Saturday, January 31, 2015
Health Ministry taken up CGEPHIS proposal to terminate CGHS.- Indian Express
The health ministry has moved a proposal for ending the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in its current form and moving to an insurance-based scheme — the Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS) — in an apparent attempt to cut costs.Instead of the government directly paying the medical bills of CGHS beneficiaries, the new scheme will be implemented through insurance companies registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and selected through bidding.Currently, under CGHS, government employees pay Rs 6,000 annually as fixed medical allowance (FMA). The new FMA for beneficiaries is yet to be calculated. While the government’s actual financial commitment will depend on bids and the new FMA, the ministry is working on a presumptive figure of Rs 14,000 per family, which works out to approximately Rs 1,000 crore annually.The scheme will cover medical expenses up to Rs 5 lakh per family per year. Beyond that, the insurer will have to get clearance from the nodal agency on a case to case basis. An additional sum insured of Rs 10 crore in each of the four zones will be provided by the insurer as buffer for such cases. The CGHS in its present form does not have any annual cap, but each procedure has a prescribed maximum limit for reimbursement. While a note for the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) was circulated last year, a fresh proposal incorporating inputs from various departments including the DoPT, erstwhile Planning Commission and Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been sent to the finance pision of the health ministry.While existing employees can choose between CGHS and CGEPHIS, the new scheme will be made compulsory for new employees.Sources in the health ministry said the proposal dates back to 2011, when the committee of secretaries gave its in-principle approval. The proposal was revived after the NDA government took charge. Former Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan, however, was opposed to the idea. According to sources, Vardhan was of the opinion that the change would actually mean a higher burden on the exchequer. The annual CGHS bill has increased in the past few years, rising from Rs 987.75 crore in 2008-09 to Rs 1755.62 crore in 2013-14. The average expenditure per beneficiary adds up to Rs 4,787 (which means about Rs 23,000 for a family of five) — Rs 11,955 for pensioners and Rs 2,096 for serving employees.The total number of CGHS beneficiaries is 36,67,765. Besides serving and retired government employees, this includes former vice-presidents, former prime ministers, MPs and former MPs, sitting and retired judges of the Supreme Court, PIB accredited journalists, railway board employees, Delhi Police personnel in Delhi and employees and pensioners of 60 autonomous/ statutory bodies.Under CGEPHIS, the OPD needs will be met by the FMA. While the CGHS covers only 25 cities, the new scheme will be pan-India. This would automatically increase the financial commitment. All diseases, including pre-existing ones, will be covered, and in case of transplants, the expenses incurred for the donor or processing of cadaver organ will also be covered. Interestingly, the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, which was run by the labour ministry so far, will be under the health ministry from April 1, as it moves from an insurance-based scheme to a trust-based scheme.Source: The Indian Express
Swachh Bharat cess may be imposed by way of a Service Tax amendment
New Delhi:
A Swachh Bharat cess is likely to be imposed by way of a Service Tax amendment in the forthcoming Annual Budget.
According to sources, The Finance Ministry proposes Swachh Bharat cess seeking Rs 1 lakh crore for Swachh Bharat Mission.
The government hopes to mop up Rs 1 lakh crore in five years. Service Tax amendment is likely to take place in the Budget Session.
The Swachh Bharat cess may range between 0.02 to 0.05 per cent. The cess is likely to be levied on telecom SVCs and spectrum sale.
The government mulls imposing cess on all services under service tax regime. It will be levied for a specific purpose for procuring machinery.
The cess may be used for cleanliness and infrastructure development also. It is likely to be added to Swachh Bharat Kosh and the collection will be disbursed to the states, the sources said.
Source : http://ibnlive.in.com/
Commemorative Postage Stamp on Swachh Bharat
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
30-January-2015 15:18 IST
Commemorative Postage Stamp on Swachh Bharat
The Minister for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad along with the Minister for Urban Development & Parliamentary Affairs Shri Venkaiah Naidu and the Minister for Rural Development Shri Chaudhary Birender Singh released Commemorative Postage stamps on the theme of Swachh Bharat to mark the Martyrdom Day of Mahatma Gandhi today.
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad speaking on the occasion said the Government intends to make cleanliness a part culture of this country under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi . He pointed out that the design for the stamps were selected through a competition among the children on the theme. The Minister for Urban Development Shri Venkaiah Naidu also appreciating the idea said that if the practice of cleanliness catches with our children, it would spread as a mass movement in the country. He hoped that Swachhatha will become a Jan Andholan. Shri Chaudhary Birender Singh said the release of the stamps on the Martyrdom Day on this subject of cleanliness, which is very close to the heart of the Father of the Nation, is an apt tribute to him.
The Department of Posts, at a function this morning issued a set of these three Commemorative Postage Stamps on the theme of Swachh Bharat.
Swachh Bharat Mission was launched by the Prime Minister on the 2nd October, 2014 on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. This all encompassing Mission covering our surroundings seeks to achieve “Clean India” and aims to provide access to toilets to all households in the country, and making adequate arrangements for Solid and Liquid Waste Management.
Release of a set of three stamps and a miniature sheet on the theme Swachh Bharat is a part of this effort to achieve the vision of Clean and Healthy India.
NDA Government which came to power at Centre seven months back, has proved that it is a Govt. of the Corporates, by the Corporates and for the Corporates. In the Central Govt. employees sector none of the issues pertaining to the employees are settled - DA merger, Interim Relief, Inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC, Scrapping of New Pension Scheme, Casual Labourers issue, Cadre Restructuring in Postal, all are pending. Over and above this, the Modi Government is moving fast ahead with privatisation and large scale outsourcing of the core functions of the Central Government departments. The very existence of Government-run Central Government departments are under threat.
On 22nd August 2014, the Modi Govt. amended the 1991 Govt. of India’s Policy resolution, replacing the words “Railway Transport” as “Railway Operations”. Simultaneously, they also announced the induction of 100% FDI in Railways including operation, construction, design and maintenance. Induction of FDI and consequent privatisation of Railways will endanger the job security of lakhs of Railway employees.
The Defence production sector went in for partial privatisation when the UPA Government allowed FDI to the extent of 26% whereby the foreign arms manufacturers were permitted access to the vital defence sector, disregarding the national security perspective. What is now decided by the present NDA Government is to allow 49% FDI in defence production. The Government has decided to set up a Corporation to carry out the functions of 41 ordnance factories under the Ministry of Defence which is a big move to privatise defence production sector. Eventually this will lead to closure of department - controlled defence production units, unable to face the unscrupulous competition from the Transnational Corporations, driving thousands of Defence employees and workers to unemployment and poverty.
The Task Force set up by the Government under the Chairmanship of Shri. T.S.R. Subramanian, former Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India, has recommended to convert the core functions of the Postal Department into a Corporation called “India Post (Financial and other services) Corporation”. Under this holding company five more subsidiary corporations will be formed, on the lines the Telecom was made into BSN, VSNL and MTNL. The entire social obligations will be thrust upon the Postal Department while private players will eventually take the creamy part of Postal department such as Savings Bank, PLI/RPLI, Parcels, Packets and Logistics etc. In the longer run, the public sector company so formed would be made to incur losses and ultimate closure, as is happening in the case of BSNL. Lakhs of Postal employees will be forced to go on VRS or will become jobless.
Thus it is very clear that Modi Government has thrown a challenge to the Central Government employees in general and to Railway, Defence and Postal Workers in particular. We must accept the challenge and defeat the nefarious design of the Modi Government, with determination and with a do or die attitude. We must not entertain any doubt of our ultimate victory in this battle.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
26.01.2015 SRMU சங்க கட்டிடம் திருச்சி
திருச்சியில் ஒரு திருப்பு முனை !
தமிழக அஞ்சல் மூன்று மற்றும் NFPE GDS சங்கங்களின்
மாநில அளவிலான கோட்ட/ கிளைச் செயலர்கள் கூட்டம் !
போராட்டக் களம் நோக்கி தமிழக அஞ்சல் மூன்று மற்றும் GDS சங்கம் !
மூன்று கட்ட போராட்டம் !
முதற் கட்டம் கோட்ட/ கிளைகளில்
கோரிக்கை மனு அளித்து ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் !
இரண்டாவது கட்டம்
மண்டல மாநில அளவில் தொடர் முழக்கப் போராட்டம் !
மூன்றாவது கட்டம்
மாநிலம் தழுவிய ஒரு நாள் வேலை நிறுத்தம் !
தமிழக அஞ்சல் நிர்வாகமே !
CBS /CIS அதிரடி MIGRATION என்ற பெயரில் ஊழியர்களை
கொடுமைப் படுத்தாதே !
CBS /CIS குளறுபடிகளுக்கு உடனடி தீர்வு கொடு !
பொது மக்களிடம் ஊழியர்களை அசிங்கப்படுத்தாதே !
TARGET என்ற பெயரில் எந்தவித அடிப்படை
வசதியும் செய்து கொடுக்காமல் INDOOR ஊழியர்கள்
மற்றும் GDS ஊழியர்களை கொடுமைப் படுத்தாதே !
EPOST என்ற பெயரில் சினிமா நடிகைகளுக்கும்
அரசியல் வாதிகளுக்கும் காவடி தூக்கும், இலாக்காவை
அசிங்கப்படுத்தும் அதிகாரிகள் மீது ஒழுங்கு
நடவடிக்கை எடு !
ஆட்பற்றாக்குறையை உடனே நீக்கு !
SANCTIONED STRENGTH மற்றும் WORKING STRENGTH க்கு இடையிலான காலிப் பணியிடங்களை உடனே நிரப்பு !
IRREGULAR ASSESSMENT செய்த அதிகாரிகள் மீது
ஒழுங்கு நடவடிக்கை எடு !
ஆட்பற்றாக்குறைக்கு உடனே OUTSOURCING வழங்கிடு !
OUTSOURSING வழங்கவில்லையானால் OUTSOURSED வேலைகளை
ஊழியர்கள் புறக்கணிப்போம் என்ற முடிவுக்கு தள்ளாதே !
ஞாயிறு மற்றும் பண்டிகை தினங்களில்
ஊழியர்களை பணிக்கு உத்திரவிடாதே !
ஊழியர் அடிப்படை உரிமையை பறிக்காதே !
24 X 7 என்று MNC COMPANY போல அடிப்படை விதிகளை மீறி
அஞ்சல் பகுதியில் 'கோமாளி' உத்திரவுகளை போடும்
அதிகாரிகளை கட்டுப்படுத்து !
CPMG யுடனான எழுத்துபூர்வமான ஒப்பந்தந்தத்தை மீறி வயதானவர்களை கட்டாய 'SHRAMDHAN' உத்திரவிடும்
PTC இயக்குனர் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடு !
தோழர். ஜெயக்குமார் சாவு போல
'இன்னொரு சாவு' ஏற்படுத்தாதே !
எழுத்தர் தேர்வு முடிவுகளை ஆண்டுக்கணக்கில்
தாமதப்படுத்தும் நிர்வாகத்தின் தூக்கத்தை கலைத்திடு !
தேர்வு முடிவுகளை உடனடியாக வெளியிடு !
ஊழியர்களை பணிக்கு அமர்த்து !
பழுது பட்ட, காலாவதியான கணினி மற்றும்
அதன் உபபொருட்களான PRINTER , UPS, BATTERY ,
GENERATOR களை உடனே மாற்று !
லட்சக் கணக்கில் செலவு செய்து கட்டிடங்களை அழகு படுத்தாதே !
அடிப்படை கட்டுமானங்களை வழங்கு !
வேலை செய்யாத ATM களுக்கு
லட்சக்கணக்கில் தினம் தினம் கட்டிடமா ?
வேலை செய்யும் ஊழியர்களுக்கு SCANNER கூட இல்லையா ?
PRINT எடுக்க PAPER கூட இல்லையா ?
BARCODE STICKER கூட இல்லையா ?
இதற்கெல்லாம் பணம் அடியோடு இல்லவே இல்லையா ?
மூன்று ஆண்டுகளாய் தேங்கிக் கிடக்கும்
LSG பதவி உயர்வு என்னாச்சு ?
REVISED RECTT . RULES அடிப்படையில்
HSG II, HSG I பதவி உயர்வு என்னாச்சு ?
தொழிற்சங்க நடவடிக்ககளுக்காக பழிவாங்கும்
தென் மண்டல நிர்வாகத்தை கட்டுப் படுத்து !
தொழிற்சங்க நடவடிக்கைகளுக்காக சட்டத்தை மீறி
வழங்கப் பட்ட தண்டனைகளை ரத்து செய் !
சட்டத்தை குப்பையில் போடும் திண்டுக்கல்
கோட்ட அதிகாரியின் கொட்டத்தை அடக்கு !
ஊழல் அதிகாரிகள் மீது ஒழுங்கு நடவடிக்கை எடு !
இடமாற்றம் மட்டும் செய்யாதே !
ஆள் இல்லாத நேரத்தில் ஆள் நிரப்பும்
கூடங்களாக பயிற்சி மையங்களா ?
கண்மூடித்தனமான WCTC பயிற்சிகளை உடனே நிறுத்து !
CBS அசுர வேகம் ! SANCHAY POST TRAININGம் அசுர வேகம் !
ஏன் இந்த முரண்பாடு ! தேவையற்ற SANCHAY POST TRAINING ஐ
உடனே நிறுத்து !
கணினி உபகரணங்களுக்கு AMC உடனே அறிவி !
கண்மூடித்தனமாக STAMP VENDOR பதவிகளை ஒழிக்காதே !
COUNTER இல் பணிபுரியும் ஊழியர்களை
மேலும் மேலும் கொடுமைப் படுத்தாதே !
பொது மக்கள் உபயோகத்திற்கு ரூ. 4/- ரூ. 5/
PAY IN SLIP , B .O .DAILY ACCOUNT உள்ளிட்ட அத்தியாவசிய
பொருட்களை உடனே வழங்கு !
மாதாந்திரப் பேட்டிகளை நடத்திடாத
கோட்ட அதிகாரிகள் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடு !
மற்றும் தேங்கிக் கிடக்கும் கோட்ட அளவிலான
பிரச்சினைகளை உடனே தீர்த்து வை !
கோட்ட/ கிளைச் செயலர்கள் கூட்டத்தில் பெறப்பட்ட கோரிக்கை மனுக்களை சரி செய்து MEMORANDAM தயார் செய்யும் பணியில் மாநிலச் சங்கம் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளது . கூட்டத்திற்கு வர இயலாத கோட்ட/ கிளைச் செயலர்கள் உடன் தங்கள் பகுதிப் பிரச்சினைகளை மாநிலச் செயலருக்கு EMAIL மூலம் அனுப்பிட கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம். பிப்ரவரி முதல் வாரத்தில் முதற் கட்ட போராட்டம் அறிவிக்கப்படும் ! கோட்ட/ கிளைச் செயலர்கள் தயார் நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டுகிறோம்.! இரண்டாவது கட்ட போராட்டத்தில் வேலைநிறுத்த அறிவிப்பு மற்றும் சட்ட பூர்வமான நோட்டீஸ் வழங்கப்படும் !
இது நம் உரிமை காக்கும் போராட்டம் !
நம் உணர்வுக்கான போராட்டம் !
போராட்ட உணர்வு பெருகட்டும் !
போராட்டத் தீ பரவட்டும் !
அஞ்சல் மூன்று கூட்டத்தின் புகைப்படங்கள்

GDS கோட்ட / கிளைச் செயலர்கள் கூட்டத்தின் புகைப்படங்கள்
மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர் மகா சம்மேளனத்தின் தமிழ் மாநில சிறப்புக் கூட்டம் கடந்த 28.01.2015 அன்று மதியம் 01.00 மணியளவில் சென்னை சாஸ்திரி பவன் கூட்ட அரங்கத்தில் சிறப்பாக நடைபெற்றது.
தொழிற் சங்க நடவடிக்கைகளுக்காக இடைநீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட சென்னை கல்பாக்கம் அணுமின் நிலைய ஊழியர் சங்கப் பிரதிநிதிகளுக்கு ஆதரவாகவும் , கல்பாக்கம் அணுமின் நிலைய நிர்வாகத்தின் தொழிற்சங்க பழிவாங்கும் நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கு எதிராகவும் மத்தியசங்க அழைப்பை ஏற்று இந்தக் கூட்டம் நடைபெற்றது. மேலும் சம்மேளனத்தின் முன்னாள் செயலாளர் தோழர். ஜெயசீலன் நினைவாகவும் சிறப்புக் கருத்தரங்கு நடைபெற்றது.
கூட்டத்திற்கு மகா சம்மேளன மாநிலத் தலைவர் தோழர். J . ராமமூர்த்தி தலைமை தாங்கினார், சாஸ்திரி பவன் ஒருங்கிணைப்புக் குழுவின் பொதுச் செயலர் தோழர். சாம்ராஜ் வரவேற்புரை யாற்றினார் . நிகழ்ச்சி தொகுப்பினை மாநிலப் பொருளாளர் தோழர். சுந்தரமூர்த்தி அவர்கள் அளித்திட , நினைவேந்தல் உரையை பொதுச் செயலர் தோழர். துரைபாண்டியன் அவர்கள் ஆற்றிட ' HIRE AND FIRE ' என்ற தலைப்பில் நோக்கியா , ஹூண்டாய் , TCS , IBM போன்ற பன்னாட்டு நிறுவனங்களில் ஆயிரக்கணக்கில் திடீர் ஆட்குறைப்பு மற்றும் இன்றைய தினம் அற்றைக் கூலிகளாய் தொழிலாளர் படும் அவதி, இதே நிலை மைய அரசின் கொள்கைகளால் நாளைய தினம் அரசுத் துறை , பொதுத் துறை ஊழியர்கள் அடிபடப் போகும் அவலம் குறித்தும் இவற்றை எதிர்த்திட பரந்த அடிப்படையில் உழைக்கும் வர்க்கம் ஒன்று சேர வேண்டியதன் அவசியத்தையும் விரிவாகவும் விளக்கமாகமும் CITU வின் மாநிலத் தலைவரும் சட்ட மன்ற உறுப்பினருமான தோழர். A . சௌந்தரராஜன் அவர்கள் எடுத்துரைத்தார்.
நூற்றுக் கணக்கான மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்கள் கூட்டத்தில் கலந்துகொண்டது சிறப்பாக அமைந்தது. கல்பாக்கம் தோழர்களுக்கு ஆதரவாக கண்டனத் தீர்மானம் நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டு கல்பாக்கம் நிர்வாகத்திற்கும் மத்திய சங்கத்திற்கும் அனுப்பப்பட்டது. கூட்டத்தில் எடுக்கப்பட்ட சில புகைப்படங்களை கீழே காணலாம் .
The Government of India and Department of Posts is not serious to settle the genuine demands of Postal employees. The common demands of D. A. merger, Interim relief, inclusion of GDS in 7th C.P.C. alongwith other demands have been rejected by the Government of India. The way through which Pay Commission seems to be working is not going to submit its report in the due period and no more benefit is expected to come in the wake of economic policies being pursued by Modi Government.
The genuine and justified demands of all sections of Postal , RMS and GDS employees are lying pending since long and Postal Board does not seem to be serious about the settlement of the same which are creating more difficulties to the employees.
The Postal JCA had submitted a 39 Points Charter of Demands on 1stSeptember, 2014 conveying the grievances of all sections but the Department did not pay any attention to this. Being aggrieved the Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE, FNPO and GDS unions decided unanimously to start agitational programmes in a phased manner culminating in to an indefinite strike from 6th May, 2015 and served notice to the Department. After receiving notice Department of Posts has convened a meeting on 5th February, 2015. In the mean time Task Force Committee headed by TSR Subramaian constituted as per direction of Prime Minister has submitted its report which has categorically mentioned to divide Department of Post in six holding Companies/Corporations to pave the way for privatization, which is a very disastrous move to destroy this department just like BSNL. The Task Force Committee has also recommended amendment of Indian Post Office Act 1898 to give legality and licenses to Couriers Companies.
After studying Task Force Committee Report PJCA met again and decided to resist the retrograde recommendations of Task Force Committee and further submitted revised Charter of Demands mentioning “No Corporatization and No Privatization in Postal Services” as item no. 1 and previous items as serial No. 2 to 40. Revised 40 points Charter of Demands has been submitted to the Department and discussion will take place between Postal Board and PJCA leaders on 5th Feb 2015. If the Department does not agree to stop such type of move the PJCA will intensify the agitational programmes with full strength.
Now we are facing a very crucial and critical situation. In the wake of economic policies of Central Government entire Central Government employees including Postal employees are facing serious threat for their survival. The question before us is –Are we able to protect our department and our jobs? or Are we going to surrender? The answer is no. We are not going to surrender before these attacks. We will continue to fight against these policies as we have fought earlier on so many occasions
The 145 days strike by Postmen of Pune in 1880, 120 days strike by Postmen of Mumbai in 1920, 25 days historic strike in 1946, 5 days strike in 1960, 1 day strike in 1968 for minimum wages , Bonus Strike of 1974, 1 day strike on 19th September, 1984 for emancipation of GDS (ED) employees, 1993 five days strike,1996 - 4 days strike 1998, 7 days strike 2000 Dec-14 days strike , one day strike on 12.12.12 and two days strike on 12th & 13th February, 2014 are our rich heritage which shows that we have always fought with full enthusiasm and courage and defeated the retrograde and anti working class policies of the Government of India.
So Comrades, NFPE along with PJCA appeals to all of you to intensify the campaign. Form JCA at all levels and popularize the demands among all sections of Postal Employees and get ready for another battle to be launched from 6th May-2015 to save the Postal Department and to save our jobs and defeat the retrograde policies of Central Government and disastrous recommendations of Task Force Committee.
If we fight unitedly. We will win certainly.
This a “Do or Die Battle” for all of us.
Postal Department to Come Up With Insurance Policies for Girl Child, Women-- Press News
CHENNAI :The postal department is planning to come up with insurance policies pertaining to girl child and women, according to Anjali Devasher, member Postal services Board (Postal Life Insurance) and chairman of Investment Board.
Devasher told reporters after giving away National awards for outstanding performance in postal life insurance and rural postal life insurance that the new policies are at the conceptual stage and refused to give any time-frame on when it will be introduced.
Talking about the IT project of India Post, Devasher said that it will be rolled out once it is implemented in all the seven pilot circles.
She said that postal life insurance was started as an in-house life insurance scheme for the postal employees in 1884 and is now available to all employees of the Central and state governments including the defence and paramilitary forces, employees of PSUs, public sector commercial banks, autonomous bodies and universities and government aided educational institutions.
She said the scheme was extended to all persons residing in rural India in 1995 and is called Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme.
She also said that the opening of foreign direct investment in the insurance sector will not affect the postal department. “We have a fixed clientele,” she said.
V Pati, chief general manager of Postal Life Insurance said that the number of policies in postal life insurance and rural postal life insurance is almost Rs 2.86 crore. The corpus size is Rs 55,000 crore and the total sum assured for all policies is Rs 2,01,373 crore.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
அன்புத் தோழர்களுக்கு வணக்கம். கடந்த 26.01.2015 அன்று திருச்சியில் நடைபெற்ற அஞ்சல் மூன்று மற்றும் GDS சங்கங்களின் மாநில அளவிலான கோட்ட/ கிளைச் செயலர்கள் கூட்டத்தில், தேங்கிக் கிடக்கும் பிரச்சினைகளை தீர்த்து வைத்திடக் கோரியும், நிர்வாகத்தின் தொழிலாளர் அடக்கு முறைக்கு எதிரான போக்கினை கண்டித்தும், தொழிற்சங்க பழி வாங்கும் போக்கினை கடைப்பிடிக்கும் தென் மண்டல நிர்வாகத்தை கண்டித்தும் தமிழகம் தழுவிய அளவில் வேலை நிறுத்தம் உள்ளிட்ட மூன்று கட்ட போராட்டத்தினை நடத்திடுவது என்று ஒரு மனதான தீர்மானம், அஞ்சல் மூன்று மற்றும் GDS சங்கங்களால் நிறைவேற்றப் பட்டுள்ளது என்பதை முன்னோட்டமாக தெரிவித்துக் கொள்கிறோம். விரிவான விபரங்கள் நாளை வெளியிடப்படும்.
ஏற்கனவே தமிழக அஞ்சல் நான்கு சங்கத்தால், தேங்கிக்கிடக்கும் கோரிக்கைகளை தீர்த்திடக் கோரி, இன்றைய தேதியில் தமிழகம் தழுவிய அளவில் அனைத்து கோட்ட அலுவலகங்களுக்கு முன்பாக ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் நடத்திட அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. எனவே நம்முடைய தமிழக அஞ்சல் மூன்று சங்கம் சார்பாக அந்தப் போராட்டத்திற்கு தார்மீக ஆதரவை அளித்திடுமாறு அனைத்து அஞ்சல் மூன்று கோட்ட / கிளைச் செயலர்களையும் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
மேலும், கடந்த பிப்ரவரி 12, 13 - 2014 தேதிகளில் நடைபெற்ற அனைத்து மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர்களின் வேலை நிறுத்தத்தில் கலந்து கொண்டு அதனை முழுமையாக, வெற்றிகரமாக நடத்திய கல்பாக்கம் அணு மின் ஊழியர் சங்கத் தலைவர்களை, அதன் நிர்வாகம் தாற்காலிக பணி நீக்கம் செய்துள்ளதை கண்டித்து, இன்று அகில இந்திய அளவில் கண்டன நாள் கடைப்பிடிக்கப்படுகிறது . அதற்கான கூட்டம் இன்றைய தேதியில் மதியம் 01.00 மணியளவில் சென்னை சாஸ்திரி பவன் வளாகத்தில் நடைபெறுகிறது. இதில் தமிழக மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர் மகா சம்மேளனத்தின் சார்பாக கண்டனத் தீர்மானம் நிறைவேற்றப்படுகிறது. அதற்கும் நம்முடைய தமிழ் மாநில அஞ்சல் மூன்றின் ஆதரவை நாம் வெளிப்படுத்துவோம்.
நிர்வாக இயந்திரத்தின் காட்டு தர்பாரை கட்டுக்குள் கொண்டு வருவோம் !. அனைத்து மத்திய அரசு ஊழியர் சங்கங்களும் ஒன்று சேர்ந்து போராட்டப் பாதையில் பயணிப்போம் !
ஊழியர் நலன் காப்போம் !
Saturday, January 24, 2015
தாம்பரம் கோட்ட, மற்றும் அம்பத்தூர் கிளைப் பிரச்சினைகள் குறித்து PMG, CCR அவர்களுடன் கடந்த 09.01.2015 அன்று ஒரு சிறப்பு நேர்காணல் நடைபெற்றது.
நேர்காணலில் அஞ்சல் மூன்றின் மாநிலச் செயலர் தோழர். J . ராமமூர்த்தி, அஞ்சல் மூன்றின் மாநில நிதிச் செயலர் தோழர். A . வீரமணி, அம்பத்தூர் அஞ்சல் மூன்றின் கிளைத் தலைவர் தோழர் C . மோகன், கிளைச் செயலர் தோழர். S .அசோகன் ஆகியோர் கலந்துகொண்டனர்.
கிட்டத்தட்ட 19 பிரச்சினைகள் கடிதங்கள் வாயிலாக அளிக்கப் பட்டு PMG, CCR அவர்களுடன் விவாதிக்கப் பட்டது. அனைத்து பிரச்சினைகள் மீதும் PMG அவர்கள் விவாதித்து உரிய நடவடிக்கைகள் எடுப்பதாக உறுதி அளித்தார். கிட்டத்தட்ட 1 1/2 மணி நேரம் ஒதுக்கி கிளை நிர்வாகிகளின் பிரச்சினைகளைக் கேட்டு தீர்வுக்கு உறுதி அளித்த PMG, CCR அவர்களுக்கு அம்பத்தூர் கிளை மற்றும் மாநிலச்சங்கத்தின் சார்பில் நம் நன்றியை தெரிவிக்கிறோம்.
எடுக்கப்பட்ட பிரச்சினைகளின் கடிதங்கள் அனைத்தையும் பிரசுரிக்க இயலாததால் முக்கியமான சில கடிதங்களை கீழே அளிக்கிறோம்.
Subject: Grant of TA/DA or conveyance allowance- in
case of CBS squads in Chennai city region
It is
brought to our notice that the postal assistants deployed as CBS squads in the
divisions are not being granted either Travelling allowance or road mileage
allowance as entitled. These officials
have been ordered orally in most occasions to visit the offices by the
divisional heads. Even in some cases
before completion of the work assigned in one particular office, these
officials are being ordered to work in some other offices as deputations to
manage the absentees such as postal assistants and sub postmasters and CBS work
has been left unfinished.
It is
paradoxical to note that even for such deputations to longer stations as PA and
SPM arrangements; neither the advance of TA/DA nor sanctions of TA is
entertained. This is highly irregular
and irrational. To cite an instant this
is prevailing in TAMBARAM division. When
these officials attending single hand offices for CBS work, they need to wait
for the computers. No ideal system
available to attend CBS work. It is
better to provide laptop to CBS squads for such offices.
It is,
therefore, requested to kindly cause suitable instructions to all the
divisional heads that the PAs engaged as CBS squads shall not be deputed for
short term arrangements in the middle of the work and also they must be
compensated and covered under the TA rules for the deputations ordered within
the division for the CBS work.
Subject: In ordinated delay in supply of register/speed post
barcode stickers, report sheets case
of TAMBARAM division
It is brought to our
notice that the indents made by the SPMs for supply of register/speed post
barcode stickers, report sheet, etc are not being entertained in time resulting
in various public complaints at the time of booking the articles. Further some of the customers are being
returned the articles without booking which creates unwarranted complaints. Some of the customers are insisting to book
the articles by manual receipts which could be seen in the offices like
Ponneri, etc. We are losing customers in
the absence of barcode stickers in many offices.
It is further learnt that
the stickers supplied for the counter use are being diverted to book special
journals in many offices in order to keep the bulk customers which has resulted
inadequacy to manage the counters. There
are oral instructions from the divisional office for such diversions and no
written orders have been issued.
When the issue was
discussed by the divisional union with the SSPOs, Tambaram, it was replied that
the inadequate supply of stickers, etc. is due to the poor supply received by
his office from PSD, CHENNAI. This causes a serious concern.
It is therefore requested
to ensure that in order to improve the business and also to retain the
customers intact, the timely supply without any restriction in the supply may
be ensured to SPMs working in the division.
Subject: In adequate bandwidth allocation to AMBATTUR HO - reg.
It is constrained to note
that the bandwidth allocation to AMBATTUR H.O is still having 512 kbps, despite
the fact that the inspecting authorities have already made paras to increase
the speed to at least to the extent of 1 Mbps.
Due to the inadequate
allocation, the systems become very slow and public are being retained for a
long time to have their transactions completed. Bitter quarrels and unpleasant
exchange of words are become the routine and the staff are being fed up.
It is pertinent to note
that AVADI CAMP H.O which is having only just of the workload while comparing
AMBATTUR H.O was provided with 1 Mbps bandwidth allocation. This is deplorable.
It is therefore requested
to kindly cause immediate action to enhance the bandwidth speed atleast to the
extent of 1 Mbps immediately and without any delay.
Subject: Non supply of
revolving/ergonomic chairs to the PAs deployed in computers – case of
It is brought to our
notice by divisional union that the subject taken with the divisional head for
providing revolving/ergonomic chairs to the PAs deployed in the counters by
replacing the existing worn out chairs has been simply turned down with the
comment that it could not be provided due to the paucity of funds provided by
the regional office under this head.
In particular at AMBATTUR
H.O, most of the PAs are sitting in the plastic chairs and performing their
duties with great strain and with back pain.
In respect of MINJUR S.O where you have recently, you could have seen
the PAs are sitting on stools and performing their duties.
This is the position of
all the bigger offices in the entire division.
This has not only affected their health but also the input they made to
the department in the absence of basic requirements. Unless some funds are allotted with specific
instructions to replace and provide revolving chairs, the issue could not be
sorted out.
It is therefore requested
that necessary action may please be accorded to ensure adequate allotment of
funds as well as immediate provision of ergonomic chairs to all the offices in
Sub: Replacement of outdated servers,
UPS, monitors and printers – case of TAMBARAM DIVISION. …..
Most of the SERVERs provided to
the offices under TAMBARAM DIVISION are more than 10 years old and most of them
were installed at the time of introduction of computer in the divisions in the
early period of 2000. Most of them are
now outdated and beyond repairs. They
could not cater to the present requirements resulting in unusual and abnormal
delay even in the opening and closing atleast to the minimum extent of twenty
minutes. The SPMs have to attend twenty
minutes earlier to open the server for commencing the counter business as well
as to remain twenty minutes after the close of the office for closing the
SERVER. Further in the middle of the
transactions, the SERVER could not link the node systems.
For example at PONNERI S.O, even
for opening a report a lot of efforts must be taken to connect the node due to
the out datedness of the SERVER. This is
the position of most of the servers in the entire division. All the new works could not be entertained
properly due to the outdated SERVERs.
Similarly in respect of printers,
the AMCs have not been properly carried out at the time of fault and the
personnel deployed for such maintenance work unofficially commenting about the
delayed payment and they are attending late as if they don’t want to continue
their service. Because of the lethargy and protracted delay, the repairs in
the printers are not properly attended.
Further there are inadequacy of LASER PRINTERS in bigger offices which
resulted many problems in taking printouts particularly in case of EMOs and
reports. At least a LASER PRINTER shall
be provided to all the double handed, LSG and other bigger offices.
Most of the monitors provided are
very old and indigenous to the eyes and outdated. What are all the repairs made to these
monitors could not solve the problem really.
For example, the monitors provided at MADHAVARAM,ETS and MANALI were
fourteen years old. It is better to provide LCD/LED monitors instead of CRT monitors
to save power and space.
In most of the offices, UPS
provided not functioning properly.
Sufficient backup could not be retrieved from the UPS due to
non-maintenance of AMC vendor. For
It is therefore requested to
kindly attend all these items with utmost importance and ensure a good and
congenial atmosphere for the officials working in the computer operations.
Sub: Deviation
of convention in arranging relief to the officials working in unpopular
stations with fresh recruits …..
is brought to our notice that the age old convention adopted in the division
over three decades in arranging relief to the officials working in unpopular
station and posted them to the places where 30% HRA is applicable is being
deviated and the officials who are joining the divisions directly are being
favored with direct posting in the HRA stations on obvious considerations. The
fact has already been brought to the notice of the regional administration and
it was accepted by the then SSPOs. Now no request register for transfer is
being maintained and the transfers are not considered only on the basis of the
gradation list of the division. This has paved way for the corruption,
favouritism and nepotism in such posting. Recently, one direct recruited
candidate has been shown as PA Ponneri but drawn to Tambaram purely on obvious
consideration. There are many officials offered willingness to work in Tambaram
instructions may please be accorded to maintain the request register and uphold
the convention adopted in the case of posting to unpopular stations in the
Tambaram division.
Maintenance work for Ambattur HPO building
building where the Ambattur HPO is functioning requires immediate maintenance
work Due to colour fade in the outside walls, the appearance of the building
itself become very shabby. The maintenance work has not been carried out over
six to seven years. The septic tank provided in this office is insufficient and
the expansion of the existing one may please be considered. The bore well is
now erected on the passage where the mail vans are passing through. This should
be taken note of and necessary shifting may please be considered Furthermore,
theparapet wall constructed in the building is in the dilapidated condition and
may collapse at any time.
the cycle shed provided at this HPO is insufficient and it is requested to
consider the construction of additional cycle/ two wheeler shed adjacent to the
existing one.
is therefore requested to cause action to carry out the maintenance work before
the completion of the financial year. During rainy season there is huge
stagnation of water in front of BPC Ambattur due to heightening of the main
road and water dry late time which causes inconvenience to the customers and
the staff.
Repairs to the blockage in the drain water pipes at Tiruvottiyur S.O.
drain water pipes provided from the staff quarters to office becomes damaged
resulting in blockage in the drainage pipes provided in the office. There is
overflow of sewage water across the office and causing unhygienic condition in
the office. This has not been attended for a long time.
is therefore requested to cause necessary orders to the divisional head or the
civil wing to carry out the repairs at the earliest.
Sub: Delay
in sanction of HRA at Chennai city rate to the areas covered under Greater
Chennai and grant of peripheral HRA to the places located within 8 KMs from the
expanded Greater Chennai City. ….
the promulgation of Greater Chennai and expanded its area, the officials
working in Manali New Town are eligible for the grant of HRA at the Chennai
City rate. Similarly the areas like Solavaram, NCTPP, Koilambakkam, Thalambur,
Madambakkam, Melakottaiyur, Kovur etc are now within 8 KMs from the Greater Chennai and the officials working therein
are entitled for the grant of peripheral HRA. No proposal has been
forwarded so far by obtaining essentiality
certificate from the District
the proposals already taken for the grant of peripheral HRA to the stations
like Mangadu, are still pending at your office.
is therefore requested to kindly process the cases cited above and cause
appropriate orders at the earliest.
Sub: Repairs
to the Generators
provided at Ambattur and Avadi Camp HPOs
is learnt that both the Generators provided at Ambattur and Avadi Camp HPOs are
not functioning and under repairs over years. No serious action has been taken
to repair the same and brought them under use. Resultantly, there is a total
suffering during the power shut down periods and the officials are put in to
untold sufferings and hardships.
is therefore requested to cause immediate action to repair both the generators
without any further delay.
Sub: Deployment of PAs case of Minjur in
Tambaram Division
is constrained to note that due to unscientific reduction of PAs at the time of
implementation of TBOP and BCR promotions at Minjur which had the total PAs
strength of 4 to the extent of 2 and thereafter the staff deployed are put in
to great strain due to unbearable work load.
is most pertinent to mention that during your personal visit at this office
after seeing the work load, you have ordered to attach additional man power to
this office to cope up the work load. Whereas the SSPOs Tambaram has deputed
only one hand which is insufficient and the pending works have not been cleared
so far. The data entry in respect of RD bulk postings are being unposted over 4
is ample justification for augmentation of 2 more PAs to this office. Since
Minjur is a part of expanded urban and also increased inhabitants, the work
loadin the delivery is increased manifolds and the supervision of SPM is most
is therefore requested to kindly arrange redeployment of 2 PAs to Minjur to
cater the present requirement and to keep the office without arrears.
of currency counting machine and fake note detection machines to all LSG, HSG
II and HSG I offices
is constrained to note that no cash counting machine has been supplied to all
the Head post offices and bigger cash offices so far. Similarly the fake note
detection machine has also not been supplied to any of the offices and in many
cases the treasurer are being forced to make good the loss sustained due to the
fake notes handled at their offices.
is therefore requested to cause adequate funds for providing the above atleast
to the offices above the standard of LSG in case of Tambaram division.
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