the  outsider(GDS) bills  who have   worked against  Postman/MTS vacant posts  / leave arrangements are pending   since February 2012  throughout  the Region. You may  well aware that    they are poor paid employees  and  they   are running  the family  out of their  earnings only.  If  this was stopped   months together , they could not able to survive.  Hence we request  that   the   same  may   kindly be  considered on humanitarian grounds and  the bills may kindly be ordered to be passed at the   earliest means.

4.       Request to settle  the  long  pending  issue  related  to    appointment of   Sri.A.Kumaraguruparan  of Trichy Division  as  MTS  against  sports quota. 

The  said  official  is  working  for long  in   arrangements  and also    made  exemplary  records in  the  field  of  sports,  even   at  All  India  level.  He   had sought  for   appointment  as MTS  in our Department   under sports quota  and  the same  was also learnt to be  admitted  by  the CPMG, TN Circle.   Hence we  request  that the same  may kindly be  pursued and   suitable action may kindly be taken  so as to   give him  appointment  as MTS   against sports quota.

5.       Request  to  settle  the  transfer cases   of   Nagappattinam Division issued under RT 2012.

The following  cases  may kindly be considered    on  genuine  grounds and orders may kindly be issued   in order to settle the grievances of the officials concerned.

All the five officials  who have applied  for extension of  tenure  for one year from Nagappattinam Division  were  reported to be rejected by the   R.O. even they are having  genuine  grounds for extension.
              a)One Sri. N. R. Packirisamy working as SPM Kilvelur A Class SO is due for retirement on 28-02-2013 and his request for extension  may  kindly be considered  on the  superannuation point, as per   Directorate orders.
            b)Similarly one Smt. S.Jayalakshmit PA Tiruvarur HO has sought for extension on medical
grounds ,  the same may kindly be considered   on humanitarian grounds.
            c)In the case of Sri. S.Meenakshisundaram Accountant Nagapattinam, his officiating period  as HSG II APM Accounts Nagapattinam HO was not excluded in computing his  post tenure as Accountant Nagapattinam HO and his name was included in the list of officials due for RT in 2012. HIs appeal dated 06-02-2012 preferred by him to DPS Trichy on this may kindly be disposed of  in his favour  , as per the orders of the  Dte. In this regard.

With regards,