Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Circle Union letter to CHQ on station tenure


Tamilnadu Circle, @ Chennai – 600002

M.SELVAKRISHNAN         A. VEERAMANI                              A.KESAVAN
  President                                 Circle Secretary                        Cir.Fin.Secretary    

No. P3/ CHQ /RT Station tenure                                                              dt.     14.05.2019

Com R.N.Parashar,
General Secretary,
AIPEU Group C,
New Delhi 110008

Dear Comrade,

Sub: Deletion of station tenure condition for Group C officials

It is seen that the Directorate has caused orders recently that the station tenure will not be applicable to the RMS officials; whereas there is no mention about the extension of the same benefits to the Group C officials working in the operative offices. This is causing a concern.

The PMG Western region in Tamilnadu Circle is now causing transfer orders to the officials out of Coimbatore division since they have completed six years in Coimbatore division and in the city. He has construed the entire Coimbatore as one station even though there are many places having the pin code of Coimbatore beginning from 1. This is wrong and the same has been taken up with the Chief PMG Tamilnadu Circle.

There are many problems and dislocations if the station tenure is applied to the officials working in cities and they may have to face the financial loss besides their ward’s education.

It is therefore requested to kindly take up the case with the Directorate and see that the station tenure condition is withdrawn from the rotational transfer.

Immediate action is highly solicited.

With kind regards,

Yours fraternally,

Circle Secretary