Ref: - P/1-1/AIC Date: 27.03.2015
Notice under Article 25 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' read with Article 20(a) and 22 ibid is hereby given that 30th All India Conference of this Union will be held at Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Vishwa Vidyalaya, Vidya Vihar, Raebareli Road, Lucknow – 226026 (Uttar Pradesh) from 4th June 2015 to 7th June 2015.
The following shall be the items of Agenda for the All India Conference:-
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the 29th All India Conference held at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) in March 2013.
2. Consideration and adoption of Biennial Report.
3. Consideration and adoption of the Audited Accounts 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15.
4. Adoption of Budget Estimates for the next session.
5. Organisational Review:-
(i) Organisational position/Local agitations at all levels.
(ii) Review of present membership & evolving strategies to improve membership.
(iii) Review of periodical meetings being held at all levels.
(iv) Functioning of RJCM/Departmental Council
(v) Our approach with sister unions in NFPE at all levels.
6. Seventh CPC and Memorandum submitted by Confederation NFPE, AIPEU Group ‘C’ and JCM National Council Staff side.
7. Review of Strikes/Agitations: -
(i) Two days strike from 12.02.2014 to 13.02.2014 by PJCA & Confederation of C. G. Employees & Workers
(ii) PJCA strike from 06.05.2015 & all various stages of agitational programmes.
(iii) Parliament March Programmes by PJCA and JCM National Council Staff side.
8. Task force recommendations & Our reservations
(i) Recommendations of Task Force on Leveraging the Post office Network and repercussions.
(ii) Corporate Plan of India Post
9. Common Demands of C. G. Employees
(i) Seventh Pay Commission & Merger of 50% DA and Interim Relief.
(ii) Sixth Pay Commission Anomalies
(iii) Functioning of JCM National Council, National anomaly committee & MACP committee.
(iii) Non Implementation of all pending Arbitration Awards.
(iv) Ban on creation of Posts
(v) Non revision of OTA Rates.
(vi) Scrapping of NPS.
(vii) Medical Insurance Scheme
(viii) Right to Strike
10. Confederation of CG Employees & workers and its various agitational programmes and our role.
11. NFPE, State level Conventions, & Coordinating Committees.
12. Cadre Restructuring in Postal
(i) Agreement signed on 28.04.2014.
(ii) Delay in its implementation.
(iii) Lack of Promotional avenues for PAs
13. Filling up of PA, LSG/HSG II/HSG I and Postmaster cadre vacancies
(i) New Recruitment Rules of PA, Postmen, MTS & LSG RR 2011, HSG II RR 2013, HSG-I RR 2014 and needed changes.
(ii) Postmaster Cadre RR 2011 and needed changes.
14.RTP – Counting of Past service for promotion, MACP, Pension benefits etc.
15. Modified ACP Scheme – Anomalies & Settlement.
16. P.O & RMS Accountants, System Administrators, Marketing Executives & PRI (P)s.
17. Policy offensives
(a) National Postal Policy 2012.
(b) Closure / Merger of Post Offices.
(c) Unrealistic targets of BD.
(d) Decentralisation of PLI/RPLI/RD/MIS etc.
18. Modernisation of Postal Services & Technological advancement
(i) Problems in Core Banking Solutions(Finacle), Core Insurance solutions (Mc Camish) – under FSI and issues expected in Core System Integration..
(ii) Time barred hardwares, computers and accessories at Post offices.
19. Shortage of Staff:-
(a) Time bound recruitment in PA cadre.
(b) Recruitment taken place in PA Cadre.
(c) Non-Creation of new posts – Ban on creation of new posts.
(d) Non-filling up of vacant posts in LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I & Postmaster Cadre chain of vacancies.
20. Bonus – Revision of formula – Removal of the Quantum ceiling etc.
21. Contributory Negligence & Problems due to minus balance.
22. Right to Information Act.
23. Bhartiya Post & Dak Jagriti.
24. Publication of Hand book 2015.
25. Compassionate appointments & removal of conditions there on.
26. Problems of GDS & Casual Labourers.
27. Policy and Programme.
28. Resolutions
29. Amendment to the Constitution – Notice of which should be given to CHQ at least 21 days prior to the conference.
30. Election of Office Bearers.
31. Election of Federal Councillors.
32. Appointment of Auditor.
33. Venue of Next AIC.
34. Any other item with the permission of Chair.
35. Vote of thanks
With fraternal greetings,
(N. Subramanian)
General Secretary
Copy to: -
1. Com. R. Sivannarayana, All India President, All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C', Guntur – 522004 (Andhra Pradesh)
2. The General Convenor, Receiption Committee - for information and N/A
3. All CHQ Office-bearers & Circle Secretaries
4. Circle Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Circle for necessary arrangements of the AIC.
5. All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries. They are called upon to hold their respective conferences where the last conference was held before 2 years
6. The Director General, Department of Posts, New Delhi 110001
7. All Chief Postmasters General - Requesting to grant Special Casual Leave to the delegates.
8. Spare
(N. Subramanian)
General Secretary