Thursday, September 30, 2010
Rates of DA applicable w.e.f.01/07/2010 to the employees of Central Government and central Autonomous Bodies Continuing to draw their pay in the Pre-Revised scale as per 5th CPC
Dear Comrades,
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance had issued orders in respect of Rates of Dearness Allowance applicabe w.e.f. 01/07/2010 to the employees of Central Government and Central autonomous bodies continuing to draw their pay in the Pre-Revised scale as per 5th CPC vide Memo No.1(3)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29/09/2010. As per the above order the DA for them has been increased from 87% to 103% w.e.f. 01/07/2010.
Dear Comrades,
In supersession to their earlier orders Postal Directorate issued orders specifying the Duties of Multi Skilled Employees Group-C (erstwhile Group-D) vide memo No.1-20/2008-PCC dated 24/09/2010, The same is placed here for the information of the members.
In supersession to their earlier orders Postal Directorate issued orders specifying the Duties of Multi Skilled Employees Group-C (erstwhile Group-D) vide memo No.1-20/2008-PCC dated 24/09/2010, The same is placed here for the information of the members.
Monday, September 27, 2010
F. No. 42/18/2010-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Date: 27th September, 2010
Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners Revised rate effective from 1.7.2010.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 42/18/2010-P&PW(G) dated 31.3.2010 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Relief payable to Central Government pensioners shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 35% to 45% w.e.f. July, 2010.
2. These orders apply to (i) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service Pensioners (iv) Railway Pensioners and (v) The Burma Civilian pensioners/famiiy pensioners and pensioners/families of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan, who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan, who are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance of Rs. 3500/- p.m. in terms of this Department’s OM No. 23/1/97-P&PW(B) dated 23.2.1998 read with this Department’s OM No. 23/3/2008-P&PW(B) dated 15.9.2008.
3. Central Government Employees who had drawn Iumpsum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and have become eligible to restoration of1/3 rd commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this Department‘s OM No. 4/59/97-P&PW (D) dated 14.07.1998 will also be entitled to the payment of DR 45% w.e.f. 1.7.2010 on full pension i.e. the revised pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he not drawn Iumpsum payment on absorption and Dearness Pension subject to fulfillment of the conditions laid down in para 5 ofthe O.M. dated 14.07.98. In this connection, instructions contained in this Department’s OM (D) dated. 12.7.2000 refers.
4. Payment of DR involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
5. Other provisions governing grant of DR in respect of employed family pensioners and reempIoyed Central Government Pensloners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No. 45/73/97-P&PW (G) dated 2.7.1999 as amended vide this Department’s OM No. F. No. 38/88/2008-P&PW(G) dated 9th July, 2009. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged.
6. In the case of retired Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately.
7. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authorities, including the nationalized banks, etc. to calculate the quantum of DR payable in each individual case.
8. The offices of Accountant General and Authorised Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioners etc. on the basis of above instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No. 528-TA, II/34-80-II dated 23/04/1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No. GANB No.2958/GA-64 (ii) (CGL)/81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks.
9. In their application to the pensioners/family pensioners belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with the C&AG.
10. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure víde their OM No. 1(4)/EV/2004 dated 24th September, 2010.
( V.K Wadhwa )
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Brief Resume of the discussion of 2nd Meeting of MACP Anomoly Committee held on 15/09/2010
The 2nd meeting of the MACP Committee was held on 15th September, 2010. The meeting was chaired by the Joint Secretary (Estt.) Department of Personnel and Training. We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions on various issues taken up by the Staff Side.
1. Item No. 1, 9 and 29,46: The demand was to provide for Grade Pay of the next promotional post under MACP as was given in the old ACP Scheme. This has not been agreed to.
2. Item No.3. Option for each individual employee either to retain the old ACP scheme or to switch over to MACP. It was only agreed by the DOPT that they may consider giving option to the Department and not to the individual employee to retrain old ACP Scheme in respect of either the entire establishment of that Department or for a specific category or cadre of the employees of that Department. They also added that they may instruct the Administrative department to undertake restructuring of the cadres in consultation with the Staff Side which would secure quicker promotion.
3. Item No. 8. Anomaly in respect of Junior Engineers of CPWD. The Official side agreed that CPWD may ask for option to retain the old ACP in respect of Junior Engineers which will be considered.
4. Item No. 2, 10 and 48. The Scheme of MACP to be implemented with effect from 1.1.2006. Not agreed to.
5. Item No. 7.Grant of financial up-gradation under ACP between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 in respect of employees who have opted the revised Pay Band Grade Pay System with effect from 1.1.2006. Agreed to.
6. Item No. 4 and 26. Applicability of MACP scheme to Group D employees placed in the grade pay of Rs. 1800 in PB1. along with the benefit of 3% increment in each stage of up-gradation. Covered by the clarification already issued by the Department of personnel ( See their website)
7. Item No. 5 and 23. Counting of 50% of service rendered by a casual labourer with temporary status for reckoning the 10, 20 and 30 years of service for the purpose of MACP. They will examine the court ruling in this regard according which the entire casual service should count for the purpose of MACP.
8. Item No. 6. Supervised staff placed in higher grade pay than their supervisor. The item has been transferred to the National Anomaly Committee for discussion.
9. Item No.11 and 47. In the Railways and some other departments, promotion continues to be given in the merged pay scales, since these have not been functionally merged. It was demanded that in such promotion increment at the rate of 3% may be granted. The Official side has agreed to consider such cases, if taken up by the respective departments.
10. Item No. 15, 22, 39 and 51.These would be considered in the Anomaly Committee of Railways.
11. Item No. 12, 30 and 49. Those selected under LDCE/GBCE schemes may be treated as directly recruited personnel as was done in the case of old ACP scheme. The Official side agreed to look into it.
12. Item Nos. 13, 16. 24 , 50 and 58. It was pointed out that under old ACP scheme in case of an employee who were reverted from higher post to lower post at this request ( to enable him to get transfer to another recruiting unit) the service rendered by him in the higher post was counted for the benefit of ACP. This should be extended to the MACP as well. The Official side agreed to issue necessary clarification in this regard.
13. Item No.14. A departmental employee who has been appointed to a higher grade by virtue of his being selected in a Direct Recruitment Examination the ten, twenty and thirty years of service for the purpose of MACP to be reckoned from the date of such appointment. Necessary clarificatory order has been issued by the DOPT. ( Please see their website)
14. Item No. 16. The service rendered by an employee who had resigned may be counted if he is given re-employment for the purpose of MACP. The Official side wanted this item to be processed separately.
15. Item No. 17. The service rendered prior to removal or dismissal should count if he is reinstated on appeal or by Courts. The Official side stated that the past service will be considered if so ordered by the Court or the Appellate Authorities.
16. Item No. 36. The service rendered in a State Government/Statutory body /PSU before appointment in the Central Govt. to be counted for MACP. Not agreed to.
17. Item No. 37 and 38. Counting the probation period for the purpose of MACP. This is counted as per the scheme
18. Item No. 42. Application of MACP to a surplus hand redeployed to lower post. This is covered under the scheme.
19. Item No. 18 and 54. A person de-categorised on medical grounds to be treated as a fresh appointee. It was not agreed to .
20. Item No. 41. The service rendered in higher grade who have been redeployed in the lower post on medical de-categorised on medical grounds may be counted under the MACP. The official side agreed to reiterate Railway Board's order issued in the year 2005.
21. Item No. 19, 33 and 53. Stepping up benefit to seniors when the juniors get higher pay on account of financial up-gradation. The Supreme Court has given such an order. The Official side will examine this issue and the copy of the Supreme Court's order may be furnished to them.
22. Item No.20. The Account Assistants in the Railways when appointed on qualifying the Appendix II Examination may be treated as a fresh appointee and his past service in the lower post be ignored. The Railway Board to process this case separately.
23. Item No. 21.27 and 28. The Bench mark of good for entitlement to MACP benefit in cases where promotion to the higher posts is on the basis of seniority cum fitness may be done away with. Agreed to examine and issue necessary clarification.
24. Item No. 24, 40 and 45. Counting of Training period. The induction training period would be counted.
25. Item No. 25. The incentive may be given as applicable to the grade pay granted under MACP. This may be considered by the Railways.
26. Item No.31. Extension of MACP to Staff Car Drivers and other Drivers etc. The orders have been issued separately.
27. Item No.34. Pay fixation on promotion subsequent to the grant of MACP with an increment. This was not accepted.
28. Item No. 35. Notional classification for Central Government employees Insurance scheme for those with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 to be treated as Group B and covered by the scheme for Group B. Not accepted.
29. Item No.43. There are several illustrations given relating to Railway employees. These were not discussed and each case was asked to be processed separately.
30. Item No. 55. There are no provisions for grant of certain privileges/incentive on grant of MACP as was there in the old ACP scheme. The Item may be considered by the Railway administration.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances, we could not place this letter on our website immediately after the meeting. We regret for the same.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
Revision of Split Duty Allowance to Group-C and Group-D Staff in Operative staff
Dear Comrades,
Postal directorate has been revised split Duty Allowance to Group-C and Group-D staff in Operative Staff vide Memo No.6-3/2002-PE-II dated 13/0/2010. The same was circulated by the Circle office vide memo No.EST/6th CPC/08/11 dated 22/09/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.
Postal directorate has been revised split Duty Allowance to Group-C and Group-D staff in Operative Staff vide Memo No.6-3/2002-PE-II dated 13/0/2010. The same was circulated by the Circle office vide memo No.EST/6th CPC/08/11 dated 22/09/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Admn Union results will be released separately due to some objections on membership etc are pending to be disposed off. GDS Union recognition is also expeccted to be released shortly.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
No.PF-16(g)2010 20.09.2010
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110001.
Sub : Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to Postal Employees for the year 2009-2010.
As you are aware the Pooja Festival (Dussehra) is celebrated all over India in the month
of October. Every year Bonus for Central Govt. Employees is declared by the Govt.
well before the commencement of Pooja Festival.
I request you to take necessary action to ensure grant of PLB to Postal Employees
also before the Pooja Festival. The following issues which are agitating the minds of
the Postal Employees may be considered favourably while declaring the Bonus for
the year 2009-2010.
(a) The undeclared cap of 60 days imposed by the nodal ministry may be got
removed and eligible Bonus granted.
(b) The enhanced monthly salary ceiling of Rs.3,500/- may be made applicable to
Gramin Dak Sevaks also. In this regard the judicial pronouncements of various
CATs may be referred.
(c) Casual Labourers and GDS may be granted Bonus as per the amended
statutory Bonus Act.
A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
Secretary General NFPE
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110001.
Sub : Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to Postal Employees for the year 2009-2010.
As you are aware the Pooja Festival (Dussehra) is celebrated all over India in the month
of October. Every year Bonus for Central Govt. Employees is declared by the Govt.
well before the commencement of Pooja Festival.
I request you to take necessary action to ensure grant of PLB to Postal Employees
also before the Pooja Festival. The following issues which are agitating the minds of
the Postal Employees may be considered favourably while declaring the Bonus for
the year 2009-2010.
(a) The undeclared cap of 60 days imposed by the nodal ministry may be got
removed and eligible Bonus granted.
(b) The enhanced monthly salary ceiling of Rs.3,500/- may be made applicable to
Gramin Dak Sevaks also. In this regard the judicial pronouncements of various
CATs may be referred.
(c) Casual Labourers and GDS may be granted Bonus as per the amended
statutory Bonus Act.
A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
Secretary General NFPE
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
அன்பு GDS தோழர்களே ! வணக்கம் .
கீழே காணும் இணைப்பை 'கிளிக்' செய்தால் GDS ஊழியருக்கான
புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டம் பற்றிய அனைத்து விபரங்களும் , மற்றும் அதற்குண்டான சம்பந்தப்பட்ட அனைத்து படிவங்களும் கிடைக்கும்.
தேவையான படிவத்தை நீங்கள் DOWN LOAD செய்து , அதனை பூர்த்தி
செய்து உரிய அதிகாரியிடம் அளிக்கவும் . தங்களுக்கு தேவையான
இதர உதவிகளுக்கு தங்களுடைய GDS அல்லது P3 கோட்ட செயலரை
அணுகவும் .
என்றும் தோழமையுடன்
கீழே காணும் இணைப்பை 'கிளிக்' செய்தால் GDS ஊழியருக்கான
புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டம் பற்றிய அனைத்து விபரங்களும் , மற்றும் அதற்குண்டான சம்பந்தப்பட்ட அனைத்து படிவங்களும் கிடைக்கும்.
தேவையான படிவத்தை நீங்கள் DOWN LOAD செய்து , அதனை பூர்த்தி
செய்து உரிய அதிகாரியிடம் அளிக்கவும் . தங்களுக்கு தேவையான
இதர உதவிகளுக்கு தங்களுடைய GDS அல்லது P3 கோட்ட செயலரை
அணுகவும் .
என்றும் தோழமையுடன்
Our Strike Agreement - Committee for Postman Issues constituted.
As assured by the Secretary in the STRIKE AGREEMENT Meeting held on 12.07.2010
and also subsequently to Secretary General NFPE on 13.08.2010, the Department has
now constituted a committee to discuss the Postmen related issues, General Secretaries P4
will be the members of the Committee from Staff side
and also subsequently to Secretary General NFPE on 13.08.2010, the Department has
now constituted a committee to discuss the Postmen related issues, General Secretaries P4
will be the members of the Committee from Staff side

Grant of Permission for Treatment in any Hospitals recog. by State Govt.
The MOH & FW OM No. S-14025/7/2000-MS dt. 28.03.2000 has not been circulated earlier.
Based on our demand in the JCM (DC), the order to now being circulated. This is very important
order providing treatment in any of the recognized hospitals.

with greetings .............. J. Ramamurthy , Circle Secretary.
Based on our demand in the JCM (DC), the order to now being circulated. This is very important
order providing treatment in any of the recognized hospitals.

with greetings .............. J. Ramamurthy , Circle Secretary.
Rate of monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-1980 for Group 'D' employees
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, Dated 10th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Rate of monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-1980 for erstwhile
Group 'D' employees placed in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs.1800/- and classified as Group 'C'.
The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of all Ministries/Departments of the Central Government to this Ministry's O.M. No.F.7(5)-EV/89 dated 15th May, 1989 updating the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. 2. The 6th Central Pay Commission in para 4.9.4. of its report has recommended that the rate of monthly subscription and the amount of insurance cover under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) should be enhanced 6 times. The Commission has also recommended up-gradation of Group D in the Government with all existing Group D employees being upgraded and placed in the entry grade of Group C. Accordingly, no separate slab for Group D has been recommended.
3. In view of the recommendations of 6th CPC, Department of Personnel & Training vide notification dated 9/4/2009 has classified the posts carrying the Grade Pay of 1800/- as Group C.
4. Therefore, it has been decided to enhance the monthly subscription towards CGEGIS and insurance coverage to the erstwhile Group 'D' employees placed in PB-1 with Grade Pay of 1800 and classified as Group 'C', @ '30/- per month from 1st January of the next calendar year i.e. January, 2011.
(Manoj Sahay)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Representation of left out RRR Candidates
தற்போது RRR Candidate appointment கோர்ட்டுக்கு சென்ற சிலருக்கு கிடைத்துள்ளது. கோர்ட்டுக்கு செல்லாமல் நிர்வாகத்தை நம்பிய (சீனியர்) பலருக்கு ஏமாற்றமே! ஆகவே நமது சங்கம் விடுபட்ட approved RRR Candidates அனைவரையும் ஒன்றிணைத்து
வழக்குதொடுத்து நியாயம் பெற்றிடமுயற்சி மேற்கொண்டுள்ளோம். ஆகவே விடுபட்ட approved RRR Candidates அனைவரும் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள கடிதத்தை அவரவர்களுக்கு தகுந்தபடி மாற்றி ஸ்பீட் போஸ்ட் மூலம் TO SSP / CPMG (two copies ) and ONE Advance copy to CPMG (by name ) அனுப்பவும் . கவர் மேல் திருமதி. சாந்தி நாயர் என எழுதவும். ஸ்பீட் போஸ்ட் ரசீது ஒரு copy ல் ஒட்டி அதை Shri. N.Gopalan (Retd SSP),(Ph: 9444283013) No.15, Vaigai street, Bharathnagar, Adambakkam, Chennai 600088 என்ற முகவரிக்கும் Xerox copy யை ஈமெயில் மூலம் aipeup3tn@gmail.com என்ற முகவரிக்கும் அனுப்பவும். FOR other details please contact Com. V.Venkataraman (Ph.9445783029), Asst. Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C TN CIRCLE and Sub Postmaster, Nandanam PO, Chennai 600035.
வழக்குதொடுத்து நியாயம் பெற்றிடமுயற்சி மேற்கொண்டுள்ளோம். ஆகவே விடுபட்ட approved RRR Candidates அனைவரும் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள கடிதத்தை அவரவர்களுக்கு தகுந்தபடி மாற்றி ஸ்பீட் போஸ்ட் மூலம் TO SSP / CPMG (two copies ) and ONE Advance copy to CPMG (by name ) அனுப்பவும் . கவர் மேல் திருமதி. சாந்தி நாயர் என எழுதவும். ஸ்பீட் போஸ்ட் ரசீது ஒரு copy ல் ஒட்டி அதை Shri. N.Gopalan (Retd SSP),(Ph: 9444283013) No.15, Vaigai street, Bharathnagar, Adambakkam, Chennai 600088 என்ற முகவரிக்கும் Xerox copy யை ஈமெயில் மூலம் aipeup3tn@gmail.com என்ற முகவரிக்கும் அனுப்பவும். FOR other details please contact Com. V.Venkataraman (Ph.9445783029), Asst. Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C TN CIRCLE and Sub Postmaster, Nandanam PO, Chennai 600035.
Circle Secretary
Date: - -2010
Name & and address (official and residential)
The Chief Postmaster General (Rectt section)
Tamilnadu Circle
Chennai 600002
Through The SSP / SP ……………………………………… Division
Respected Madam,
Sub: - Request for Compassionate appointment in relaxation of Recruitment Rules – case of
……………………………………………….. Son / Daughter / Wife of Late ................
……………………………………. (Name & Designation) ………………….. PO.
Ref: - C.O letter No. REP / / dated.........................
I may kindly be permitted to submit the following few lines for the kind information of the Chief Postmaster General and for issue of favourable orders.
My father / mother / Husband Shri. / Smt. ……………….......................died / invalidation on ………… While working as ……………………….. at …………………..Post office. The department was kind enough to settle all the death /retirial benefits in time. I applied for compassionate appointment in relaxation of Recruitment rules of the department through the SSP / SP …………………….. Division. My request has been considered and I have been intimated that I would be considered for appointment according to seniority. I completed the prescribed training applicable for Postal Assistant / Postman /Group D on ……………………….. I am permitted to work in leave / short vacancies in ……………….. cadre. Now I am working at ………………………………. PO as an approved RRR candidate.
It is learnt that regular appointment of RRR candidates is pending from 2001 on account of pendency of a case filed by some RRR candidates. It is learnt that the case has been finally disposed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court taking into account the assurance given by the department to consider the applicants for regular appointment from the date of completion of prescribed training. Based on the judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court the Department has issued orders regularising the services of the applicants to the case without considering the seniors in the waiting list.
I submitted application for compassionate during ……………….. and the circle office has intimated vide letter No…………………………….. dated ………….. that would be considered according to seniority in the list. But it is learnt that my juniors who have filed the case have been appointed ignoring my seniority.
Therefore, I request that I may kindly be considered for appointment in …………………………. Cadre from the date of completion of the training as in the case of my junior.
I shall be thankful to the Chief Postmaster for early help.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
/ /
Copies of 1.
Advance copy submitted to:
The Chief Postmaster General (Rectt section) Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai 600002 for favour of kind information and orders.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Guidelines on Air Travel on LTC - Clarifications regard to purchase of Air Tickets...
No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, dated the 16th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours / LTC.
This Department is receiving repeated references seeking clarifications with regard to purchase of Air tickets through authorized agents and relaxation for travel by Airlines other than Indian Airlines. The following guidelines may be noted for compliance:
1. On Official Tours :
(i) For travel by Airlines other than Air India because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability of Air India flights, individual cases for relaxation to be referred to M/o Civil Aviation, as stated in this Ministry's OM No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.07.09.
(ii) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours.
2. LTC :
(i) Travel by Air India only.
(ii) In Economy class only, irrespective of entitlement.
(iii) LTC-80 ticket of Air India only to be purchased.
(iv) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters / Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dt. 02.12.09).
3. LTC for J&K :
(i) Relaxation to travel by Private Airlines to visit J&K while availing LTC is available to all the categories of Govt. employees, including those entitled to travel by Air [DoPT OMs No. 31011/2/2003-Esst.(A-IV) dated 18.06.10 and 05.08.10 refer].
(ii) For purchase of Air tickets, however, the procedure as given under para 2 (iv) above should be followed.
4. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.
(Karan Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு 10% அகவிலைப்படி உயர்வு
மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு 10 சதவீத அகவிலைப்படி (டி.ஏ.) உயர்த்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஜூலை மாதம் முதல் கணக்கிட்டு தரப்படும். இதன்மூலம் 88 லட்சம் ஊழியர்கள், ஓய்வூதியதாரர்கள் பயனடைவார்கள். விலைவாசி உயர்வுக்கு ஏற்ப, மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு டி.ஏ. உயர்த்தப்படுகிறது. ஆண்டுதோறும் ஜனவரி மற்றும் ஜூலையில் டி.ஏ. உயர்த்தப்படும். இந்த ஆண்டு ஜூலையில் உயர்த்தப்பட வேண்டிய டி.ஏ. இப்போது அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
‘விலைவாசி உயர்வுக்கு ஏற்ப மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு டி.ஏ. வழங்க வேண்டும்’ என்று 6வது ஊதியக் குழு ஏற்கனவே பரிந்துரை செய்திருந்தது. அதன்படி, மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு அடிப்படை சம்பளத்தில் இப்போது 10 சதவீத டி.ஏ. உயர்த்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. மத்திய அமைச்சரவை கூட்டம் நேற்று நடந்தது. இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் டி.ஏ. உயர்வுக்கு ஒப்புதல் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதன் மூலம் மத்திய அரசில் பணிபுரியும் 50 லட்சம் ஊழியர்கள், 38 லட்சம் ஓய்வூதியதாரர்கள் பயன் பெறுவார்கள். டி.ஏ. உயர்வு மூலம் மத்திய அரசுக்கு ஆண்டுக்கு ஸி9,303.2 கோடி கூடுதலாக செலவாகும் என கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இப்போது மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்கள் டி.ஏ. 35 சதவீதமாக உள்ளது. 10 சதவீத உயர்வுக்கு பின் 45 சதவீதமாகிறது. இந்த 10 சதவீத உயர்வு கடந்த ஜூலை மாதத்தில் இருந்து வழங்கப்படும். ஜூலை, ஆகஸ்ட் மாத நிலுவை தொகையுடன் செப்டம்பர் மாத சம்பளத்தில் 10 சதவீத டி.ஏ. சேர்த்து வழங்கப்படும் என்று மத்திய உயரதிகாரி ஒருவர் நேற்று மாலை தெரிவித்தார். தசரா, தீபாவளி, கிறிஸ்துமஸ் என தொடர்ந்து பண்டிகைகள் வரவுள்ள நிலையில், 10% டி.ஏ. உயர்த்தப்பட்டுள்ளதால், மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்கள் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்துள்ளனர்.
பத்து சதவீத டி.ஏ. உயர்வு மூலம், மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களுக்கு குறைந்தப்பட்சம் ஸி584 முதல் அதிகப்பட்சம் ஸி8,000 வரை ஊதிய உயர்வு கிடைக்கும்.
எனினும், மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்கள் சம்மேளன செகரட்டி ஜெனரல் கே.கே.என்.குட்டி கூறுகையில், ‘‘சில்லரை பணவீக்கம் 174 சதவீதம் அதிகரித்துள்ளது. ஆனால், 45 சதவீதமாக டி.ஏ.வை மத்திய அரசு உயர்த்தி உள்ளது. இந்த உயர்வு எங்களுக்கு அதிருப்தி அளிக்கிறது’’ என்று தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
10% Hike in Dearness Allowance (அகவிலைபடி உயர்வு) from 1.7.2010
Cabinet today declared the hike of 10% in Dearness Allowance to be paid to Central Govt employees & pensioners with effect from 1.7.2010. As usual payment of arrears will be made along with the salary for the month of September 2010
Circle Secretary
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Stepping up of pay Senior Direct recruitees with Junior Direct recruited officials appointed on or after 1.1.2006
The Department of Posts vide its letter No. 1-9/2010-PCC (Pt) dt. 14.09.2010 has provided stepping up of pay of senior direct recruited official with that of junior direct recruited official.
(i) Direct recruits like Postman, PA who are appointed prior to 1.1.2006 and gets lesser pay than Direct recruits, they are entitled to step up their pay with that of junior.
(ii) This is not applicable to compare promotees with Direct recruitees.
The Department’s order has partially sorted out the issue. The main issue that minimum pay in the cadre applicable for direct recruits be applied for promotes also is still pending in JCM National Council level.
Let us hope for that also.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
General Secretary’s Desk
Dear Comrades,
Let us meet in the next
Comradely yours
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary......Thanks to Com. KVS, our General Sec.....J. R. CIRCLE SEC .
After 12.07.2010 discussions and also Departmental Council Meeting held on 27.08.2010, many positive orders are being issued by the Department. Still we have to cross many miles for mitigating the hardship of Postal employees.
07.09.2010 One Day Strike
At the outset, we congratulate all the Postal & RMS workers including GDS who have participated in the 07.09.2010 historic general strike. This time the reports are encouraging. About six crores workers, employees & teachers had participated in the strike. This is one of the biggest strikes in the post independent India. Once again we salute all those who made the strike a grand success.
Cadre Review Committee
A Committee has already been constituted to discuss about the cadre review proposals. Staff Side is now redrafting the original proposals duly taken note of the grant of MACP and other developments. Any suggestion on this is most welcome.
Committee of Experts on disciplinary & vigilance inquiries
The Committee of Experts headed by Sri. P. C. Hota appointed by DOPT on 12.05.2010 to review the procedure of disciplinary/vigilance inquiries has submitted its report on 14.07.2010. The most part of the reports advocate fighting against corruption at higher levels. The excerpts from the report are being published in the next Bhartiya Post. Now it is available in our website.
Review DPC to reconsider Bench Mark
As assured in the Departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010, the department has released orders to constitute a Scrutiny Committee at divisional level for scrutinizing the confidential reports of Postman, Postal assistants, Sorting Assistants for the preceding 5 years. This committee is a onetime exercise only for those who have not been granted MACP due to application of bench mark. The committee should complete the exercise within one month and place before the DPS /PMG who will be the accepting authority.
The Full text of the order No 4-7/ (MACPs)/2009-PCC dated 1.9.2010 is published in the website. Please download the same.
Revision of Grade pay on acquiring TBOP/BCR promotion after 6th CPC
The Department has issued orders on 6.9.2010 clarifying that the erstwhile Group Ds now MTS in GP of Rs1800/- as on 1.1.2006 may be allowed GP of Rs 1900 & 2000 on TBOP & BCR respectively during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008.This is one of the items discussed in the departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010. The order is published in the website on 08.09.2010.
No recovery for the past cases of stepping up of pay
We demanded that the Directorate instructions on the subject should be given only with prospective effect. We placed our arguments in the departmental council meeting also. The department has caused instructions that the cases settled up to 17.5.2010 cannot be reopened. This order can be downloaded from the website.
Child Care Leave Clarification
The DOPT & Training vide its OM No. 13018/1/2010-Estt (Leave) dt. 07.09.2010 clarified to delete the condition that CCL can be availed only if the employee concerned has not Earned Leave at her credit subject to the following conditions:
(i) CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a Calendar year.
(ii) CCL may not be granted for less than 15 days.
(iii) CCL during probation period is minimal.
This order takes effect from 1.9.2008. Earned leave, if any, availed by women employees before availing CCL may be adjusted against CCL, if so requested by the employee.
This clarification now exhibits the spirit of the original orders.
Discharge Benefit Scheme to GDS
The Department has introduced the ‘Discharge Benefit Scheme to GDS’ vide its OM No 6-11 / 2009 – PE I dated 1.9.2010. The following is the gist of the scheme.
(i) This scheme of is optional to the existing GDS employees but compulsory to all the new recruits from 01.01.2011.
(ii) GDS who are left with only three years or less service are not eligible
(iii) For those who opted to new scheme, the severance amount@ Rs.1500/- per annum for every completed years of service will be added to the accumulated contributions at the time of discharge for annuitization.
(iv) Government shall contribute Rs.200/-P.M. and no recovery from GDS
(v) Not eligible during put off period, provisional appointments and to substitutes.
(vi) On promotion, the accumulations shall be transferred to funds under New Pension Scheme.
(vii) On attaining the age of 58, the GDS can withdraw 20% of the accumulations.
(viii) At the time of discharge 60% will be paid. 40% shall be invested for purchase of Life Annuity from Insurance Company.
(ix) On removal or dismissal, no amount will be paid
(x) Option shall be given before 30.09.2010.
The full text of the orders is published in the website. Something is better than nothing.
Honorarium for drawal of TRCA arrears to GDS
The Department has released orders on 26.08.2010 vide its no. 42-1/2008-PAP based on our demand. The following will be rates: -
(1) Fixation of TRCA
OA Divisional office - Rs. 5/- per GDS
ASP/IPO - Rs. 2/- per GDS
(2) Drawal arrears
Drawal & entry - Rs. 1/- per GDS per month
Checking - Rs. 2/- per GDS
(3) Post Check - Rs. 2/- per case
Modernisation of Postal Services
The cabinet has cleared the proposal of Postal Department for creation of I.T. infrastructure & Net working including core banking to the extent of Rs.1877.20 crores on 26.08.2010. The project shall be completed before September 2012.
News at Glance
* Revised recruitment rules for HSG I is being approved by DOPT. This will go to UPSC for formal approval. Our demand that entire 100% post of HSG I should be offered as promotion to HSG II officials has been considered.
* Revised recruitment rule for MTS (Group D) has been approved and will be released within a fortnight. All the MTS posts will be filled up with GDS without any qualification shortly.
* Even though the direct recruitment of Postal Assistants has earlier been assessed as 12500, it has been crossed to 15000 now according to latest approval.
* The revised recruitment rule for PAs is also in progress. The provision of confirmation examination is being deleted in the revised rules. It may be approved before the end of the year.
* An internal committee has been formed to finalise the revised syllabus for LGO examination. The questions will be in objective type. The process is expected to be finalized before the end of this year.
* The membership verification results will be released shortly. All the affiliated unions are getting recognition with flying colours.
* A proposal for doubling the split duty allowance was already forwarded to MOF. Orders are expected shortly.
* Medical insurance to GDS may be released shortly.
* The Finance Ministry has approved the proposal of stepping of pay of senior PAs only with the direct recruits. The department will release the orders in next week providing stepping up of minimum pay of the direct recruits for those getting lesser pay as on 1.1.2006. The department has again pursued with MOF to extend the same to promotees also.
* Recruitment Rules for Assistant Manager in MMS finalized will be released shortly.
More copies are available. It is our desire that each office bearer should possess ‘Venture’ on hand to deal the staff matters. Many branches have not intended Venture after the receipt of one Venture sent by registered Post. The book is printed only for the benefits of Postal Comrades and office bearers. Please rush your indent at least now.
Hand Book 2011
This is under Preparation. We are incorporating all the updated information and make the book handy and useful. We will release the book for very Cheaper rate on the basis of ‘No gain; No Loss’. Branches may send their indent in advance so that we that we can print the required quantity in one time which will minimize the printing expenditure and the cost of the book.
Nothing more to pen except best regards and greetings
From your General Secretary
Let us meet in the next
Comradely yours
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary......Thanks to Com. KVS, our General Sec.....J. R. CIRCLE SEC .
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thanks to our General Secretary/Circle Secretary/JCA Leaders/CPMG
Thanks to our General Secretary/Circle Secretary/JCA Leaders/CPMG
Dear Comrades,
Our Circle Union has taken sincere efforts to declare 'Vinayagar Chathurthi ' as
closed Holiday. We have taken first step on 3.9.10 itself. Afterwards , we have
co-ordinated with all , and even with some Political parties. But the Chief PMG
is reluctant that she has no powers of her own to modify the holiday. Now our
General Secretary, after discussions with the CPMG , has send the copy of Dte.
orders , that the powers are vested with the CPMG and she may decide the
case by herself without consultation of State level officers committee. We hope
definitely we would get the orders within a couple of hours.
The Circle Union is going on with your sincere support on its way for the
common cause of the members always.
Thanking you Comrade.
Yours fraternally,
J. RAMAMURTHY, Circle Secretary.
NEW DELHI 110008.
Ref: P/2-19/Tamilnadu Circle Dated – 09.09.2010
Smt. Shanthi Nair
Chief PMG
Tamilnadu Circle
Chennai – 600002
Sub: - Declaration of Holdiay for Vinayak Chathurthi – Case of Tamilnadu Circle
We are in receipt of many messages and phone calls informing that after the modification of
holiday to 10.09.2010 on account of Ramzan from 11.09.2010, the Vinayaka Chathurthi,
a most celebrated festival in the South which falls on 11.09.2010 has been left out from the
holiday list. This causes more resentment amidst the staff in the entire circle.
Eventhough the decision of this change of holiday is due to the decision of circle coordination
committee of C. G. Employees, the Chief PMG is competent to decide the holiday which
falls on Saturday according to its importance duly substituting in lieu of another holiday.
A kind attention is invited to Directorate’s letter No. 21-1/2002-PE II dt. 27.08.2002
in which the Chief PMGs are authorised to take views regarding the substitute
holidays in lieu of optional holiday, provided one of those holidays falls on Saturday.
The same was earlier also confirmed vide DOPT OM No. 12/4/2002-JCA dt.
06.08.2002. The copy of the instructions are enclosed for ready reference.
Accordingly, the Chief PMG can decide holiday on 11.09.2010 in lieu of the one additional
holiday declared during Dusshera since the festival on 11.09.2010 is too important
for all Hindus.
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the same and cause orders accordingly.
Soliciting immediate response
With profound regards
DA: as above
Yours sincerely,
sd/- XXX
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
*Revised recruitment rules for HSG I is being approved by DOPT. This will go to UPSC for formal approval. Our demand that entire 100% post of HSG I should be offered as promotion to HSG II officials has been considered.
*Revised recruitment rules for MTS ( Group D) has been approved and will be released within a fortnight. All the MTS posts will be filled up with GDS without any qualification shortly.
*Even though the direct recruitment of Postal Assistants has earlier been assessed as 12500, it has been crossed to 15000 now according to latest approval.
*The revised recruitment rules for PAs is also in progress. The provision of confirmation examination is being deleted in the revised rules. It may be approved before the end of the year.
*An internal committee has been formed to finalise the revised syllabus for LGO examination. The questions will be in objective type. The process is expected to be finalized before the end of this year.
*The membership verification results will be released shortly. All the affiliated unions are getting recognition with flying colours.
*A proposal for doubling the split duty allowance was already forwarded to MOF. Orders are expected shortly.
*Medical insurance to GDS may be released shortly.
*The Finance Ministry has approved the proposal of stepping of pay of senior PAs only with the direct recruits. The department will release the orders in next week providing stepping up of minimum pay of the direct recruits for those getting lesser pay as on 1.1.2006. The department has again pursued with MOF to extend the same to promotees also.
No recovery for the past cases of stepping up of pay
We demanded that the directorate instructions on the subject should be given only with prospective effect. We placed our arguments in the departmental council meeting also. The department has caused instructions that the cases settled upto 17.5.2010 cannot be reopened.The full text of the orders furnished hereunder.
Revision of Grade pay on acquiring TBOP/BCR promotion after 6th CPC
The Department issued orders on 6.9.2010 clarifying that the erstwhile Group Ds now MTS in GP as on 1.1.2006 may be allowed GP of Rs 1900 & 2000 on TBOP & BCR respectively during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008.This is one of the items discussed in the departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010.
The full text of the orders are furnished below
The full text of the orders are furnished below
Scrutiny Committee for reconsideration of Bench mark
As assured in the Departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010, the department has released orders to constitute a Scrutiny Committee at divisional level for scrutinizing the confidential reports of Postman, Postal assistants, Sorting Assistants for the preceding 5 years. This committee is a onetime exercise only for those who have not been granted MACP due to application of bench mark. The committee should complete the exercise within one month and place before the DPS /PMG who will be the accepting authority. The Full text of the order No 4-7/ (MACPs)/2009-PCC dated 1.9.2010 is scanned and produced hereunder.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
பொது வேலை நிறுத்தத்தில் கலந்து கொண்டு பொது வேலைநிறுத்தம் வெற்றியடைய செய்த அனைத்து உழியர்களுக்கும் நெஞ்சார்ந்த நன்றிகள்! & Finance Ministry orders in connection with proposed General Strike going to be held on 07/09/2010
Congratulate all the Postal and RMS employees including GDS who participated in the 7th September 2010 historic General Strike. We salute all those who made the strike a grand success.
J .Ramamurthi
Circle Secretary.
Dear Comrades,
Finance Ministry issued one order in connection with Proposed general Strike going to be held on 07/09/2010. The same is placed here with for the information of the members.
Child Care Leave for Central Government employees - Clarification
No. 13018 /1/2010-Estt. (Leave)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, the 7th September, 2010
Office Memorandum
Sub: Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees as a result of Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations - Clarification regarding
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been receiving representations from Government Servants through various quarters like the Public Grievances Cell/Associations etc requesting to review the decision to allow Child Care Leave (CCL) only if the employee has no E.L. at her credit.
2. This Department's O.M. No.13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) dated 11/09/2008 regarding introduction of Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees and subsequent clarifications vide O.Ms. dated 29/9/2008, 18/11/2008 and 2/12/2008 were reviewed.
It has now been decided in consultation with Department of Expenditure, to delete the condition that CCL can be availed only if the employee concerned has no Earned Leave at her credit, subject to the following conditions:-
(i) CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a calendar year.
(ii) CCL may not be granted for less than 15 days.
(iii) CCL should not ordinarily be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is fully satisfied about the need of Child Care Leave to the probationer. It may also be ensured that the period for which this leave is sanctioned during probation is minimal.
3. It is reiterated that the leave is to be treated like Earned Leave and sanctioned as such.
4. These orders take effect from 1.9.2008. Earned Leave, if any, availed by women employees before availing CCL subsequent to the issue of the OM 13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) dated 18/11/2008 may be adjusted against CCL, if so requested by the employee.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Simmi R.Nakra)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
ஜி டி எஸ் ஊழியருக்கான புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டம் ...நமது 13 .7 .10 STRIKE வெற்றி. ௦ ௦
1 பழைய ஊழியர் ஏற்கனவே உள்ள சிவேரன்ஸ் திட்டம் அல்லது புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டம் - இரண்டில் ஒன்றில் சேரலாம்.
2 . 1 .1 .2011 முதல் பணியில் சேரும் ஊழியருக்கு இது கட்டாயமாக
அமல் படுத்தப்படும் .
3. ஊழியர் தரப்பில் எந்த பிடித்தமும் கிடையாது . இலாக்கா தரப்பில் இருந்து ரூ .200 மாதா மாதம் போடப்படும்.
4 . ஒரு வருட சேவை முடிந்திருந்தாலே இதில் சேரலாம்.
5 . 1 .1 .2011 அன்று 3 வருடத்திற்குள் ஓய்வு பெறும் பணிக்காலம் உள்ளவர்கள் இதில் சேர முடியாது.
6 . ஏற்கனவே பணியில்உள்ளவர்கள் இதில் சேர்ந்தால் அவர்களுக்கு சேரும் தேதி வரை உரிய சிவேரன்ஸ் தொகை , வருடத்திற்கு ரூ. 1500
வீதம் இந்த பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் சேர்க்கப்படும்.
7 . பணியில் உள்ள ஊழியர் பதவி உயர்வு பெற்று இலாக்கா ஊழியர் ஆனால் , அவர்களது சிவியரன்ஸ் அமௌன்ட் இல் சேர்ந்துள்ள தொகை ,
இலாக்கா ஊழியருக்கான பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் ஊழியர் கணக்கில் சேர்க்கப்படும் .
8 . பணி ஓய்வு பெறும் பொது ஊழியர் கணக்கில் உள்ள தொகையில் 60 % ஊழியர் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாம் . மீதமுள்ள 40௦% இன்சூரன்ஸ் பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் முதலீடு செய்ய வேண்டும்.
9 . புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் சேருவதர்க்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள்
15 .9 .10 தேதிக்குள் அளிக்க வேண்டும்.
10 . அப்படி அளிக்க வில்லை என்றால் அந்த ஊழியர் பழைய சிவேரன்ஸ் திட்டத்தில் உள்ளதாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படும்.
11 . ஒரு முறை அளிக்கப்பட ஏற்பு மனு மறு முறை மாற்றப்படமாட்டது.
12 . ஊழியர் பணி நீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டாலோ டிஸ்மிஸ் செய்யப்பட்டாலோ அவர்களுக்கு பென்ஷன் தொகை எதுவும் கிடைக்காது.
வாழ்த்துக்களுடன் .....ஜெ . ராமமூர்த்தி மாநில செயலர்
1 பழைய ஊழியர் ஏற்கனவே உள்ள சிவேரன்ஸ் திட்டம் அல்லது புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டம் - இரண்டில் ஒன்றில் சேரலாம்.
2 . 1 .1 .2011 முதல் பணியில் சேரும் ஊழியருக்கு இது கட்டாயமாக
அமல் படுத்தப்படும் .
3. ஊழியர் தரப்பில் எந்த பிடித்தமும் கிடையாது . இலாக்கா தரப்பில் இருந்து ரூ .200 மாதா மாதம் போடப்படும்.
4 . ஒரு வருட சேவை முடிந்திருந்தாலே இதில் சேரலாம்.
5 . 1 .1 .2011 அன்று 3 வருடத்திற்குள் ஓய்வு பெறும் பணிக்காலம் உள்ளவர்கள் இதில் சேர முடியாது.
6 . ஏற்கனவே பணியில்உள்ளவர்கள் இதில் சேர்ந்தால் அவர்களுக்கு சேரும் தேதி வரை உரிய சிவேரன்ஸ் தொகை , வருடத்திற்கு ரூ. 1500
வீதம் இந்த பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் சேர்க்கப்படும்.
7 . பணியில் உள்ள ஊழியர் பதவி உயர்வு பெற்று இலாக்கா ஊழியர் ஆனால் , அவர்களது சிவியரன்ஸ் அமௌன்ட் இல் சேர்ந்துள்ள தொகை ,
இலாக்கா ஊழியருக்கான பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் ஊழியர் கணக்கில் சேர்க்கப்படும் .
8 . பணி ஓய்வு பெறும் பொது ஊழியர் கணக்கில் உள்ள தொகையில் 60 % ஊழியர் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாம் . மீதமுள்ள 40௦% இன்சூரன்ஸ் பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் முதலீடு செய்ய வேண்டும்.
9 . புதிய பென்ஷன் திட்டத்தில் சேருவதர்க்கான விண்ணப்பங்கள்
15 .9 .10 தேதிக்குள் அளிக்க வேண்டும்.
10 . அப்படி அளிக்க வில்லை என்றால் அந்த ஊழியர் பழைய சிவேரன்ஸ் திட்டத்தில் உள்ளதாக எடுத்துக்கொள்ளப்படும்.
11 . ஒரு முறை அளிக்கப்பட ஏற்பு மனு மறு முறை மாற்றப்படமாட்டது.
12 . ஊழியர் பணி நீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டாலோ டிஸ்மிஸ் செய்யப்பட்டாலோ அவர்களுக்கு பென்ஷன் தொகை எதுவும் கிடைக்காது.
வாழ்த்துக்களுடன் .....ஜெ . ராமமூர்த்தி மாநில செயலர்
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