சென்னை வட கோட்டத்தின் ECS மூலம் ஊதியம் வழங்கும் பிரச்சினயில் , நமது கோரிக்கை நியாயமாக உள்ளதாகவும் அதனை ஏற்று சென்னை வட கோட்ட முது நிலை கண்காணிப்பாளருக்கு உரிய அறிவுறுத்தல் வழங்கப்படும் என்றும் PMG, CCR அவர்கள் உறுதி அளித்துள்ளார். உடன் கோரிக்கையை ஏற்று நடவடிக்கை எடுத்த PMG, CCR அவர்களுக்கு நம் மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் நன்றி !
Thursday, June 25, 2015
THANKS TO THE CIRCLE ADMINISTRATION. NOW THE Mc CAMISH TRAINING ORDERED ON SUNDAY, the 28th June ,2015 stands preponed to Saturday, 27th June, 2015.
Reply received from the C.O. is furnished below:-
The said training/ workshop is now ordered to be
organized on Saturday a/n. Circular is issued from CO.
அன்புத் தோழர்களே ! உறுப்பினர் சரிபார்ப்பு சம்பந்தமான காலக் கெடு நீட்டித்து நேற்று இலாக்கா உத்திரவிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதன் விபரம் கீழே அளித்துள்ளோம் :
1. DECLARATION படிவத்துடன் பட்டியல் கோட்ட நிர்வாகத்திற்கு
அளித்திட வேண்டிய கடைசி தேதி : 06.08.2015
2. NOTICE BOARD இல் கோட்ட நிர்வாகம் பட்டியலை பார்வைக்கு
வைக்கவேண்டிய தேதி : 07.08.2015 முதல் 10.08.2015 தேதிக்குள் .
3. பிரச்சினை ஏதும் இருப்பின் உறுப்பினரின் நேரடி விண்ணப்பம்
கோட்ட நிர்வாகத்திற்கு சென்று சேர வேண்டிய கடைசி தேதி :17.08.2015
4. உறுப்பினரின் புகார் மீது நிர்வாகம் முடிவு எடுக்க வேண்டிய
கடைசி தேதி : 19.08.2015
5. இறுதி செய்யப் பட்ட பட்டியல் அடிப்படையில் மாத சந்தா பிடிக்க
வேண்டிய நாள் ( ஆகஸ்ட் ஊதியம் ) : 31.08.2015
6. பழைய AUTHORISATION அடிப்படையில் சந்தா பிடிக்கவேண்டிய
கடைசி தேதி : (ஜூலை ஊதியம் ) : 31.07.2015

All income tax refunds to be put directly in bank accounts: Central Board of Direct Taxes
NEW DELHI: In a step that would bring delight to taxpayers, the Income Tax department has put in motion a new plan which will ensure that any refund on tax paid is safely deposited in their personal bank account as soon as it is processed and released.
The department is also planning to fully adopt and use banking services to end the current system of sending I-T refunds over the value of Rs 50,000 via cheques through the postal department.
CBDT Chairperson Anita Kapur, during a recent interaction with the media, said the plan is being worked out on priority and is aimed at bringing an end to taxpayers' grievances regarding this particular service.
She said that Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) got in touch with banks and their regulator, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), after it found that the problem of wrong refunds or no refunds at all was continuing unabated.
RBI, Kapur said, told them that in the e-environment, when a refund is sent directly to a taxpayer's bank account, the existing protocols are such that banks do not match the name to the account number.
"They only look at the account number and to whichever account number the cheque is issued, the (refund) will get credited there.
"We have a large number of instances where people quote wrong account numbers and, if we were to send refunds to those account numbers, and the banking system does not match the account number with the name, then the chances of taxpayers being further aggrieved are much larger," the CBDT boss said.
Kapur added that after analysing the problem, CBDT, the apex policy-making body of I-T department, thought of bringing about some changes.
"Now, we are trying to work out a system that when a taxpayer gives his account number and if we can do some kind of prior matching with the bank... that is one step we are going ahead and if we get the comfort-level that the bank account number and the name of the taxpayer matches, we should be able to push all the (refunds) automatically to the bank account rather than sending them through speed-post, which is the current practice," she said.
The department is also planning to fully adopt and use banking services to end the current system of sending I-T refunds over the value of Rs 50,000 via cheques through the postal department.
CBDT Chairperson Anita Kapur, during a recent interaction with the media, said the plan is being worked out on priority and is aimed at bringing an end to taxpayers' grievances regarding this particular service.
She said that Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) got in touch with banks and their regulator, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), after it found that the problem of wrong refunds or no refunds at all was continuing unabated.
RBI, Kapur said, told them that in the e-environment, when a refund is sent directly to a taxpayer's bank account, the existing protocols are such that banks do not match the name to the account number.
"They only look at the account number and to whichever account number the cheque is issued, the (refund) will get credited there.
"We have a large number of instances where people quote wrong account numbers and, if we were to send refunds to those account numbers, and the banking system does not match the account number with the name, then the chances of taxpayers being further aggrieved are much larger," the CBDT boss said.
Kapur added that after analysing the problem, CBDT, the apex policy-making body of I-T department, thought of bringing about some changes.
"Now, we are trying to work out a system that when a taxpayer gives his account number and if we can do some kind of prior matching with the bank... that is one step we are going ahead and if we get the comfort-level that the bank account number and the name of the taxpayer matches, we should be able to push all the (refunds) automatically to the bank account rather than sending them through speed-post, which is the current practice," she said.
Source:-The Economic Times
Income tax returns: Government notifies new and simplified ITR forms
NEW DELHI: The Income Tax department has notified the new set of ITR forms, including a three-page simplified one, for taxpayers to file their returns for assessment year 2015-16.
With the Finance Ministry publishing the gazette order yesterday, taxpayers and other entities can now file their Income Tax Returns (ITR) till August 31, the new deadline set in this regard by the government after it dropped the earlier forms which had attracted criticism for seeking numerous additional details like that of filers' foreign travel and about dormant bank accounts.
The most simplified form, ITR-2A, to be filled by those individuals and HUFs who do not have income from either business, profession or by way of capital gains and do not hold foreign assets, only asks for the passport number of the tax-filer, with the words "if available".
Filers now will have to declare only about the "total number of savings and current bank accounts" held by them "at any time during the previous year (excluding dormant accounts)."
The form also has space to fill up the IFSC code of the bank and in an additional feature, tax filers have been given an option to indicate their bank accounts in which they would want their refund credited.
The I-T department, in the new ITRs, has also sought the Aadhaar number of filers and has also given options for providing two email ids to it.
"The inclusion of Aadhaar and emails are to ensure a regime of online ITR filing in the country," a senior official said.
The department has also provided for an additional four-page schedule to this simplified form for those who wish to file anymore details, applicable in a case-to-case basis.
In the ITR-2, for individuals and HUFs having income from business or profession, the form remains simple but they will have to declare if they hold any foreign assets abroad or have income from "any source outside India."
The new ITRs have replaced the 14-page form that were notified earlier this year, triggering a major controversy with individuals, industrialists and MPs saying tax filing would become cumbersome as those forms had sought details including foreign trips and bank accounts details.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had ordered putting these forms on hold following the controversy.
The last date for filing of the ITR has already been extended for this year to August 31.
Also, in the new ITRs, an expat who is not an Indian citizen and is in India on business, employment or student visa, would not mandatorily be required to report the foreign assets acquired by him during the previous years when he was non-resident and if no income was derived from such assets during the relevant previous year.
With the Finance Ministry publishing the gazette order yesterday, taxpayers and other entities can now file their Income Tax Returns (ITR) till August 31, the new deadline set in this regard by the government after it dropped the earlier forms which had attracted criticism for seeking numerous additional details like that of filers' foreign travel and about dormant bank accounts.
The most simplified form, ITR-2A, to be filled by those individuals and HUFs who do not have income from either business, profession or by way of capital gains and do not hold foreign assets, only asks for the passport number of the tax-filer, with the words "if available".
Filers now will have to declare only about the "total number of savings and current bank accounts" held by them "at any time during the previous year (excluding dormant accounts)."
The form also has space to fill up the IFSC code of the bank and in an additional feature, tax filers have been given an option to indicate their bank accounts in which they would want their refund credited.
The I-T department, in the new ITRs, has also sought the Aadhaar number of filers and has also given options for providing two email ids to it.
"The inclusion of Aadhaar and emails are to ensure a regime of online ITR filing in the country," a senior official said.
The department has also provided for an additional four-page schedule to this simplified form for those who wish to file anymore details, applicable in a case-to-case basis.
In the ITR-2, for individuals and HUFs having income from business or profession, the form remains simple but they will have to declare if they hold any foreign assets abroad or have income from "any source outside India."
The new ITRs have replaced the 14-page form that were notified earlier this year, triggering a major controversy with individuals, industrialists and MPs saying tax filing would become cumbersome as those forms had sought details including foreign trips and bank accounts details.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had ordered putting these forms on hold following the controversy.
The last date for filing of the ITR has already been extended for this year to August 31.
Also, in the new ITRs, an expat who is not an Indian citizen and is in India on business, employment or student visa, would not mandatorily be required to report the foreign assets acquired by him during the previous years when he was non-resident and if no income was derived from such assets during the relevant previous year.
Source :The Economic Times
Digital Locker from Govt. of India for securing documents
வருது வருது DIGITAL LOCKER வருது .
உங்கள் E -DOCUMENT ஐ சேமித்து வைக்க
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 1 will launch digital locker facility that will help citizens to digitally store their important documents like PAN card, passport, mark sheets and degree certificates.
What is DigiLocker?
Dedicated personal storage space, linked to each resident’s Aadhaar number. DigiLocker can be used to securely store e-documents as well as store Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) link of e-documents issued by various issuer departments. The e-Sign facility provided as part of DigiLocker system can be used to digitally sign e-documents.
How does DigiLocker work?
To Sign-up for the Digilocker you need to have a valid Aadhaar number registered with Aadhaar. Please type your Aadhaar number in the text box against “Enter Aadhaar Number”. You will be given two options for user authentication. “Use OTP” and “Use Fingerprint”. You can click on any one of the button.
After clicking on “Use OTP”, an OTP (One Time Password) will be sent by UIDAI to the mobile number and email-id registered with your Aadhaar. Enter the OTP and click on ‘Validate OTP’ button. Once the OTP is validated the user is taken to set username/password page to complete sign up
After Clicking on “Use Fingerprint” User will have to put the thumb print on the finger print device. If the finger print is valid, then user is authenticated and taken to set username/password page to complete sign up.
How is DigiLocker going to help me?
It will minimize the use of physical documents and will provide authenticity of the e-documents It will provide secure access to Govt. issued documents. It will also reduce administrative overhead of Govt. departments and agencies and make it easy for the residents to receive services.
for details and source:digitallocker.gov.in
Non observation of AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial activities in post offices
WUMT TRANSACTIONS படுத்துப் போச்சுன்னும் சொல்லுவாங்க ,
AML GUIDELINES FOLLOW பண்ணலைன்னும் சொல்லுவாங்க .
தப்பு நடந்து போச்சுன்னா RULE 14 பாயும்.
இறுக்கிப் புடிச்சா "TARGET " ACHIEVE பண்ணலைன்னு NOTICE ம் வரும் .
பலியாகிறது நம்ம அப்பாவி எழுத்தர் தானே ?
வியாபாரமும் இல்லாமே, SERVICE ம் இல்லாமே , அரசாங்கமும் இல்லாமே , தனியாரும் இல்லாமே .... எல்லாமே வேடிக்கைதான் !
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Subject:- Non observation of AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial activities in post offices
Instances come to the notice of the department from time to time that, AML/CFT guidelines on international money transfer are not properly followed in post offices resulting into transactions of suspicious nature either going unnoticed or unreported, such as:
i. high frequency of transaction in a single counter,
ii. cash payment of high value amount where cheque payment is prescribed,
iii. multiple transactions by a few customers
iv. non verification of relationship between sender and the recipient, or unspecified relation,
v. non verification of customer identity such as signature, physical description etc.,
vi. Unverified, or, possibly, fictitious addresses, contact numbers, identities, names of the clients on either side, etc.
2. Such occurrences are possible either due to lack of knowledge/training of the staff concerned, or distracted /overburdened staff unable to respond to the signals. However, sometimes these can also be deliberate. Further, lack of reporting of suspicious transactions/sending Nil STR can lead to incorrect reporting by the department. Considering the responsibility of the Department of Posts towards adherence to the Anti Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorist Financing measures as per PMLA 2002, strict compliance to AML/CFT guidelines for money remittance and other financial services is of utmost importance.
3. Circles are therefore requested to make all efforts, through their anti money laundering compliance cells and inspection and monitoring apparatus, to ensure adherence to AML/CFT guidelines by the post offices, especially with high WUMT business. There is a need to sensitize the operational, supervisory and inspecting staff so that they are able to detect a suspicious transaction and take appropriate measures and report as per standing instructions on the subject. The need for a rigorous, continuous training regime cannot be over emphasized. Nil STR reporting should be cross checked by divisions/regions/circles before onward submission of the same.
Niraj Kumar
7th Pay Commission completes its task in the time frame of 18 months and finalization of the report is underway
7th Pay Commission completes its task in the time frame of 18 months and finalization of the report is underway
The 7th Central Pay Commission has published a report on its official portal yesterday in order to know all stake holders regarding their meetings and its report.
It ensured that the 7th CPC report will be completed within the time frame of 18 months and it will not entertain any further meetings. 7th Pay Commission Report including revised Pay and Allowances for Central Government Employees, is on final stage.
The official report published by 7th CPC as follows...
“Further to the memoranda received from a variety of Organisations, Federations, Groups representing civil employees in the Government of India as also from the Defence Services, the Commission has had fruitful and wide ranging discussions on relevant issues with all stakeholders. Such interactions have now been concluded. Valuable inputs have been received and the work of compilation and finalization of the report is underway, so that the Commission completes its task in the time frame given to it. Accordingly, any future requests for meeting with the Commission will not be entertained”.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
International Labour Organisation echoes unions' reservation against labour law amendments
NEW DELHI: International Labour Organisation has put its weight behind trade unions in India which hold that certain proposed amendments to labour laws would go against the interest of workers.
ILO will hold two-day national conference of central trade unions on June 29-30 for firming up a paper on issues raised by workers' representatives in various tripartite consultations on labour laws amendments.
ILO will hold two-day national conference of central trade unions on June 29-30 for firming up a paper on issues raised by workers' representatives in various tripartite consultations on labour laws amendments.
According to sources, the ILO held regional consultations on various labour law amendments proposed by the government in Chennai and Bhubaneswar recently.
During the regional discussion, it was observed that there are no provisions in the Labour Code on Industrial Relations, 2015 aimed at "promoting collective bargaining. Instead, there is an emphasis on arbitration, a mode of dispute resolution that could be disadvantageous to workers for more reasons than one".
The bill provides that all office bearers of a registered trade union will have to be persons actually engaged or employed in the establishments or industry with which the trade unions is concerned. That means that outsiders cannot be associated with trade unions.
The bill prepared by the Labour Ministry proposes to combine Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Trade Unions Act, 1926, and the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
The ILO along with the trade unions found this provision to be contrary to the principle of freedom of association.
It was also pointed out that various provision of the bill refer to either recognised or certified negotiating agent but it does not provide for procedure for recognition of such agents.
During the regional discussion, ILO also agreed with the reservations of the trade unions against many other points raised by the trade unions on not only the bill but other contentious amendments.
Under this bill, the employers with up to 100 workers, will not be required to seeks government's permission for retrenchment. Moreover it proposed to make it tougher to form trade unions.
Unions are also opposing Small Factories bill which proposed to keep units employing less than 40 workers out of the purview of 14 labour laws including EPF & MP Act 1951, ESI Act 1948 and Industrial Dispute Act 1947.
They had also protested against proposed amendment in the EPF & MP Act, to provide an option to formal sector workers to choose between EPF and New Pension Scheme.
The unions had decided on May 26 to go on one day strike on September 2 to protest against government's indifference toward their 10-point agenda and unilateral labour reforms.
Source : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/
Government warns 'habitual late-comers' to office, asks all officials to maintain punctuality
NEW DELHI: The Centre has warned all government servants that disciplinary action will be taken against "habitual late-comers" to office and has asked for officials at all levels to maintain punctuality.
The government had introduced Aadhaar enabled Bio-metric Attendance System (AEBAS) in Central Government offices, including attached/ sub-ordinate offices, last year to replace the manual system of marking of attendance to ensure punctuality is to be implemented in all Ministries. " ..
"This Department on November 21, 2014 and January 28, 2015 while recognizing that the Biometric Attendance System is only an enabling platform had, inter-alia, stated that there was no change in the instructions relating to office hours, late attendance etc," the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has said in a circular issued to all ministries today, titled 'Observance of punctuality in office.".
"In this connection attention is invited to Rule 3(1)(ii) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which stipulates that every Government servant shall at all times maintain devotion to duty. Habitual late attendance is viewed as conduct unbecoming of a Government servant and disciplinary action may be taken against such a Government servant. It is also added that punctuality in attendance is to be observed by Government servants at all levels. It is also requested that the necessary directions may be issue to all employees to mark their attendance in BAS portal on regular basis," the DoPT circular issued on June 22 says.
It has added that instructions have been issued from time to time with regard to the need to observe punctuality by Government servants and the responsibility for ensuring punctuality in respect of their employees rests within Ministries/ Departments/ Offices.
Nearly 1.3 lakh central government employees are registering their attendance on the AEBAS system.
=The Economic Times
National JCA Meeting held on 8th June
4, State Entry Road New Delhi–110055
No.NJCA/2015 Dated: June 15, 2015
All the Members of the NJCA,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: National JCA Meeting held on 8th June
The National JCA, which met at the Staff Side Office on 8th June, 2015, took note of the fact that quite a few states are yet to hold the State Level Conventions. The meeting also noted that the strike decision taken on 28th April, 2015 has not been percolated down to the rank and file of the workers. The meeting wanted the affiliate to realize that the denial of the demand for wage revision to be effective from 01.01.2014 and the consequent denial of interim relief and the benefit of merger of DA with Pay must be viewed very seriously as the said decision will have far reaching consequence. The Government would discard the age old practice of grant of I.R. and merger of DA forever. It has decided to appeal to all the affiliates to chalk out independent programmes of actions in the months to come and to carry out the same in all seriousness so that the employees become fully aware of the possible outcome of the 7th CPC. The Chairman and Convenor of the National JCA will get in touch with those States, where the convention has not been held so far. The meeting decided to convey to members that the minimum wage computation, in the given situation would be on an imaginary basis. The National JCA was of the opinion that a meeting of all office bearers of the participating organizations must be convened at Delhi somewhere in the month of July to chalk out programmes of action to be pursued by the CGEs together. It was informed at the meeting that both Defence and Railways would be taking their strike ballot and would be concluded in the first week of October. The meeting, therefore, decided to advise the other units to chalk out progammes of action in July so that an ambience of struggle could be created. The NJCA also took note of the painful fact that despite assurances, Government was not convening the National Council and Departmental Councils and the JCM has been allowed to become defunct. The National JCA in conclusion decided to appeal to all affiliates to take concrete steps to invigorate the joint movement of the Central Government employees and meet the challenge that is likely to arise on receipt of the recommendations of the 7th CPC by creating an atmosphere of Unity, and determination to carry out the call of indefinite strike action scheduled to commence on 23rd November, 2015.
With greetings,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
NC JCM & Convener
Secretary (Staff Side)
NC JCM & Convener
The Postmaster General,
Western Region
Coimbatore 641002.
Respected Madam,
for Bi-monthly meeting with the PMG/WR-reg
letter No.SR/02-01/20/II dt 03.06.2015
Vanakkam. The following item of subjects are proposed
to be taken up for discussions with the PMG/WR during the Bi-monthly
meeting. The same may kindly be entertained.
of old items though assured and replied as settled, but not settled till date.
Reopening of Item No.1dt 12.06.2012
for Dequarterisation of Post offices-ineligible for dwelling
S.O.,2.Kilkotagiri S.O 3..Kullakombai S.O. of Nilgiris Division
Reopening of Item 3 dt 12.06.2012
Problem is still persisting almost in all the Divisions
and needed for review again ):-Optimizing the working hours of
the Post Offices and Reopening of Item
No 1 dt 25.11.2013:-Request for fixing continuous working hours of Post
offices in Western Region as in the case of other Regions in Tamilnadu Circle
Pending subjects:-
1..Request to attend various office maintenance works
like replacing of outdated Computers, replacing of failed UPS and Generators,
Construction of Building,.(
Problem is still persisting almost in all the Divisions
and needed for review again ):-i) Non
functioning of UPS , printers, batteries in
various offices throughout the
Region and
non supply of Laser printers to take print
outs in finacle offices (eg) In Pollachi Division Udumalpet HO.
Replacement of Generator in disrepair condition in Omalur S.O, Mettur Dam S.O.
of Salem West Division(No reply given in the last Bi-Monthly meeting minutes)
implementing of Directorate Orders/C.O. orders/R.O. orders,department norms, statutory
rules and principles in the staff matters and in the Staff welfare of Western
Region, despite taking up these matters to the notice of the authority
concerned on several occasions through continued letters.( Problem
is still persisting in ,most of the Divisions and
needed for review again)
of the Case:-
call back the officials sticking over tenure in sensitive posts such as
vigilance,stock,staff buildings and purchase as per Central Vigilance
Commission ,New Delhi guidelines in
letter No.004/VGL/09225553 dt 111.9.2013 and as per Dte orders in this issue in
letter No.4-7/2009-VIG dt 3.7.2013 in Salem West Division and Pollachi
Division. (e.g.)The Store Keeper (DMMS)Post is also comes under sensitive post
since store keeper is in the capacity of
purchase of spares to Mail vans under the Divisional office control. The present incumbent of Salem West Division
Store Keeper already completed a tenure in the DMMS and now also working as
Store Keeper from 2011 against the tenure period of 2/3 years in sensitive
given in the Bi-Monthly meeting held on 16.12.2014 minutes
says that the tenure of the Store Keeper ,DMMS will be completed in April-2015.Reply given in the Bi-Monthly meeting held on 09.04.2015
minutes says that the tenure of
the Store Keeper ,DMMS will be
completed on 7.11.2015. )
Postal staff are eligible for enhanced peripheral HRA and they will be drawn with higher rate of HRA
and the sanction will be issued once in 3 years. But from the year 2008 some of the offices
were not drawn with the same. The issue
is being dragged on for years together, and the files are being tossed up
between DO and RO, RO and Directorate without any fruitful result. The renewal sanction from 2011 to 2014 is
also pending for the under mentioned offices
West Division For 2008-2010
Nagar S.O
Steel Plant S.O.
College of Engineering S.O
Nagar S.O
Steel Plant S.O.
Request for restoration of the various justified GDS SV posts
, which were orally redeployed by the Divisional Heads against the orders of the
Directorate, since the resultant stamp vending work now attached
to MPCM counters is added with the work load heavily at the counters
and hampering the public services badly.
2. Request for arranging bank drawings
in all towns, where the branches of any
Bank is available,
since the funding to S.O.s is
highly at risk due to heavy
payments to the tune of lakhs of
rupees on IMT,OAP MOs SB transactions etc
3. Request to take necessary steps for getting more allotment
of P & T staff quarters at Sai Baba Mission ,Coimbatore since there is
heavy demand to staff quarters. At present
the staff quarters allotted to BSNL authorities are being rented out to other organization staff.
New Subjects:-
Implementing of Directorate Orders/C.O. orders/R.O. orders,department norms,
statutory rules and principles in the staff matters and in the Staff welfare of
Western Region, despite taking up these matters to the notice of the authority
concerned on several occasions through continued letters
a.Request to provide IQ or any
other departmental accommodation for female employees those who attending
training at WCTC,Coimbatore 641002 and in Coimbatore 641001 on CBS and
Mccamish, as a safety measure since staying at private lodges is giving various
problems to the women employees.
b.Request for revision of
working hours of CMC Bus Stand S.O. Coimbatore
into 0900-1700 hours instead of 1300-2100 hours since this office is a
finacle office and facing much
difficulties in EOD process can be made very late.
2.Immediate repatriation of all
deputationist working in the Regional Office/Divisional Office to their
original Place in their Division as ordered by the CPMG,TN Circle in his letter
No.STC/21-20/13(union) dt 20.03.2015.
Though the CPMG has issued very
clear cut orders as “shall be repatriated in April 2015 “ no PAs have been relieved in RO/DO. Also separate establishment to all CPC
in accordance with DG’s orders may be provided by diverting staff
working in PLI/RPLI sections of RO/DO.
3.Request to provide outsourcing
as in the case of past for managing abnormal shortage of staff. (Due to
wrong assessment of staff strength in Namakkal Division shortage of 27 PAs not included in the recruitment.)
Further RPLI/PLI data entries,Unnormal migration works,unnormed business items
etc. Further wrong asses Due to sudden withdrawal of orders on this matter the
services are badly affected and the working staff are requested to attend two
or three persons work in most of the offices, in turn affecting the quality of
services besides creating mental agony and depression among the working staff. Outsourcing may kindly be extended at least
till the time of staff position improves.
following office bearers will be
attending the meeting.
,Circle Secretary, AIPEU,Group-C @ Chennai 600017
Sri.C.Sanjeevi,Asst.Circle Secretary& Regional
Secretary@ Suramangalam HO.
With regards,
Regional Secretary
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