Sunday, October 13, 2019

Payment of Revised TRCA to the substitutes of GDS.

 Payment of Revised TRCA to the substitutes of GDS who worked in leave vacancies from 01.07.2018 and onwards.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Circle Union letter to CHQ on station tenure


Tamilnadu Circle, @ Chennai – 600002

M.SELVAKRISHNAN         A. VEERAMANI                              A.KESAVAN
  President                                 Circle Secretary                        Cir.Fin.Secretary    

No. P3/ CHQ /RT Station tenure                                                              dt.     14.05.2019

Com R.N.Parashar,
General Secretary,
AIPEU Group C,
New Delhi 110008

Dear Comrade,

Sub: Deletion of station tenure condition for Group C officials

It is seen that the Directorate has caused orders recently that the station tenure will not be applicable to the RMS officials; whereas there is no mention about the extension of the same benefits to the Group C officials working in the operative offices. This is causing a concern.

The PMG Western region in Tamilnadu Circle is now causing transfer orders to the officials out of Coimbatore division since they have completed six years in Coimbatore division and in the city. He has construed the entire Coimbatore as one station even though there are many places having the pin code of Coimbatore beginning from 1. This is wrong and the same has been taken up with the Chief PMG Tamilnadu Circle.

There are many problems and dislocations if the station tenure is applied to the officials working in cities and they may have to face the financial loss besides their ward’s education.

It is therefore requested to kindly take up the case with the Directorate and see that the station tenure condition is withdrawn from the rotational transfer.

Immediate action is highly solicited.

With kind regards,

Yours fraternally,

Circle Secretary

Circle Union letters to GS CHQ on proposed recruitment rules for LSG, HSG II & HSG I


Tamilnadu Circle, @ Chennai – 600002

M.SELVAKRISHNAN               A. VEERAMANI                        A.KESAVAN
  President                                     Circle Secretary                     Cir.Fin.Secretary    

No. P3/ CHQ /LSG RR                                                                                   dt.     14.05.2019

Com R.N.Parashar,
General Secretary,
AIPEU Group C,
New Delhi 110008

Dear Comrade,

Sub: Regarding amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Lower Selection Grade
Ref: Yr F.No X-5/1/2019-SPN II dated 10/5/2019
Your kind attention is invited to the Directorate letter cited above in the reference with regard to proposed recruitment rules of LSG and the introduction of 50% LDCE for LSG is arbitrary and unjust.
1.      We are recording our strong protest about the introduction of 50% through LDCE for the post of LSG since this is nothing but the reintroduction of FTP in other form. Further after the implementation of cadre review, almost the PA posts in the single handed and double handed post offices have been upgraded into LSG and if they may be subjected for the LDCE exam, it will freeze the fair chances of seniority cum fitness to the chunk of employees at a later level.
2.      We suggested earlier also that in order to provide chances to the younger generation for their career development, 20% posts in LSG may be reserved for the LDCE for LSG.
3.      The condition of 4 years for the LSG promotion may be relaxed to the extent of three years for the promotion under the seniority cum fitness.
It is requested to take up the case immediately with the Directorate without any loss of time
With kind regards,

Yours fraternally,
Circle Secretary


Tamilnadu Circle, @ Chennai – 600002

M.SELVAKRISHNAN            A. VEERAMANI                              A.KESAVAN
  President                                    Circle Secretary                     Cir.Fin.Secretary    

No. P3/ CHQ /HSG RR                                                                              dt.     14.05.2019

Com R.N.Parashar,
General Secretary,
AIPEU Group C,
New Delhi 110008

Dear Comrade,

Sub: Regarding amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Higher Selection Grade II & I
Ref: Yr F.No X-3/1/2019-SPN II dated 13/5/2019

With reference to the above Directorate letter, the circle union desires to record our strong resentment against the introduction of LDCE in HSG I and HSG II posts. 100% of these posts should be allowed to continue as if now under the seniority cum fitness.
It is told by the then General Secretary Com K.V.Sridharan that the Secretary Posts have given the assurance in the Departmental Council meeting at the time of formulation of revised RR for HSG II & HSG I that it will take a proposal to DOPT to reduce the eligibility service condition of 6 years and eight years to three years as per status quo ante provision. If the amendment is made, there will be no vacant posts in HSG II & HSG I and almost all the officials will get their due HSG II & I promotions.
We have requested several times to provide one time relaxation to the eligibility condition for filling up the vacant HSG II & I posts since bulk number of officials were promoted to LSG due to cadre restructuring and they will become eligible for HSG II promotion after six years and thereafter for the next promotion after eight years. If the examination is introduced now, it will mar the fair chances to the LSG officials.
Therefore, it is requested to take up the case immediately and see the dropping of the proposal of introduction of LDCE in HSG II & HSG I in the proposed recruitment rules and allow the status quo in this regard.
With kind regards,
Yours fraternally,
Circle Secretary