Friday, September 30, 2011

No.P3/Pay/CPMG                                                        Dt. 29.09.2011

The Chief Postmaster General
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.

Sub: - Disbursement of Pay and Allowances in Post office under T.Nagar HO-for the month of Sep-2011-reg

Madam is aware that the Pay and allowances for the month of September 2011, has been disbursed in all Sub offices under HO Chenani city on 29-09-2011 except in Post offices under T.Nagar HO. In as much as disbursement of the Pay and allowances is the right of the officials, the due date of payment of salaries is also a rider to the right.

          When all the officials in Chenani city got their pay and allowances disbursed on 29-09-2011, the officials under the Accounts jurisdiction of T.Nagar HO could not get their salary on 29-09-2011 due to the adamant attitude of the Sr.Postmaster, T. Nagar HO.
As per the provisions of Rule 216(2) of FHB-Vol-I, read with Explanation there ”when  the last working day of  the month except the month of March happens to be a holiday for the Bank with which the Post office is placed in Funds; salaries of all postal employees whose salaries are drawn in the establishment  bills of units which drawn cash for payment of salaries to its employees by presenting the bills at the Post office, shall be paid on the previous day”.

The “working day“as explained in the said Rule is the day on which the disbursement office and the bank are both open for transactions of ordinary business. In the present case though Post office was functioning on 30-09-2011, the SBI from which the Drawal is made by HO observed a holiday for transactions due to half yearly closing of account. Therefore, the disbursement of salaries should have been done on the previous day of the “working day” for both Post offices and the drawl bank (i-e) on 29—09-2011.

In all HOs in Chenani City this has been implemented correctly, except by    T. Nagar HO. The Sr.Postmaster said to have discretionary power in payment of salaries, has refused to allow the Sub offices to disburse the pay and allowances for the month of Sep’ 2011 on 29-09-2011. Madam will agree that the Sr.PM is not having any discretionary powers in this regard and he is require to follow the provisions of FHB –Volume I.

 The officials working under the Accounts jurisdiction of T.Nagar HO are very much frustrated on knowing that the salary for the month of September-2011 has been paid to officials under all other HO on 29-09-2011.They knock the door of union and we faced lots of pressure to satisfy out members in this regard. Department cannot have two different yardstick for on issue on the same footing. We strongly condemn the indifferent attitude of the Sr.Postmaster/T.Nagar HO and request the Chief PMG to take appropriate action to uphold the sentiments of the officials and issue categorical instructions in this regard to the concerned to avoid happening of such instances in future.

Thanking you Madam,

With regards,

Off. Circle Secretary

Copy To: -    1. Com.K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU Gr. “C” (CHQ), New Delhi -110001

2. Com J.Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr. “C”, Tamilnadu Circle, Camp @ Jabalpur CWC, Jabalpur.

3. Com.N.V.Mohanraj, ACS, AIPEU Gr. “C”, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-16

4. Com.N.Gopalakrishnan, Working President, AIPEU Gr. “C” (CHQ),   T.Nagar, Chennai 600017

Central Working Committee of All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ (CHQ) is proposed to be held at Jabalpur on 01.10.2011 and 02.10.2011.  Com. J.Ramamurthy Circle Secretary, Com. J.Srivenkatesh Circle President, Com. A.Veeramani Circle Financial Secretary and Com. N.V.Mohanraj Asst. Circle Secretary are attending CWC.  

Hence, in their absence Com. V.Venkataraman Circle Vice President (Mobile No. 9445783029) available at HQ will look after the Circle Union affairs from 29.09.2011 to 04.10.2011.  

Kindly extend co-operation to him.

-        J.Ramamurthy
  Circle Secretary

Thursday, September 29, 2011

                                              ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI 600 002.

   J.SRIVENKATESH                            J. RAMAMURTHY                                A.VEERAMANI
No.P3/Interview/CPMG                                                                                                                                   Dt. 29.09.2011.
Smt. Shanthi  Nair , IPS,
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.

                                                              Sub:    Interview with the  CPMG, TN Circle- Reg.
                                                              Ref:     1.Our Circle Union letter  dt. 15.09.2011 & 19.09.2011.
                                                                          2. Circle Office letter dt. 16.09.2011.

Since  there is no opportunity given to us to meet  our  Chief PMG on one reason or the other and to discuss / redress  the grievances of  the staff  matters   which are  in general   nature, we  perforce  to bring the following  to   her kind  notice.  The  kind intervention of the  CPMG  is much requested, so as to cancel/ stop such  orders   in the interest of  the  common staff.  If not  possible  to cancel such orders immediately,  at least   they may be kept in abeyance,  till  a suitable  date  is fixed for  any  discussions with us.

1. Issue related to the latest developments on Foreign posts and   the unhelpful attitude of the    Foreign post   administration to carry out the public service smoothly.

On the   intervention  of  our Circle Union , as assured   with the CPMG on date,  the  agitation was stopped immediately.  The entire staff   engaged themselves  with full involvement and cleared all the pending   works  even  staying at late night  hours.  But  to the dismay  ,  the  Director  is acting vehemently  and  issuing  FR 17 A notices,  besides  initiating  Charge memo. under   Rule 16  to his Staff.   Such actions of the  local administration are  creating mental agony  among the staff and again  spoiling  the  working  atmosphere. The kind intervention of the CPMG is much requested so as to stop such hate actions against the  staff  and  to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, in the interest of staff  and  the service.

   2.Request for restoration of  the abrupt and arbitrary abolition of GDSV posts at Central Region, resulting   in
     hampering of  MPCM counter services at  the HOs.
The PMG , CR has abruptly ordered abolition of GDSSV posts at all HOs under Central Region and directing the SPOs.,/SSPOs.,  for  redeployment of  them  vide ESB/125-11/2011/TR dated 25.08.2011. This  created  chaos among the working staff at HOs , since already they are over-burdened in MPCM counters  with multifarious activities such as collection of Telephone bills, cell phone bills,  EB bills, booking speed post, Registered post, bulk mailers, BNPL customers, parcels, Insurance, VP , EPP Booking and other  agency works  etc. etc.  and  the public  standing  in queues  already curses  the staff.  Now  they are further burdened   with  manual stamp sales,  due to the abolition of GDSSV posts. In Most  of the  HOs   there is  an average of sale  of  Rs.5000.00 to Rs.10000.00 per day/per official , leading   to 8 to 10 hours  justification  for GDSSV posts,  which  could not  be    manageable  to the  working MPCM  counter staff.  Definitely, in turn  it would affect  the public  services also.  The common public  would scold the man at the counter, who is  the  face of the  Department.  Even the proposal of abolition of GDSSV cadre  is put into back burner at  Directorate level also. Hence we request the CPMG, TN to cancel such orders , in order to protect the  interest of the   public service and  the common staff.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        …….2
  3.Arbitrary fixing of tenures for S.A.s at Central Region .

The PMG, CR vide his letter No.. Misc/Dlgs/Divisional Heads/Meets/11 dt. 29.08.2011 instructed that all the system manager/DSM/System Administrators also to be rotated once in four years without fail.No such instructions have been issued by the Directorate or by circle office to adhere tenure to the System Administrators. The only grace, they are having in the midst of heavy work and performing without minding time and energy is the immunity from transfer. This move will demotivate them.

Further such policy cannot be taken in isolation in one region in our circle. At the time of implementation of full-fledged modernization which is offing and to be exercised in 2012, this mass scale rotation will hamper the implementation and service also. We request our CPMG to cause appropriate instructions to withdraw the provision of R. T. to such categories till the cadre is created and the modernization is fully taken place in the department.

4.Arbitrary and abrupt  withdrawal of outsourcing in Central Region .
The PMG CR has ordered to stop outsource vide R.O. Letter No. ESB/130-447/OS/2011/TR dated 25.08.2011.
In this connection it is to point out  that  still there is  acute shortage  of staff in clerical side  despite the mass
recruitment  made during  the year 2010 on the following  reasons:-

1. There are  about  10 to 15 PA posts  vacant in each Division  as current year vacancy .
2. There  are  about to 2 to 3   P.A.s on APS  deputations .
3. There are about 2 to 6  deputations    on RPLI/PLI  at  Circle  /  Regional Offices.
4. There are about  4  to 6  P.As. drawn from  general establishment   to work as M.E./ DSM/SA in each Dn.
5. There are about 2 to 4 P.A.s  drawn   for  RPLI/ PLI works  at  Divl. Office due to  decentralization.
6. There are about 4 to 8  long  Maternity / CCL  leave  ,  due  to  the increase of  women employees.
7. There are about 2 P.A.s  exclusively drawn for  IMT  works at  each  Division , since we are the toppers.

Besides  this ,  no establishment  is available   for RPLI  works  at  HOs for  making Data entry of SO transactions for  which there  is no  norms  or incentive. There is no establishment norms  for the new  item of agency works  such as  EB Bills, BD activities etc.   Beyond all the above,  there  are  mismatch  in  almost all the Divisions between sanctioned and working  strength.This is because of  wrong assessment of  vacancies   in the past,  taking   more than one year unfilled posts as vacant  posts  and  treating   such  posts as  deemed to  be abolished one , by the Divl. heads.  Actually the  work was attended by  somebody  and  hence   these posts   should not be  treated as abolished.  Hence such a shortage scenario   is , almost in all the  Divisions  in P.A. cadre.  You may aware  that the Dte. is  recently  asked   such  things  to be  reviewed  and  reported  by 15.10.2011.

Hence  in such   circumstances,    the abrupt withdrawal of outsource  is badly affecting   the  Divisions and even
several SPOs., complained of the situation as unmanageable.  We  request  the  CPMG, TN therefore,  to kindly
intervene  in this matter and to  restore  the original  position.  If anything  against  to decide on outsource on policy,   at least   Retired pensioners  may  kindly be  allowed   to meet  the shortage , which  is  already permitted by  the   Directorate.

5. Extension of speed counters at late night in various city Divisions, leading to 10.00 to 10.00 duty for Counter PAs, Gr.Ds, APMs, Treasury & Mail  Departments etc. against  norms.

This  is  against   the  International  Labour  Norms   and no official  could be  drawn to  duty  beyond  the prescribed  period of  8 hours  regularly, even on OTA basis. It is totally  unhuman.   While  discussing  this matter  with  the  PMG, CCR  he  assured  that  no official would be drawn to duty beyond  the prescribed 8 hours and the  staff interest  would be protected.   But  still  this    is  continuing and  besides  the  Counter staff,
the back office  staff  such as  SPMs, Treasurer , Mail PA  and  Gr. D  has to wait  till 10.00 PM and there is no second set of staff  in such offices . Hence   we  request   our  CPMG   to kindly   take action so as to withdraw the orders immediately.



6.Arbitrary extension of business hours  of the MPCM and  SB counters upto  7 hrs at Central Region against the orders  of  the  Department.  &
7. Arbitrary extension of  Business hours  in CCR Region also against  the  orders of the Department.

The PMG , CR   has  abruptly ordered  extending  business hours  of the  Counters up to 7 hours  vide  minutes of Divsional head meeting dated  05.08.2011 and  this was now  implemented. In CCR Region also  the  business hours  has been extended  in such a way.

The norms of business hours   is  fixed by the  Department  as 5.00  hours ,  in order  to  have a lunch break of  1/2  hour   and   the  rest   of the  period  was allotted  to attend  the back office work  ,  such as  tallying  the cash/Cheques  and remitting   with  the  Treasury,  segregating   the    booked  RLs,  parcels, M.O.s , EMOs,  TRC bills, Cell Bills, EB Bills and  getting print outs , re-booking  of   special journal, BNPL  registered /Speed articles  entering with full address and office of delivery in the R- Net ,  Speed net,  dealing  with business mails etc. Etc., taking   print outs  of   all  the  connected  reports,   Data  transmission  into net  etc. etc.  Even the  available  time of 2 ½  hours  is  not sufficient  for such activities.  Also it is against  the  orders  of  the   Department  and against   the orders  issued  by  the  CPMG, TN Circle  in lr. No.TCA/52-39/97 dt. 13.06.2006.  Hence  we request
to  take  necessary action so as to withdraw  such  unscientific  orders  immediately   and  to save  the staff from  further  harassment.

8. Request  to stop  abrupt  closure  of  P.O. s  and  to honour  the  credence of  Secretary Posts , who entered with  the  JCA  in  05.07.2011 proposed  strike  by  giving    signed  agreement.

You may well aware that   the Secretary Posts has  entered into a written agreement with  the  JCA  leaders  of all the Union  Vide No. 08/09/2011-SR dt.06.07.2011  and recorded that  there would be no closure of Pos & whenever needed  it  would  be  relocated.    But it is  the order of the  day in Tamilnadu Circle to close  the Pos
saying one  reason or the other.  For  eg. there is   recent   proposals/ orders  of  closure  of Pos   in Chennai City North,  Chennai City South,  Tiruvannamalai,  Erode  etc. Divisions and   almost in all such places  there are large scale public agitations  and   media  coverage   spoiling  the  image  of our  Department.  Though   our  Department  is  recorded in writing  that  there would be no  closure  of  PO,  it  is  not known,   who decides  such  closures  spoiling  public  service  and    spoiling  the image of  the Secretary Posts.  The staff  side  is  always prepared  to improve   the  services  and improve the transactions  in any PO  lacking  the required income  or  work hour.  But   no officer   is interested to have discussions with  the  ground level representatives of  the unions   for  any such  improvement.  Instead  they are  much  interested  to close   the Pos.  Hence  we request   the CPMG TN   to kindly  take  this  issue   seriously  and   to stop  such things  affecting  the image of our  Department. We assure that ,  If anything  needed   for  improvement of services in any PO,  we are prepared  to  direct  the  Secretaries  of  our Union  to  get them involved in such directions.  The ground level officers  may also kindly be  instructed  to  discuss  such things  with their  staff side, in the interest  and improvement of  our organisation. 

9. Conduct of  Training  classes/ meetings  on Sundays  against  the  orders of  Directorate .

It is brought to our notice that  vide PMG, CR  lr.  No.Misc/Dlgs./Divl. Heads/Meet /11  dt. 29.08.2011, several SPOs.,  ordered   to conduct  training classes to  BPMs  and  other  GDS  on Sundays. Likewise  SPOs., Pattukkottai  in his  lr. No. BI/IR dt.26.09.2011 ordered   for such  training on Sundays.  It is against  the   orders  of  Dte. In no. 16/56/2011-SR  dt. 08.07.2011 and  denying  the  legitimate  rights  to  the  employees  to  avail  the  only  week  holiday , Sunday. The staff   are harassed  much   that  even they could not spare  time  with their  husband/wife/children   and to attend  their  personal  needs.  The  very  purpose of  declaring  week holiday is much  defeated  and  such  type  of activities  leads to slavery.   We hope  that  you may feel  the ground reality .  We  request  your kind  intervention  to  stop  such  anti labour  activities of  the  ground level officers at  the immediate.


10. Request to Drop the proposal for Co-location of  Delivery Branch of  Vellore Fort S.O with Vellore H.O .
It has been ordered by the SSPO’s Vellore to co-locate the Delivery Branch of Vellore Fort S.O with Vellore H.O.
In this regard it is to  state that Vellore Fort S.O.  is functioning in a building owned by the Department located in the heart of the city. The delivery establishment of Vellore Fort comprises of 6 P.A.s , 14 Postmen,1 sorting Postman, 1 Head Postman, 3 Group-D , 1 GDS PKR, and 1 GDSMC  and  you may  imagine  that    this office   is  just  equal  to a  MDO  or HO.  It  is marked as one of the Project Arrow Offices in Phase-III and the delivery is being effected more efficiently in a time bound manner. Now  the delivery  establishment of Vellore Fort is co-located with Vellore H.O, and  the  H.O become cramped and there is no sufficient space for accommodating  the delivery establishment . Resultantly  the  delivery  is  badly  suffered inviting  public complaints and with larger  media criticism.
It has been informed by the SSPO’s Vellore  to the Divl. Union that the co-location is ordered because of a subject taken by one of the service unions to demolish and reconstruct the Vellore Fort building as the existing building is in damaged condition. This is not true.  The subject taken by the service union is to demolish and reconstruct the back yard portion and to clear the blockage in the toilet only. The major portion of the building is in good condition and a minor portion has only to be demolished and reconstructed. Also it has been informed by the SSPO’s  to the Divl. Union that,  request for allotment of funds on priority basis for renovation of Vellore Fort building was placed by the civil wing in the year 2009 itself and the same is yet to be approved by R.O. Hence on any ground  there is no justification  for  such  a co-location, affecting  public  services.  The  staff of Vellore  feel  that   this is  not  the  real reason  and   there is  some hidden  agenda on this move,  This may kindly be  taken into note of.  Hence  we  demand   the immediate  restoration of   Vellore  Fort  PO services  as in the   past   and to  save  the public  services.

Expecting  your  kind  action   and  favourable decision.

Thanking you Madam,

With regards,


Bi-monthly meeting

           The bi-monthly meeting of Western Region is to be held on 10.10.2011 Com. J.Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary and Com. N. Subramanian, Regional Secretary (WR) are attending the meeting.

           The bi-monthly meeting of Central Region is to be held on 17.10.2011 Com. J.Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary and Com. A. Manoharan, Regional Secretary (CR) are attending the meeting.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Removal of Maximum limit Balance in SB Accounts- Important Amendments

SB ORDER NO. 20/2011

No. F.No.113-23/2005-SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 27.09.2011

All Heads of Circles/Regions Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject:- Removal of ceiling of maximum balance to be retained in a post office savings account- amendment to Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 regarding.

Sir / Madam,

The undersigned is directed to say that issue of removal of ceiling of Rs.1 lac in single savings account and Rs.2 Lac in Joint Savings Account fixed in the year 2000 was under consideration in the Min. of Finance (DEA). This issue was linked to the benefit of exemption in Income Tax on the interest earned in Post Office Savings Account under Section10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 by the CBDT and Min. of Finance (DEA). After sustained efforts on the part of this Directorate, Min. of Finance (DEA) has now amended Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 vide G.S.R.681(E) F.No.2/5/2006-NS-II dated 15.9.2011 (copy enclosed). Some major benefits of this amendment are given below:

(i) From 1.10.2011, there will be no limit for retaining balance in single as well as joint savings account.

(ii) A depositor or depositor(s) can deposit any amount into single as well as joint savings account.

(iii) Maturity value of any savings instrument can be credited into savings account of the depositor standing in the same post office irrespective of the balance in the account.

(i) Any cheque either issued by Postmaster or any other authority irrespective of any amount can be credited into post office savings account irrespective of the balance in the account.

(ii) From the Financial year 2011-12, Interest income of Rs.3500/- in the case of single account and Rs.7000/- in case of Joint account will be exempted from Income Tax. (Section 10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 amended vide Notification No. 32/2010 {F.No. 173/13/2011-IT A.I}/S.O.1296(E) dated 03.06.2011)

(iii) It is the duty of the depositor(s) to show the interest income earned from Post Office Savings Account(s) beyond the limit prescribed above in the Income Tax return and pay due Income Tax.

It is requested that all field units may be directed to give wide publicity to these changes in the shape of Public Notice and printing of leaflets.

This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).

Yours faithfully,

(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)
SB ORDER NO. 20/2011

No. F.No.113-23/2005-SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001,
Dated: 27.09.2011

To All Heads of Circles/Regions Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject:- Removal of ceiling of maximum balance to be retained in a post office savings account- amendment to Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 regarding.

Sir / Madam,
The undersigned is directed to say that issue of removal of ceiling of Rs.1 lac in single savings account and Rs.2 Lac in Joint Savings Account fixed in the year 2000 was under consideration in the Min. of Finance (DEA). This issue was linked to the benefit of exemption in Income Tax on the interest earned in Post Office Savings Account under Section10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 by the CBDT and Min. of Finance (DEA). After sustained efforts on the part of this Directorate, Min. of Finance (DEA) has now amended Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 vide G.S.R.681(E) F.No.2/5/2006-NS-II dated 15.9.2011 (copy enclosed). Some major benefits of this amendment are given below:
From 1.10.2011, there will be no limit for retaining balance in single as well as joint savings account.
A depositor or depositor(s) can deposit any amount into single as well as joint savings account.
(iii) Maturity value of any savings instrument can be credited into savings account of the depositor standing in the same post office irrespective of the balance in the account.
Any cheque either issued by Postmaster or any other authority irrespective of any amount can be credited into post office savings account irrespective of the balance in the account.
From the Financial year 2011-12, Interest income of Rs.3500/- in the case of single account and Rs.7000/- in case of Joint account will be exempted from Income Tax. (Section 10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 amended vide Notification No. 32/2010 {F.No. 173/13/2011-IT A.I}/S.O.1296(E) dated 03.06.2011)
(iii) It is the duty of the depositor(s) to show the interest income earned from Post Office Savings Account(s) beyond the limit prescribed above in the Income Tax return and pay due Income Tax.
  1. It is requested that all field units may be directed to give wide publicity to these changes in the shape of Public Notice and printing of leaflets.
  2. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).

 Yours faithfully,

(Kawal Jit Singh) Assistant Director (SB)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


இந்த வலைத் தளத்தை மதிப்புக்குரிய CHIEF PMG  அவர்கள்  பார்ப்பாரா ?

சமீபகாலமாக  இலாக்கா உத்திரவுகளையோ அல்லது உயர் அதிகாரிகளின்
உத்திரவு களையோ,  DG  அவர்களின் உத்திரவுகளையோ சற்றும் மதிக்காத
போக்கு கீழ் மட்ட அதிகாரிகளிடம்  பெருகிவருகிறது . இந்தப்  போக்கு மிகவும்
ஆபத்தானது  என்பதை CHIEF  PMG அவர்களுக்கு சுட்டிக்காட்ட விரும்புகிறோம்

ஆட்டை கடித்து ,  மாட்டை  கடித்து ,  கடைசியில் மனிதனையே கடிக்கும்
போக்காக  இது மாறிவிடும்  அல்லவா ?

1. DG  அலுவலக  எண் 08/09/2011-SR  DT. 6.7.2011 ன்படி  எந்த அஞ்சலகமும் 
    மூடப்  படாது , தேவையானால்  இடம் மாற்றி அமைக்கப் படும் என்று 
    இலாக்கா  முதல்வர்  கையெழுத்துப் போட்டு சுற்றுக்கு அனுப்பியுள்ளாரே 
    நீங்கள் பார்க்கவில்லையா ?  DG  உத்திரவை மீறி அஞ்சலகத்தை அறிவிப்பு
    கூட இல்லாமல்  மூடுகிறீர்களே ?  இது DG  அவர்களை அவமானப் படுத்தும் 
    செயல் அல்லவா?  என்று கோட்டச் செயலர் கேட்டதற்கு ...  DG உத்திரவை 
    குப்பையிலே போடு  என்று சொல்லுகிறாராம்  ஒரு கோட்ட அதிகாரி.  CPMG 
    அவர்களே !  இதில் உங்களுக்கு உடன்பாடு  உண்டா ?   

2 . DG உத்திரவு எண் 16/56/2011-SR  DT. 8.7.2011 ன் படி விடுமுறை நாட்களில் 
     பயிற்சி வகுப்புகள், கூட்டங்கள் , மேளாக்கள் என்று எதுவும் நடத்தக் 
     கூடாது என்றும் இது ஊழியரின் அடிப்படை உரிமையை பறிப்பதாகும் 
     என்று உள்ளதே !  ஆனால் நீங்கள் DG  உத்திரவை  மீறி பயிற்சி வகுப்பு 
      ஞாயிறு அன்று நடத்த உத்திரவு இட்டுள்ளீர்களே !  இது DG  உத்திரவை 
     மீறிய செயல் அல்லவா ?  என்று கேட்டதற்கு  ஒரு கோட்ட அதிகாரி 
     கிண்டலாக " போங்கப்பா ...  எங்க PMG க்கே  விளங்கிவிட்டது .... நீங்க 
     வேற .....   என்று  கேலி  செய்கிறாராம்.  CPMG  அவர்களே ! இதில் 
     உங்களுக்கு  உடன்பாடா ?

3 .  இலாக்கா உத்திரவுப் படி  மொத்த வேலை நேரமான 8  மணி நேரத்தில் 
     1/2 மணி நேரம் உணவு இடைவேளை . மீதமுள்ள 7 1/2 மணி நேரத்தில் 
     5  மணி நேரம் மட்டுமே   BUSINESS HOURS  என்று உள்ளது . மீதி 2 1/2 மணி 
     நேரம்  பணம் சரிபார்த்து  TREASURY யில் கட்டவும் , SPEED POST, PARCEL,
     REGISTERED POST, M.O., EB BILL, TELEPHONE BILL  இத்தியாதி இத்தியாதி 
     என்று சரிபார்த்து  லிஸ்ட் எடுத்து  பை கட்டி , ரிப்போர்ட்  எடுத்து ,  NET இல் 
     எல்லாவற்றையும் TRANSMISSION  செய்ய வேண்டுமே ? இதற்க்கு உள்ள 
     நேரமே போதாதே ?  இதில் 7 மணி நேரம் BUSINESS HOURS இருக்க வேண்டும்
     என்கிறீர்களே ? CPMG  உத்திரவு  எண் TCA/52-39/97 DT. 13.06.2006 இல் கூட 
     இதைத் தானே சொல்லியிருக்கிறார்கள்  என்று  ஒரு கோட்டச் செயலர் 
     கேட்டதற்கு .....  அதெல்லாம் வேற    DG  .... வேற  CPMG ... இப்ப அவரெல்லாம்
     RETIRE ஆகி  போய்ட்டாங்க ...  வெவரம் இல்லாதவங்க..இப்ப எல்லாமே வேற
      ...நீ போய்  உன்   வேலையைப் பாரு.... என்று  சொல்கிறாராம்   இன்னொரு
     கோட்ட அதிகாரி .  CPMG அவர்களே !  இதுகூட உங்களுக்கு உடன்பாடா ?

4 . இன்னொரு கோட்ட அதிகாரியோ " கட்டடம்  பழசு ...  இடிச்சுட்டுக் கட்டப் 
     போறோம் ...  மொதல்ல இடத்தைக் காலி பண்ணுங்க ...  அப்புறம் போஸ்ட் 
     ஆபீஸ் வைச்சுக்கலாம் ...  என்றாராம் .....  கோட்டச் செயலர்   வெளியே 
     வந்ததும் ....  லூசுப் பசங்க ....  எவன் போஸ்ட் ஆபீஸ் கட்டப் போறான் ...
     அந்த இடத்திலே  இடிச்சிட்டு  ஒரு ஹோட்டல்  கட்டலாம்னு PMG சொல்லி
     இருக்கார் ...  நல்ல லாபம் (?)   வரும்ல ....  இது தெரியாத பசங்க .... போஸ்ட் 
     ஆபீஸ் ...  போஸ்ட் ஆபீஸ் ன்னு கட்டிக்கிட்டு அழறானுங்க "  என்று 
    கொச்சையாக ' கமெண்ட்'  அடித்தாராம்   அந்த அதிகாரி .  CPMG அவர்களே 
     இதுவும் கூட  உங்களுக்கு  உடன்பாடா ? 

     இப்படி தினம் தினம்  ஒரு நாடகம் ...  நடப்பது எல்லாம் உங்களுக்குத் 
     தெரியுமா ?  தெரியாமலேயே  நீங்கள் இருக்கிறீர்களா ? 
      கடிவாளம் இல்லாத குதிரைகள் ....  காட்டாற்றில் கொண்டுவிடும் ...
      கடிவாளம் இடுங்கள் .....  முகத்திற்கு முன்னர் வைக்கும் துதிகளை 
      ஒதுக்குங்கள் ....  முதுகுக்குப் பின்னரும்  பாருங்கள் ....  தீயவர்கள் 
       அங்கேதான் உள்ளார்கள் .... உங்கள் நிர்வாகம் சிறக்கும் என்று 
      எண்ணுகிறோம் ....  ஊழியர் ஒத்துழைப்பு என்றும் இலாக்காவின் 
      வளர்ச்சி நோக்கி........  நிச்சயம் உண்டு ...

      அரசு எவ்வழி .... குடிமக்கள் அவ்வழி ....  என்ற நிலையில் ஊழியரும் 
      இலாக்கா சட்டத்தை ,  DG  உத்திரவை , CPMG உத்திரவை  மீறாமல் 
      இருக்க வேண்டுமானால் ...  உங்கள் கீழுள்ள அதிகாரிகளும் அவ்வாறே
      கடைப் பிடிக்க வேண்டும் ....    உங்கள் செயலை நோக்கி காத்து 
      நிற்கிறோம் . நன்றியுடன்  ...  

      அஞ்சல் ஊழியர்கள்  நாங்கள் . ....  ஹோட்டல்  ஊழியர்கள் அல்ல  ....

Declination of appointment by the officials can be accepted if the same is received before issue of order of appointment.

 Postmaster grade I - declination of promotion- latest orders.

D.G. Posts No. 4-24/2011-SPB-II dated 26 Sep, 2011.

I am directed to refer to Directorate's letter of even number dated 9.8.2011 on the above subject and to say that in the aforesaid letter the Circles were advised that declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after passing the Departmental examination, but before his appointment ,may be accepted.
2. References are being received seeking clarification with regard to acceptance of declination of appointment by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I after issue of order of appointment but before joining by the candidate to the post of Postmaster Grade-I.
3. The Directorate's letter of even number dated 9.8.2011 is very clear. Declination of appointment by the officials can be accepted by the Circles only if the same is received before issue of order of appointment. No deviation is permissible in the matter.

Monday, September 26, 2011


                                                ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI 600 002.
    J.SRIVENKATESH                      J. RAMAMURTHY                                     A.VEERAMANI

                                             AT   TEYNAMPET, CHENNAI
After  having approved by  the CPMG, TN Circle  on 02.09.2011 ,  the  Circle  body  alongwith our  General Secretary  Com.K.V.S.   met with  the CPMG , TN  Circle  on 06.09.2011 and introduced ourselves. Besides, we have  discussed  several issue  of  the staff and some of them were  noted in our Circular No. 1. Subsequently our Circle office bearers have met with  the PMG, CCR also  and  discussed various issues of staff matters,   and the results of which were  exhibited  in our   union web site. Also  our Circle union  is taking  up various matters  of  general nature and individual cases  with the authorities concerned  within the 20 days span from the date of approval and  they are summarized below for your kind notice.  Various issues already sent  to the Circle Union  during  this period  will also be addressed  in a phased manner,  despite  lack of infrastructure such as Union office, Computer etc.  and  even initial funding.

Subjects taken up

1. Arbitrary recovery of money from the staff in the name of  contributory negligence, before
    taking any action on recovery of fraud amount from the  guilty.
2. Revision of  wages for Mazdoors/Part Time employees such as sweeper/water carriers etc. for
    the financial year 2011-2012 – Case of Anna Road HPO.   
3.  Issues  relating  to  the Local Struggle  of  Foreign Post – seeking  immediate  intervention of the
     CPMG, TN.  
4.  Arbitrary issue of orders to close Arunagirichatram S.O.under Arni HO – Request  for
     cancellation and to  restore the public services.
5. Request for intervention of  CPMG to mitigate  the perennial problem of overflowing drainage
    water around Egmore NDSO housed at EGMORE PSO building in Chennai City North division.
6. Grant of  Training allowance to the trainers who imparting  PA induction training at Local
    Training Centres.
7. Request to drop the proposal for Co-location of Dely Branch of Vellore Fort S.O with Vellore
8. Request for  re-allotment  to  Chennai City Region- Case of Sri.K. Mani, PM Gr.I, Sholavandan.
9. Request for re-allotment  to the displaced LSG official to the nearerst Division where vacancy
    exists- Case of Smt.V. Kalyani, APM, Pattukkottai  Dn.
10. Request  for transfer  to  Tuticorin Dn. under spouse category – Case of Smt. S. Bharathi , SPM,
       Mayiladuturai Division.
11. Non  grant of   MACP III  to  Smt. Fathima Mary , PA, Anna Road HPO.
12. Request for temporary transfer  from Tambaram Division to Chennai City South Dn- Case of
      Smt.C.Hemalatha, PA, Tambaram Division.
13. Request  for consideration of the  representation  for Financial Assistance from Circle
      Welfare Fund – Case of Sri. G. Ismail, Postman, Tiruthuraipundi HO.
14. Request for reallotment   in HSG II (adhoc)   promotions  from southern Region to Chennai City
      Region – Case of Sri. R. Rajendran, SPM, Rameswaram SO.
15. Request  for  disposal of revision petition  dt 11.8.2011 against the orders of  suspension- Case
      of  Sri.M. Ramanathan, PA, Thanjavur Dn.
16. Request for  temporary transfer  from Dindigul  Division to Sivaganga Dn- Case of
      Smt. J. Jeyanthi, PA, Nilakottai HO.
17.Non grant of transfer benefits- Case of Sri. N. Meenakshisundaram, APM(SB), Srivaikuntam.
18. Grant of  road mileage allowance  to System Administrators  of Chennai City Divisions.
19.Unwarranted fixation of tenure to System Administrators – Case of Central Region.
20. Unjust denial of MACP III – Case of  S. Kalpana, Accountant, Tiruvannamalai HO.
21. Non revision of pension and retirement benefits – Case of Sri. V. Sivalingam, Retd. SPM,
      Jayankondam in Trichy Dn.
22. Issue related to the latest developments on Foreign posts and  the unhelpful attitude of the
      Foreign post administration to carry out the public service smoothly.
23. Request for restoration of  the abrupt and arbitrary abolition of GDSV posts at Central Region,
      resulting  in hampering of  MPCM counter services at  the HOs.
24. Arbitrary and abrupt  withdrawal of outsourcing in Central Region .
25. Arbitrary extension of speed counters at late night in various city Divisions, leading to 10.00 to
      10.00 duty for Counter PAs, Gr.Ds, APMs, Treasury & Mail  Departments etc. against  norms.
26. Arbitrary extension of business hours  of the MPCM and SB counters upto 7 hrs at Central
       Region against the orders of the Department.
27. Arbitrary extension of  business  hours of MPCM Counters  in various  offices at Chennai City

RJCM Subjects placed by Sri.J.Ramamurthy, member RJCM, Tamilnadu circle/24.8.2011

1.Arbitrary and unjust retaining of PA trainees at PTC Madurai and direct them to stay outside
    and attend extension of training course for another 15 days.
2. Ensuring prompt conduct of DPCs for MACP promotions and regular promotions.
3. Irregular interpretations of TBOP & BCR and MACP promotions for posting in single/ double
     handed offices.
4. Replacement of outdated computers / printers – In many post offices, old and outdated
    computers are still under usage.
5. Return back the deputationists from CO & RO to parent postal divisions.
6. Irregular causing of recovery on minus balance without resorting action to recover from the
7. Non convening of CRC for consideration of compassionate appointments over ten years.
8. Misuse of contributory negligence provisions by the divisional heads.
9. Introduction of  incentives to the new items  of  agency works introduced in Pos  as per
     the instructions of the Directorate
10. Re-consider the orders  placed for  the purchase of  Kerosene Generators in  Southern Region.
11. Non settlement of fixation of  pay cases of  Departmental promotees  at par with  junior
      Direct recruit PAs in various Divisions  despite issuance of Dte. Orders.
12. Recall of direct recruited  PAs deputed to Chennai City South Dn. from  Chennai GPO.
13. Removal/cancellation of ICIR Audit objection in connection with the fixation of pay Case of
      Para Medical Staff, Postal dispensary, Tirunelveli.
14. Construction of staff quarters at Ekkattuthangal, Chennai city south Division.
15. Delay in grant of  peripheral HRA to the stations at Srirangam, Salem East, Salem West,
      Tambaram and Chennai City South Divisions.
16. Mis-use of disciplinary powers by the authorities to harass officials- Case of Nagai Division.
17.Arbitrary reduction of food charges to 0.7 in case of one day training to WCTC Tiruvarur on
       pragmatic computation of period of absence.
18. Non-payment of advance of TA/DA to the newly  recruited PAs in connection with induction
19. Irregular placing of  newly recruited RRR candidates  as seniors counting  their past services,
      in many units.
20. Inclusion of  Income Tax  package in Training schedules so as to facilitate the    officials
      updated  and to fulfill the latest directives of  the CBDT. 
21. Introduction of links in  India Post TN Circle web site to post all circulars released by the
       Department/ Circle.     

 Note:-  Since there is disagreement to our P3 Union, in some replies given in the draft copy
              of RJCM minutes,  we have suggested for suitable corrections. Hence there is delay
              in  releasing of  official minutes copy. Some problems are settled within a week from
              date of the meeting. On receipt of the minutes, we can see the settlement on most
              of the problems placed by  our P 3 Union.
                                                                         Thank you Comrade