Officer holding the post of JTS with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- in PB-2 can act as Chair Person of the Screening Committee for granting Modified ACP in Department of Posts
Department issued orders on the demand made by P3 CHQ & NFPE for liberalisation of the conditions to speed up the grant of Modified ACP in all Circles
In the event of non-availability of STS officer, JTS Officer can act as chair person of the Screening Committee for MACPS in Department of Posts
Copy of the Order is as follows:
Ministry of Communications & ITDepartment of Posts NO No.4-7/MACPS/2009/-PCC dated 9.12.2009
Subject:-Modified Assured carrier Progression Scheme to central Government civil Employees with effect from 01-09-2008 I am directed to invite your attention to the Para 9&10 of this office OM No 4-7(MACPS)2009-PCC dated 18 Sep 2009 regarding constitution of Screening committee for MACPS. Parag 9 of the OM provides that Member of the Committee should not be below the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent in PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs 6600/- and the Chairperson should be a grade above the members of the Committee.
Keeping in view the difficulties experienced -by various Circles for constitution of the Screening Committee due to non-availability of officers of the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent in the Grade Pay of Rs.6600 and likely delay in holding the meetings of the Screening Committee in the light of the existing provisions; the issue has been considered in the Directorate and I am directed to convey that Officer holding the post in JTS with grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 [in the event of non-availability of STS officerl can act as chair person of the Screening Committee in Department of Posts. In case of any difficulty experienced following the above change in the composition of the screening committee, the same may be brought to the notice of this Directorate for examination.
This has the approval of Secretary (Posts).
Sd/- (Surendra Kumar), Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)