Federated with the “National Federation of Postal Employees”
Head Quarters: Anna Road HPO, Chennai – 600002

President: J. Srivenkatesh Circle Secretary: J. Ramamurthy
Mob: - 09444226540 Mob: - 09843370580, 09600880953
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.
Sent thro’ e-mail and copy served through Circle Union Office bearer.
No.P3/2-13/Fgn. Post Dt. 19.09.2011
Sub: Interview with the CPMG, TN Circle – Reg.
Ref: 1. Our Circle Union lr. Of even no. dt. 15.09.2011.
2.CPMG, TN Circle . No. SR/2-3/2011 Dlgs(Pt) Dated 16-09-2011.
As directed in your office letter cited under ref. 2 above, the undermentioned items are submitted herewith for discussions with the CPMG, TN Circle. The date may kindly be fixed either on 20.09.11 or 21.09.2011 for the interview. The time and date of convenience may kindly be intimated.
1. Issue related to the latest developments on Foreign posts and the unhelpful attitude of the
Foreign post administration to carry out the public service smoothly.
2Request for restoration of the abrupt and arbitrary abolition of GDSV posts at Central Region, resulting in hampering of MPCM counter services at the HOs.
3.Arbitrary fixing of tenures for S.A.s at Central Region .
4.Arbitrary and abrupt withdrawal of outsourcing in Central Region .
5. Extension of speed counters at late night in various city Divisions, leading to 10.00 to 10.00 duty for Counter PAs, Gr.Ds, APMs, Treasury & Mail Departments etc. against norms.
Thanking you Madam,
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary.
Note: The copy of memorandum submitted by JCA of all Unions at Fgn.Post is submitted for your kind notice.

Federated with the “National Federation of Postal Employees”
Head Quarters: Anna Road HPO, Chennai – 600002

President: J. Srivenkatesh Circle Secretary: J. Ramamurthy
Mob: - 09444226540 Mob: - 09843370580, 09600880953
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.
Sent thro’ e-mail and copy served through Circle Union Office bearer.
No.P3/2-13/Fgn. Post Dt. 15.09.2011
Our Circle Union is requesting you to kindly spare your time and to fix an interview either on coming Monday or on Tues day viz.19.9.11 or 20.09.11, in order to discuss some urgent problems of the staff in general nature , connected with Foreign Post and some issues cropped up in Central Region. The time and date of the interview may kindly be intimated.
Thanking you Madam,
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary.