Friday, October 31, 2014
The Rising Force of Postal Banking in the Retail Banking Market
The Minister for Communications & IT and Law and Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has said that a group constituted by the Prime Minister consisting of the Secretary of the Postal department is looking into making of a financial institution for Postal savings. He was inaugurating the Postal Savings Banks Forum being organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), the National Savings Organisation of the Finance Ministry and the Department of Posts in New Delhi today. He said the present government wants to promote financial inclusion and the Jhan Dhan Yojana is a big effort in this direction. Another programme of the government of ‘Digital India’, which is steered by his ministry, also aims at digital inclusion and digital empowerment of rural poor.
Shri Prasad informed delegates from various countries that Post Office Savings Bank is one of the oldest and largest savings institution in the country and it also has the largest outreach in rural India, and more so, in backward and remote areas. The minister expressed happiness that the major asset of the postal institution, that is its connectivity on the ground is sought to be used for promoting e commerce in the country.
Secretary, Department of Posts Srimati Kavary Banerjee, in her key note address informed that the Department’s network of thousand post offices significantly out-numbers the combined number of branches of all commercial banks taken together. The post office savings schemes hold a total of 312 million accounts, which is more than the number of accounts held by any commercial bank. More importantly, the social sector disbursements done through the post offices have succeeded in bringing a total of about 80 million previously unbanked individuals into the fold of formal financial institutions in the last five years. All these have led to a change in the perception about the Post Office among the public as also within the organization. Consequently India Post is now perceived as a potential key facilitator of financial inclusion in the country, having a role in promoting the country’s socio-economic development, she added.
The theme of this year’s Postal Savings Banks Forum will be "The rising force of postal banking in the retail banking market".
The Minister for Communications & IT and Law and Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has said that a group constituted by the Prime Minister consisting of the Secretary of the Postal department is looking into making of a financial institution for Postal savings. He was inaugurating the Postal Savings Banks Forum being organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), the National Savings Organisation of the Finance Ministry and the Department of Posts in New Delhi today. He said the present government wants to promote financial inclusion and the Jhan Dhan Yojana is a big effort in this direction. Another programme of the government of ‘Digital India’, which is steered by his ministry, also aims at digital inclusion and digital empowerment of rural poor.
Shri Prasad informed delegates from various countries that Post Office Savings Bank is one of the oldest and largest savings institution in the country and it also has the largest outreach in rural India, and more so, in backward and remote areas. The minister expressed happiness that the major asset of the postal institution, that is its connectivity on the ground is sought to be used for promoting e commerce in the country.
Secretary, Department of Posts Srimati Kavary Banerjee, in her key note address informed that the Department’s network of thousand post offices significantly out-numbers the combined number of branches of all commercial banks taken together. The post office savings schemes hold a total of 312 million accounts, which is more than the number of accounts held by any commercial bank. More importantly, the social sector disbursements done through the post offices have succeeded in bringing a total of about 80 million previously unbanked individuals into the fold of formal financial institutions in the last five years. All these have led to a change in the perception about the Post Office among the public as also within the organization. Consequently India Post is now perceived as a potential key facilitator of financial inclusion in the country, having a role in promoting the country’s socio-economic development, she added.
The theme of this year’s Postal Savings Banks Forum will be "The rising force of postal banking in the retail banking market".
Task Force on India Post to submit report by year-end : Government
29 Oct 2014
New Delhi: The Task Force set up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to leverage post office's network in the country in a bid to enhance the role of India Posts in the financial inclusion, among others, will submit its report by the end of this year, a top government official said on Wednesday.
The 'Task Force on leveraging the Post Office network' includes the Department of Posts Secretary Kavery Banerjee, Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg, Department of Electronics and IT Secretary RS Sharma, Rural Development Secretary L C Goyal and former SEBI Chairman G N Bajpai.
Former Cabinet Secretary TSR Subramanian is the Chairman of the Task Force.
"The Task Force is working on the mandate provided to it by the government and it will submit its report by the end of the year," Banerjee told reporters on the sidelines of 2014 WSBI Postal Savings Banks Forum here.
The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Task Force include providing an efficient postal network and points of presence (particularly in rural areas and small towns) both the government and private sector for delivering various citizen centric services, schemes, etc.
This is to further the role of Post Office in the financial inclusion, including Insurance products, to make Post Office financially viable among other objectives.
Earlier, inaugurating the annual event, Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said postal banks is an "exciting" idea and Prime Minister has set up a task force to study the ways in which post office can be transformed into engines of financial inclusion.
"Post offices in India, through their network of 1.55 lakh branches, can play a big role in not only expanding the ambit of eCommerce, but can also play an important role in financial inclusion," he added.
Banerjee said that today about 63 per cent of the revenues of India Post comes from savings, insurance and remittance services, and the remaining from mail and allied services.
Besides, the number of savings accounts held in post offices in India is over 31 crore, which is more than that of any commercial bank in the country, she added.
The theme of this year's Postal Savings Banks Forum is the rising force of postal banking in retail banking market.
The meeting of the Forum, that is taking place in the national capital, will discuss the role played by various postal departments in their respective countries in retail banking.
This annual meeting brings postal financial institutions from Africa, Asia and Europe together to share experiences towards becoming efficient retail banks.
WSBI Deputy Director and Head of Institutional Relations Fiona Joyce said: "One of the high points on agenda at this forum is on how can post office help in increasing financial inclusion."
Post offices worldwide hold 1.6 billion savings and deposit accounts that is second only to commercial banks, which hold about 2.5 billion accounts, she added.
India News Desk //copy//
Thursday, October 30, 2014
History of Central Government Employees reveals that Government has taken undue advantage to deny the justified demands of the Central Government Employees, whenever there was disunity among the JCM staff side organizations. On the contrary, whenever staffside stood solidly united the Government was compelled to concede the legitimate rights of the employees to a great extent.
After Fifth Pay Commission recommendations, the JCM National council staffside submitted to Government a common charter of demands for modifications of the recommendations of the Pay Commission, which included upward revision of fitment formula and removal of certain glaring anomalies. When Government refused to concede it , notice for indefinite strike was given and finally the Government had to appoint a high-power Group of Ministers Committee under the chairmanship of then Home Minister Shri.Indrajith Gupta and negotiated with the staffside. In the negotiations also the staffside took a united uncompromising stand which ultimately resulted in Government accepting the demand for 40% fitment formula and some other important demands.
Unfortunately, when the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations were submitted to Government, the JCM National Council Staffside miserably failed to take such a firm and united stand and no serious agitational programme was conducted demanding modification of the retrograde recommendations. Instead the dominant leadership of JCM staffside took a compromising stand and depended only on negotiated settlement , without mobilizing the entire rank and file membership behind the demands. Ultimately Government took advantage of this weakness of the leadership and unilaterally announced the implementation of the 6thCPC recommendations, without conceding majority of the genuine demands raised by the staffside during negotiations. Faulty formula adopted for calculation of Need Based Minimum Wage , glaring disparity in fitment and fixation formula between lower level officials and Group- A officers, unscientific pay band and grade pay system and serious anomalies arising out of it , MACP anomalies everything remained as such which could not be settled even after seven years.
Again , when the Government announced the New Contributory Pension Scheme with effect from 01.01.2004 for the new entrants in Central Government Services without any consultation with the JCM National Council Staffside, the dominant leadership of the JCM staffside did not protest and kept silent. This has emboldened the Government to go ahead with the implementation of the neo-liberal pension reforms. Had the entire JCM Staffside including Railways, Defence and Confederation taken a united stand to oppose the New Pension Scheme and given call for serious agitational programmes including indefinite strike the Government would not have dared to implement the NPS. Of course , Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers opposed the New Pension Scheme and has gone to the extent of conducting one day strike. JCM leadership raised the demand for roll-back of NPS after a very long time and by that time Government succeeded in fully implementing the scheme.
Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers has always stood for unity among the Central Government Employees .When confederation submitted a 15 point charter to the UPA Government in 2011 demanding appointment of 7 th CPC , 5 year wage revision , Merger of 50% DA, Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under 7th CPC etc, the other major organizations in the JCM were not ready to raise the demands in 2011. Finally confederation was forced to go it alone and conducted series of agitational programmes including Parliament March, one day strike and two days strike. Of course, the lonely struggle conducted by confederation represented the mood of the entirety of Central Government Employees and ultimately the Government was compelled to announce constitution of 7thCPC in the month of September 2013.
Now NDA Government which came to power after General Election has rejected all the main demands of the Central Government Employees which includes merger of DA , Interim Relief , Date of effect from 01.01.2014 , inclusion of GDS in the terms of reference of 7th CPC ,scrapping of New Pension Scheme etc. Further Government declared 100% FDI in Railways and Defence. Public Private Partnership in Railways was also announced in Railway budget. More than five lakhs posts are lying vacant in various Departments out of which about 2.5 lakhs vacancies are in Railways alone. The UPA Government has unilaterally announced the terms of reference of the 7th CPC rejecting the draft proposal submitted by JCM staffside. The memorandum submitted by JCM staffside to the NDA Government for grant of merger of DA and Interim Relief also was totally neglected. The JCM Staffside leadership could not do anything and the employees are suffering. In fact the JCM staffside has become a laughing stock among the employees and its credibility in the eyes of the employees has eroded like anything.
It is in this background , eventhough belatedly , the JCM National Council Staffside has decided to organize a National Convention at New Delhi on 11th December 2014 , to discuss and finalise its strategy to combat the above humiliation meted out by the Government . Better late than never. The decision is well received by the entire Central Government Employees and they are eagerly waiting for the outcome of the convention.
NFPE firmly believes that if the present unity among the JCM staffside organizations is not channelized for building up united struggle including indefinite strike of entire Central Government Employees the National Convention will become a futile exercise and an eye-wash to cool down the growing discontentment among the employees. This shall not happen. We firmly believe in the slogan raised by our late legendary leader Com K.G.Bose- i.e “UNITY FOR STRUGGLE AND STRUGGLE FOR UNITY”. Such a stand alone can restore the lost glory of the fighting potential of the Central Government Employees and also shall regain the lost faith of employees in the JCM staffside leadership. We cannot be a party to any compromise on the genuine and justified demands of the workers. Let us hope that the JCM staffside leadership shall rise up to the occasion.
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
PF-o1(C)/NFPE Dated: 30th October, 2014
It is hereby notified that the Federal Secretariat Meeting of NFPE will be held at NFPE Office, 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001 on 10th November, 2014 at 3PM.
All General Secretaries of NFPE & NFPE Office Bearers available at HQ are requested to attend the meeting in time:
The following will be the agenda:
1. Postal JCA Charter of demands – Agitational programme- Review and further course of action.
2. Dec-4th -2014- PJCA –Parliament March –Review,
3. Any other item with the permission of Chair,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to: All General Secretaries of NFPE Unions and available NFPE Office Bearers at New Delhi.
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building New Delhi-110001
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001
No.PF-PJCA/2014 Dated : 30th October,2014
It is hereby notified that the meeting of Postal JCA consisting NFPE and FNPO will be held on 11th November, 2014 at 2PM at NFPE Office, 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
All General Secretaries of NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions are requested to attend the meeting in time.
The following will be the agenda:
1. Postal JCA Charter of demands – Agitational programme- Review and further course of action.
2. Dec-4th -2014- PJCA –Parliament March –Review,
3. Any other item with the permission of Chair,
(D. Theagarajan) (R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General Secretary General
Copy to : All General Secretaries of NFPE/FNPO & GDS Unions.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Rising Force of Postal Banking in the Retail Banking Market
The Minister for Communications & IT and Law and Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has said that a group constituted by the Prime Minister consisting of the Secretary of the Postal department is looking into making of a financial institution for Postal savings. He was inaugurating the Postal Savings Banks Forum being organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), the National Savings Organisation of the Finance Ministry and the Department of Posts in New Delhi today.
He said the present government wants to promote financial inclusion and the Jhan Dhan Yojana is a big effort in this direction. Another programme of the government of ‘Digital India’, which is steered by his ministry, also aims at digital inclusion and digital empowerment of rural poor.
Shri Prasad informed delegates from various countries that Post Office Savings Bank is one of the oldest and largest savings institution in the country and it also has the largest outreach in rural India, and more so, in backward and remote areas. The minister expressed happiness that the major asset of the postal institution, that is its connectivity on the ground is sought to be used for promoting e commerce in the country.
Secretary, Department of Posts Srimati Kavary Banerjee, in her key note address informed that the Department’s network of thousand post offices significantly out-numbers the combined number of branches of all commercial banks taken together.
The post office savings schemes hold a total of 312 million accounts, which is more than the number of accounts held by any commercial bank. More importantly, the social sector disbursements done through the post offices have succeeded in bringing a total of about 80 million previously unbanked individuals into the fold of formal financial institutions in the last five years. All these have led to a change in the perception about the Post Office among the public as also within the organization.
Consequently India Post is now perceived as a potential key facilitator of financial inclusion in the country, having a role in promoting the country’s socio-economic development, she added.
The post office savings schemes hold a total of 312 million accounts, which is more than the number of accounts held by any commercial bank. More importantly, the social sector disbursements done through the post offices have succeeded in bringing a total of about 80 million previously unbanked individuals into the fold of formal financial institutions in the last five years. All these have led to a change in the perception about the Post Office among the public as also within the organization.
Consequently India Post is now perceived as a potential key facilitator of financial inclusion in the country, having a role in promoting the country’s socio-economic development, she added.
The theme of this year’s Postal Savings Banks Forum will be "The rising force of postal banking in the retail banking market".
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் முயற்சிகளுக்கு வெற்றி !
1. கடந்த 24.09.14 அன்று CHIEF PMG அவர்களைச் சந்தித்துப் பேசி நாம் அளித்த 7 பிரச்சினைகளில் ஏற்கனவே 2 இல் தீர்வு கண்டது குறித்து நமது வலைத்தளத்தில் செய்தி அளித்திருந்தோம். அதில் மேலும் ஒரு பிரச்சினை தற்போது தீர்வு கண்டு உத்திரவு இடப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.
புதுக் கோட்டை கோட்டத்தை சேர்ந்த தோழியர் . திருச்செல்வி அவர்கள் LGO தேர்வில் வெற்றிபெற்று கடந்த 12.05.2014 இல் மதுரை PTC க்கு பணிப்பயிற்சிக்கு அனுப்பப் பட்டார். திடீரென்று அவரது கணவருக்கு உடல் நலம் பாதிக்கப்படவே, இரண்டு நாள் விடுப்பில் சென்ற அவர் பணிப் பயிற்சிக்கு திரும்ப முடியவில்லை .அவரது விடுப்பு நீட்டிப்பு விண்ணப்பம் மறுக்கப்பட்டு , DISCHARGE செய்து அனுப்பப்பட்டார். இடையில் அவரது கணவரும் இறந்துவிட்டார்.
அந்தத் தோழியரை மீண்டும் தபால்காரராக பாணி புரிய உத்திரவிட்டது நிர்வாகம். நேரடி எழுத்தர் போல, இலாக்கா ஊழியர் பதவி உயர்வு பெறும் போது பணிப் பயிற்சி உடனே மேற்கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்பதோ அல்லது பணிப் பயிற்சி முடித்தால்தான் அவர் எழுத்தராக முடியும் என்பதோ சரியல்ல என்று நாம் CPMG அவர்களிடம் எடுத்துரைத்தோம்.
மேலும் அவர் அடுத்த SESSION பயிற்சி ஆரம்பிக்கும்போது செல்லாம் என்றும் அதுவரை எழுத்தராக பணி நியமனம் அளிப்பதே சரி என்றும் கூறினோம். நமது கோரிக்கையை ஏற்று CHIEF PMG அவர்கள் தற்போது அந்தத் தோழியர் எழுத்தராக பணி புரிய உத்திரவு அளித்து , அதன் அடிப்படையில் அந்தத் தோழியரும் எழுத்தராக பணியில் அமர்ந்தார் என்பதை மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம். இதற்கு உத்திரவிட்ட CPMG அவர்களுக்கும் அதற்கு உறுதுணையாக உதவி செய்த AD STAFF திரு. ஆறுமுகம் அவர்களுக்கும் நம் நன்றியினை தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம்.
2. சென்னை GPO மற்றும் வட சென்னை கோட்டங்களில் இருந்து தென் சென்னை கோட்டத்திற்கு MINUS BALANCE பிரச்சினைக்கென்று காரணம் காட்டி நீண்ட காலம் DEPUTATION அனுப்பப்பட்டு, பல ஊழியர்கள் அங்கேயே RETAIN செய்யப் பட்டனர். இது தவறு என்று சுட்டிக் காட்டி நமது மாநிலச் சங்கம் பலமுறை PMG CCR அவர்களிடம் கடிதம் அளித்துப் பேசியும் பிரச்சினை தீர்க்கப் படாமல் இருந்தது.
கடந்த மாதம் இது குறித்து வட சென்னை கோட்டச் செயலர் திருமதி. ஏஞ்செல் சத்தியநாதன் அவர்கள் மாநிலச் சங்கத்திற்கு அளித்த புகாரின் அடிப்படையில், மீண்டும் PMG அவர்களிடம் பேசினோம். MINUS BALANCE பிரச்சினை முடிந்தும் DEPUTATION நீட்டிப்பு தவறு என்று சுட்டிக் காட்டினோம். இந்தப் பிரச்சினையில் விரைவில் உத்திரவு அளிப்பதாக PMG அவர்கள் உறுதியளித்திருந்தார். அதன்படி கடந்த வாரம் உத்திரவு அளிக்கப்பட்டது. அதன்படி ஏற்கனவே DEPUTATIONஇல் தென் சென்னை கோட்டத்தில் இருந்த அனைத்து ஊழியர்களும் விடுவிக்கப் பட்டு CHENNAI GPO மற்றும் வட சென்னை கோட்டத்தில் நேற்று பணியில் சேர்ந்தனர் என்பதை மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம்.
அதிக காலதாமதம் என்ற போதிலும், மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் கோரிக்கையை ஏற்று அவர்களை மீண்டும் அவரவர்களின் கோட்டத்திற்கே திருப்பி அனுப்ப உத்திரவிட்ட PMG CCR அவர்களுக்கும் அதற்கு உறுதுணையாக செயல்பட்ட AD STAFF திரு. பாலச்சந்தர் அவர்களுக்கும் நம் நன்றியை பதிவு செய்கிறோம்.
அன்புத் தோழர்களுக்கு வணக்கம் !
நம்முடைய மத்திய அஞ்சல் JCA முடிவின் படி, 39 அம்சக் கோரிக்கை களை வலியுறுத்தி மூன்றாவது கட்டமாக தார்ணா போராட்டம் அறிவிக்கப் பட்டிருந்தது தெரிந்ததே . தலைமட்ட சூழ்நிலை மற்றும் மழைக் காலம் காரணமாக தமிழக அஞ்சல் JCA வில் இந்த மூன்றாவது கட்ட போராட்டத்தை முழுமையாக நடத்திட இயலவில்லை .
எனவே 39 அம்சக் கோரிக்கைகளை வலியுறுத்தி நாளை (29.10.2014) மதியம் தமிழக அஞ்சல் துறைத் தலைவர் அலுவலக (O /O CHIEF PMG, TN ) வாயிலில் உணவு இடைவேளை ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் நடத்திட NFPE மற்றும் FNPO சங்கங்களின் தமிழக JCA வால் முடிவெடுத்து அறிவிக்கப் பட்டிருக்கிறது.
எனவே அனைத்து பகுதி சங்கங்களைச் சேர்ந்த கோட்ட/ கிளைச சங்க மற்றும் மாநிலச் சங்க நிர்வாகிகள் தங்கள் பகுதி ஊழியர்களை பெருமளவில் திரட்டி இந்த உணவு இடைவேளை ஆர்பாட்டத்தில் கலந்துகொண்டு சிறப்பிக்க வேண்டுகிறோம்.
தமிழக அஞ்சல் JCA , சென்னை 600 002.
Government employees to take pledge on Patel's birth anniversary
New Delhi, Oct 24 : Employees of government offices, public sector undertakings and other institutions will pledge to maintain the unity and integrity of the country Oct 31, the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel which is being observed as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day).
The pledge will also be administered in schools and colleges. The Central Board of Secondary Education has issued a notice asking schools to administer the pledge.
An official statement said the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas will "provide an opportunity to re-affirm the inherent strength and resilience of our nation to withstand the actual and potential threats to the unity, integrity and security of our country".
All the ministries and departments of the central, state governments and union territories have been requested to organise appropriate programmes on the occasion in a befitting manner, including the pledge-taking ceremony, it said.
A 'Run for Unity' involving people from all sections of the society, a march past in the evening by police, the Central Armed Police Forces and other organisations like the National Cadet Corps, National Service Scheme, Scouts and Guides, and Home Guards will also be held.
The CBSE has appointed 250 centre coordinators in schools across India to organise the event.
In each centre, 400-500 students from the neighbourhood schools will come together on Oct 31 for other mass activities.
"In every centre the activities will focus on collectively making posters, jingles, paintings, collage, team debates, etc. on such topics which will involve joint planning and completion. Centre coordinators may also organise indigenous team games," a CBSE notice said.
"Activities will also involve collaborative effort to convey the message of importance of unity in sustaining any work such as keeping public places clean," it added.
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from October 27 to November 01, 2014
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from October 27 to November 01, 2014
This year’s theme is ‘Combating Corruption – Technology as an enabler’
This year’s theme is ‘Combating Corruption – Technology as an enabler’
The Vigilance Awareness Week is being observed this year from October 27, 2014 to November 01, 2014 and this year’s theme is “Combating Corruption – Technology as an enabler”. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) as the apex integrity institution of the country has been thriving to promote transparency, probity and integrity in public life. One of the outreach measures to promote these values in various Central Government offices and public sector undertakings is the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year wherein all the stakeholders are encouraged to fight corruption. The CVC believes that efficiency and objectivity in governance hold the key to eradication of corruption from public life and for this purpose it has to be ensured that transparent and fool proof systems and procedures are put in place which provide for appropriate accountability at every level of hierarchy in public administration.
Leveraging of technology in functioning of the Government and its organisations can address the challenges of corruption to a large extent. The adoption of technology initiatives can mitigate various factors which lead to corruption like lack of transparency, cumbersome procedures and delays in decision making. By re-engineering government processes, limiting discretion and enhancing accountability, departments / organisations can effectively bring about transparency and efficiency in the service delivery system which effects ordinary citizen the most. By using information technology, the process can become faster and to that extent, the scope of corruption can be reduced. The Commission has therefore, been advocating leveraging of technology by organisations to combat corruption.
On the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee in his message observed - “Corruption is a complex problem that needs multi-faceted action. One of them is the use of technology that can help promote, openness and transparency. Use of modern technologies can play an important role in eliminating human interface in service delivery systems. It is the collective responsibility of citizens as well as government departments to adopt technology initiatives in combating corruption to maximize benefits”.
The Vice-President of India, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari in his message noted “Eradication of corruption from our society is not only a legal obligation but also a moral duty of every Indian. Towards attainment of this goal, observance of Vigilance Awareness Week plays an important role in promoting integrity through greater efficiency, transparency and accountability in government”.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in his message on the occasion conveyed “It is needless to point out that integrity of public servants and transparency in public offices is utmost necessary in making transparent and efficient administration free of corruption. I appreciate the CVC’s outreach initiatives and endeavours to combat corruption with optimum use of technology. I call all government employees for making Vigilance Awareness Week a success and congratulate CVC on this occasion”.
Vigilance Awareness Week commenced in the CVC and all Ministries / Departments of the Central Govt., public sector undertakings, public sector banks, insurance companies, autonomous bodies and local authorities across the country today with a pledge by officers and employees at 1100 hrs. All officers and employees of the Government affirmed that they shall continuously strive to bring about integrity and transparency in all spheres of activities, work unstintingly for eradication of corruption, remain vigilant and work towards the growth and reputation of the organisation, and do their duty conscientiously and act without fear or favour.
Ministries / Departments / PSUs / Banks / and other Organisations would be conducting various outreach activities involving all stake holders during the week through seminars, workshops and lectures by prominent persons. In the schools and colleges across the country, debates, lectures, quiz competitions and such other activities for creation of awareness on corruption as well as anti-corruption measures to fight corruption are being organised during the week.
PRESS NEWS: Government employee can't seek promotion after refusing it: Supreme Court
NEW DELHI: A government employee, whose promotion is canceled owing to his refusal to accept it, cannot ask for it at a later stage, the Supreme Court has said.
The apex court set aside the order of the Madhya Pradesh High Court which had directed the state government to restore the promotion of one of its employees whose promotion was cancelled after he turned down the offer as he did not want to get transfered to some other place.
"As we find that it is the respondent himself who is responsible for cancellation of the promotion order as he did not join the promoted post, the impugned order of the high court is clearly erroneous and against the law," a bench headed by Justice J Chelameswar said.
The court passed the order on an appeal filed by Madhya Pradesh government challenging the high court order.
The government had submitted that the high court failed to consider that Ramanand Pandey himself sent back the promotion order and continued on his post and approached the court after two years when it cancelled his promotion.
It said that at the time of promotion, Pandey was posted in Bhind district where he remained for almost 15 years and his intention was to stay at that place only.
The apex court, after hearing both sides, quashed the high court order.
"It is clear that he wanted to remain in Bhind district, where he had continued since 1990, as he was ready to go on leave instead of joining the place of transfer. Moreover, for more than two years from the date of cancellation of the order of promotion, the respondent kept totally mum and maintained stoic silence.
"There was not even a semblance of protest as to why his promotion order was cancelled or that he wanted to join the promotion post after the alleged inquiry into the so-called complaint was over. He filed the writ petition on October 24, 2008, i.e. almost two years after cancellation of his promotion order," it said.
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