Saturday, April 30, 2016
The present NDA Government lead by BJP after coming in power is going ahead to intensify the so called economic reforms in the wake of neo-liberal economic policies. Within these two years every decision taken by this Government is in favour of Corporates/Capitalists and against the working class. Subsidy to the poors on LPG is being snatched away in a phased manner. The rates of petroleum products have been deregulated and handed over to market forces. The rates of crude oil have come down drastically but no benefit has been given to the public. The Treasurery of the Government and Oil Companies are being filled up. Subsidy on fertilizers , seed, electricity and irrigation water is being reduced, resultantly hardship is being created to farmers. Fees in Government educational Institutions like IIMS and IITs is being enhanced putting more burden on common man. The prices of essential commodities mainly food items is increasing daily. No recruitment in Government services and Public Sector, Private Sector is also not generating more jobs resultantly lakhs and lakhs educated youth is wondering on the roads in search of job. Lakhs and Lakhs vacancies are available in Central Government Departments like Railways, Defence, Postal, Audit, Income Tax and other Departments. Coporatization and Privatisation of Government Departments and Public Sector is in process. 100% FDI in Railways and 49% in Defence has been declared. Disinvestment in profitable Public Sector is going on. Labour Laws have been amended in favour of Industrialists and Capitalists.
All the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations are launching struggles continuously and consistently. Last 2nd September-2015 Strike was historic in which about 15 crorers workers from all sectors participated which resulted in increase of ceiling limit of bonus.
Recently Government had issued two orders one imposition of income tax on withdrawal of EPF which was protested strongly by the workers and government has to roll back these orders.
Again on 21st April-2016 Government of India issued notification restricting the employees to withdraw the amount from EPF. Under these revised rules the employee was permitted to withdraw the employees share from the fund. Which is 12% of the wages? However it was prescribed that the employer’s share of contribution towards the provident fund which is 3.67 % of wage, would be allowed to be withdrawn only at the age of 58 years.
When this move of Government was opposed and protested by the workers launching an united struggle, the Government of India was compelled to withdraw the said notification.
With these two examples the working class should clearly understand that to resist the attack in the wake of neo-liberal economic policies i.e. . Globalization policies, the united strong movement of working class is urgently required.
All the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations after convening National Convention on 30th March, 2016 has declared One Day Strike on 2nd September,2016 in support of their 12 points Charter of demands which are related to all sections of society and working Class.
Further the convention has called upon all the trade unions and Federations across the sectors to widen and consolidate the unity at grass root level and prepare for country wide united movement and observe following programme of action:
(i) Joint Conventions and Campaigns during June-July-2016 in state, districts and at industry level and take initative to involve peasants, agrilabourers and mass of the people in campaign.
(ii) Day Long Mass Dharna /Satyagraha in the Capital of States and Industrial Centres preferably in the auspicious day of 9th August-2016(QUIT INDIA DAY).
NFPE calls upon the entirety of Postal , RMS and GDS employees to launch the agitational programmes as declared by the Central Trade Unions and make all the programme including ONE DAY NATIONAL STRIKE ON 2ndSEPTEMBER-2016 a historic success.
If we fight unitedly we can resist the attacks on working Class in the wake of globalization policies.
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
28-April, 2016
Extant instructions of DoPT provide that reservation in promotion by non-selection method is available to SCs and STs in all Groups i.e. Group A, B, C & D. In case of promotion by selection method, reservation is available to SCs and STs upto lowest rung of Group A. There is no reservation in promotion by selection within Group A. Reservation in posts by promotion under the existing scheme is applicable in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75%.
In accordance with Supreme Court judgment dated 15.07.2014, results of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 1996 for Section Officer grade were revised by UPSC. Appellants, who were declared successful in the modified results of SO LDCE 1996, were included in SOSL 1996 by this Department. Later the benefit was extended to similarly placed SC/ST officers who were declared qualified in the modified results of SO LDCE 1996. On their inclusion in SOSL 1996, these officers have become eligible for consideration for promotion to the next grade (Under Secretary) on completion of eight years of approved service in SO grade i.e. they become eligible for consideration in USSL 2004 onwards subject to the size of the zone. A proposal for review of USSLs 2004 and 2005 has been forwarded to UPSC in which these officers have been included in the zone.
This was stated by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Ronald Sapa Tlau in the Rajya Sabha today.
Source: PIB
Seventh Central Pay Commission has submitted its recommendations to Government on 19-11-2015. As most of the recommendations are retrograde and far below the expectations of the employees, the JCM National Council Staff side under the united banner of National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) strongly protested and demanded modification of the retrograde recommendations. It further decided to organise indefinite strike and letter conveying the decision was sent to the Cabinet Secretary.
Main demands raised by NJCA are: (1) minimum wage of Rs.26,000/- as against 18000 recommended by CPC, (2) upward revision of the fitment formula and application of the same in all pay scales in the pay matrix, (3) retention of percentage of HRA as 30%, 20% and 10% as against 24%, 16% and 8% recommended by CPC. (4) recommendation of the CPC to abolish important allowances should be rejected, (5) reject recommendations to discontinue all non-interest bearing advances, (6) reject the recommendation to reduce the salary to 80% for the second year of child care leave, (7) reject recommendations to impose more stringent conditions on MACP scheme such as “very good” benchmark, qualifying examination, re-introduction of efficiency bar etc. (8) modification in the parity-in-pension and acceptance of other minimum demands of pensioners and (9) Grant of Civil Servants Status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and extending all the benefits of departmental employees to Gramin Dak Sevaks on pro-rata basis. There are other demands also which are equally important.
Govt. constituted an Implementation Cell in the Finance Ministry to study the recommendations and submit its proposal to the Empowered Committee of Secretaries under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary. Empowered Committee will submit final concrete proposals to Cabinet for approval. On receipt of the letter of NJCA addresed to Cabinet Secretary regarding indefinite strike, the Implementation Cell called the JCM staff side leaders to present its view points before the cell. Accordingly the NJCA leaders met the Convenor of Implementation Cell and explained the justification of each demands in the charter of demands.
NJCA decided to give strike notice on 11th March 2016 to commence the indefinite strike from 11th April 2016. At this stage the Cabinet Secretary invited the JCM National Council staff side leaders for discussion with Empowered Committee of Secretaries on 1st March 2016. The NJCA leaders attended the discussion and once again explained the justification of all demands before the Empowered Committee. Cabinet Secretary gave a patient hearing but made no commitment on any of the demands. He finally appealed the staff side to give some more time for the Government for inter-departmental consultations and to take a final view and decision on ech demand raised by the staff side in the charter of demnds.
NJCA met and reviewed the whole situation and came to the conclusion that as the Government has appealed for some more time to take a decision, it will be appropriate on the part of the staff side to give time to the Government, so that later on Government cannot blame that NJCA went on sudden strike inspite of the appeal from the Government to give some more time. Secondly, Railways and Defence departments come under the purview of Industrial Dispute Act and as per the ID Act, if strike notice is served on 11th March 2016, strike should commence within six weeks from the date of serving notice, by which time the election in four states will not be over. Thirdly, as the Assembly elections in four states have been notified and election code of conduct has come into force, the employees of four states will find it difficult to join the strike as many of them will be drafted for election duty. Taking into consideration all the above aspects, the NJCA decided to defer the indefinite strike from April 11th to July 11th and to serve the strike notice on June 9th instead of March 11th.
Now the ball is in the Govt.’s court. Before June 9th, ie. date of serving strike notice, the Government will be getting seven month time from the date of submision of the 7th CPC report, to take a final decision on all the demands and also to come to a negotiated settlement with the staff side. Any further delay is unwarranted and unjustified and cannot be tolerated. If the Government take an adamant stand and reject the justified demands of the staff side, then we will be forced to serve notice for indefinite strike from July 11th. Government can not take the staff side for granted.
AIPEU Group-C CHQ appeals to all the constituents of NJCA to take a firm stand and not to compromise on minimum demands. Let us also pledge that we will be second to none, in organising the indefinite strike in Postal and ensure cent per cent participation of our membership at gross root level in the impending strike.

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No. PF-01(e)/2016 Dated: 28th April, 2016
All General Secretaries /NFPE Office Bearers
All Circle /Divisional & Branch Secretaries
Dear Comrades,
1. Xth Federal Council NFPE.
Xth Federal Council of NFPE is scheduled to be held on 7th,8th & 9th September,2016 at Guwahati (Assam) Regional Co-ordination committee of Assam and NE has started preparations. Reception Committee has been formed as below:
1.Shri Indibar Dewri Retired IPOs & Eminent Intellectual-Chairman
2.Com. M.R. Das , Ex. Convenor RCC of P&T Employees, Assam & NE Circle –Working Chairman.
3. Com.D.K. Deb Nath- Convenor RCC Assam & NE- General Secretary.
4.Bishnu Ram Raha -Treasurer
Notice for Federal Council will be issued separately. Federal Executive will also be held in the F/N of 7th September,2016 at Guwahati. Federal Councilors will be paid TA & TA by their respective CHQs as decided in last Federal Executive. No Delegate Fee will be paid to Reception Committee for Federal Councilors. However visitors/observers will have to pay Rs.1500/- as Delegate Fee as fixed by the Reception Committee.
All General Secretaries are requested to direct Federal Councilors to book to & fro tickets to avoid inconvenience.
2. Confederation: National Conference.
Diamond Jubilee National Conference of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers will be held at Chennai on 16th, 17th & 18th August-2016
All India Women Convention of Confederation will also be held during National Conference. All General Secretaries are requested to decide the names of Women Comrades to participate in the Women Convention. Their TA/DA will be paid by the respective CHQs.
3. Celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.
This is the Diamond Jubilee year of Confederation as it was formed in the year 1956 by our great leader Dada B.N. Ghosh Ex. Secretary General-NFPTE. All are requested to celebrate Diamond Jubilee in each Circle by organizing a grand programme.
4. Confederation Trade Union Education Camp at Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
All India Trade Union Education Camp will be organized at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May-2016.NFPE has already allotted quota to affiliates. All General Secretaries are requested to decide delegates as per quota and direct them to book to & fro tickets. Delegate Fee has been fixed as Rs.600/-
5. May-Day Ist May-2016.
May Day on 1st May-2016 should be observed at all work place.
6. All India General Strikes.
The National Convention of Workers under the banner of All Central Trade Unions (except BMS) and All Independent Federations have decided to organize One Day All India General Strike on2nd September on common demands against the anti-people economic policies of NDA Government Mobilize all to participate in the strike.
7. Indefinite Strike from 11th July-2016 on 7th C.P.C. related issues.
National Joint Council of Action has decided to organize Indefinite Strike from 11th July, 2016. Notice for which will be issued on 9th June-2016. Please mobilize all Postal, RMS and GDS employees to participate in strike and make it grand success.
8. GDS Membership verification.
GDS membership verification is likely to be announced by the Department of Posts very soon All General Secretaries are requested to direct all Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries to extend maximum co-operation and full support to enroll maximum no. of members in favour of All India Postal Employees Union-GDS and make it as No.1.
9. GDS Committee.
GDS Committee to review the service conditions and wage of GDS employees under the Chairmanship of Shri Kamlesh Chandra Retired Member , Postal services Board has started function. Memorandum to GDS Committee have been submitted by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS. GDS Committee has fixed date as on 26th May 2016 for oral evidence NFPE with AIPEU GDS-NFPE will present the case before GDS Committee effectively.
10. Retirement of Smt. Kavery Banerjee-Secretary, Department of Post.
Smt. Kavery Banerjee, Secretary, Department of Post is going to retire on 30th April-2016 on superannuation. During her period the relations between administration and staff have remained very co-ordial. Mostly problems got solved with negotiations and she never gave opportunity to staff side to go on agitation. NFPE HQ extends greetings and best wishes for her peaceful and healthy retired life.
With revolutionary greetings.
Comradely yours,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General

DATED - 27.04.2016
Diamond Jubilee year National Conference of the Confederation of Central government Employees & Workers will be held at Chennai on 16th,17th&18th August 2016. Confederation was formed on 16.08.1956. The conference is pre-poned from 26th, 27th & 28th August to 16th, 17th & 18th, as the All India general Strike is on 2nd September 2016. The above dates are final. Notice for the National Conference will be issued shortly.
All India women’s convention of the confederation will also be held along with the National Conference.
All affiliated organisations of the Confederation, All C-O-C’s and all CHQ office bearers and Women’s subcommittee members are requested to decide the names of Delegates/Visitors attending National Conference and All India Women’s convention, well in advance and book their up and down travel tickets without any delay. Last minute, it will be very difficult to get confirmed tickets.
Confederation was formed in the year 1956. The idea was mooted by Com. B N Ghosh, then Secretary General of NFPTE. There were many demands of the Central government Employees which were of a general nature concerning all the Central Government Employees. It was felt by Com B N Ghosh that an organization of all Central Government Employees is required for wider unity and struggle. As such he approached all the Unions and Federations in the central government establishments. Railway and defense federations did not show much interest. However other central government employees organisations showed much enthusiasm.
A joint meeting of all the willing Unions/Federations was held at New Delhi on 16th August 1956 presided by Shri Sarangdhar Das, Member of Parliament. Detailed discussion took place and “Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers” was formed. Nath Pai, Member of Parliament, was elected as Chairman and S Madhusoodhanan of Civil Aviation was elected as Secretary General. Rest is history. In the formation meeting on 16th August 1956 only ten organizations participated. The number of affiliates went on increasing year by year and as on date Confederation is having 112 affiliated organizations.
All the C-O-Cs are requested to celebrate the diamond jubilee in most befitting manner by organizing at least one program by each C-O-C. Senior leaders may be honored in the function.
As already notified, the All India Trade Union Education Camp - 2016 of Confederation will be held at Dehradun on 24th & 25thMay 2016. The last two camps held at Mumbai (2014) & Bangalore (2015) was a grand success. The COC Dehradun is actively involved in making all the arrangements for successful conducting of the camp. Detailed circular regarding classes, venue, food, accommodation, climate, contact phone numbers etc will be published shortly. Delegate fee per head is fixed as Rs.600/- (Rs Six hundred only).
All the affiliated organisations and C-OC’s are once again requested to depute the given number of delegates to the camp. The Quota fixed is furnished below.
Name of the affiliated C-O-C’s and the quota of delegates
NFPE – 60, ITEF – 20, Audit & Accounts -10, Atomic energy – 10, Civil Accounts-10
All other affiliated organisations -3 each.
COC West Bengal -20, COC Kerala-15, COC Karnataka-10, COC Tamilnadu-15, COC Andhra-10
COC Delhi-15, All other COCs- 3 each
Please instruct the delegates to book their travel tickets immediately.
2016 May 1st may be observed as May Day at all important centers jointly with other fraternal organisations. The importance of the International Workers Day and the need to strengthen the unity of working class by building up class-oriented militant struggle against the imperialist neo liberal globalization policies may be explained to the workers
The national convention of workers at Mavilanka Hall, New Delhi on 30.03.2016 under the banner of all Central Trade Unions(except BMS) and other Federations/Unions/Associations has decided to organize one day ALL INDIA GENERAL STRIKE on 2nd September 2016 against the anti - people anti- labor policies of the NDA Govt. The national Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers call upon all its affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs to conduct intensive campaign and preparations for ensuring maximum participation of Central government Employees in the general strike. All affiliated organisations are requested to issue their own separate circulars to their lower units instructing them to participate in the strike. Central Government Employees are the worst victims of the neo liberal policies of the NDA Government and hence it is our duty to make the strike a grand success.
The National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) has decided to serve indefinite strike notice to the Govt on 9th June 2016 and to commence indefinite strike from 11th July 2016, if the Govt fails to come to a negotiated settlement on 7th CPC related issues with the JCM National Council Staff Side. In the discussion held on 1st March 2016 with the empowered committee of Secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary, the Government has not disclosed its mind on any of the demands including minimum wage. Thereafter no discussion took place. NJCA has given enough time as requested by the Government by postponing the strike to July 11th. 7th CPC report was submitted to Govt on 19th November 2015 and almost five months are over now. The developments that are taking place in the country shows that Modi Govt is becoming more and more and more aggressive towards the workers and common people. Unless we go for an indefinite strike, the Govt may not modify the retrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC. Confederation National Secretariat calls up on all its affiliates and C-O-C’s to continue the campaign and prepare the rank and file membership to go for indefinite strike from July 11th. All affiliates should serve the strike notice on June 9th to their respective Departmental heads. Copy of the strike notice should be sent to all lower units without fail. Branch/Units of some of the affiliates of confederation has complained that their All India leadership has not issued any circular or instructions to them to participate in the strike. Without getting instructions from higher bodies they are reluctant to participate in the strike. Hence it is once again requested to all affiliates of Confederation that:-
(1) Clear instructions may be issued to all lower units now itself to participate in the July 11th indefinite strike.
(2) Copy of the strike notice served to the Departmental head on 9th June 2016 should be sent to all lower units
With May Day Greetings
Yours fraternally
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Norms relaxed for Selvamagal scheme
In a bid to generate more interest among people in opening Selvamagal Semippu accounts (SSA) in the names of their daughters, the postal department has relaxed certain norms.
Now, people can pay deposits for 15 years towards SSA from the time of opening of the savings account. Earlier, it was restricted to 14 years. At present, long-term saving schemes like Public Provident Fund scheme too accept deposits for 15 years. The SSA scheme was launched in February last year for the welfare of girl children. Currently, there are over 12.34 lakh accounts across the State, with nearly 4.38 accounts in Chennai city.
Restrictions on withdrawal were a hitch in attracting more investors to the scheme. Customers could opt for partial withdrawal only when the applicant turned 18 years old. Now, account holders can withdraw up to 50 per cent of the balance accrued till the previous financial year for higher education once the girl child completes class X.
Officials of postal department said the account holder had to produce documentary proof like fee receipt to withdraw from their balance, including an option of withdrawing in five instalments. People will have to pay a minimum of Rs.1,000 to avoid penalty charges. However, depositors in SSA have to wait for 21 years for the amount to mature. They also have an option to close the account one month before or three months after the wedding date.
Another norm relaxed now is the option for premature closure after five years of opening the account in case of medical expenditure of account holder or death of guardian. “There has not been any dip in new accounts because of the reduction in interest rate and it continues to be one of the popular savings scheme. On an average, nearly 18,000 SSAs are being opened in the city post offices. Nearly Rs. 324 crore has been deposited through SSA so far,” said an official.
Source : http://www.thehindu.com
Employees Contributions to EPF
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
25-April-2016 15:20 IST
Employees Contributions to EPF
As per the Audited Consolidated Annual Accounts of Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for the year 2014-15, the closing balance of Funds managed by EPFO is Rs. 6,34,174.33 crore.
Regarding EPFO being the eleventh largest pension fund in the world, no such information is available with EPFO.
The fresh accruals in 2015-16 in the three Schemes framed under the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions (EPF & MP) Act, 1952 as per the revised estimates is Rs. 1,01,538.54 crore.
The revised estimates for the year 2015-16 are projected to be 13.81 per cent higher than the Budget estimates. The details of revised estimates of the three Schemes are as under:
(i) Employees’ Provident Funds (EPF) Scheme, 1952 : Rs. 71,398.25 crore
(ii) Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995: Rs. 29,000.00 crore
(iii) Employees’ Deposit-Linked Insurance (EDLI) Scheme, 1976: Rs 1,140.29 crore.
This information given by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State (IC) for Labour and Employment, in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Concessions to startups regarding Labour Laws - digging grave to the working class
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment25-April-2016 15:20 IST
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment25-April-2016 15:20 IST
Concessions to startups regarding Labour Laws
In order to promote the Start-Up ecosystem in the country and incentivizing the entrepreneurs in setting up new start-up ventures and thus catalyze the creation of employment opportunities through them, the Ministry of Labour & Employment has issued an advisory to the States/UTs/Central Labour Enforcement Agencies for a compliance regime based on self-certification and regulating the inspections under various Labour Laws.
It has been suggested that if such start-ups furnish self-declaration for compliance of nine labour laws for the first year from the date of starting the start-up, no inspection under these labour laws, wherever applicable, will take place. The nine labour laws, included in this advisory are:
· the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947;
• the Trade Unions Act, 1926;
• the Building and Other Constructions Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996;
• the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946;
• the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979;
• the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972;
• the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970;
• the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952; and
• the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948.
• From the second year onwards, up to 3 year from the setting up of the units, such start-ups are required to furnish self-certified returns and would be inspected only when credible and verifiable complaint of violation is filed in writing and approval has been obtained from the higher authorities.
The advisory to State Governments is not to exempt the Start-ups from the ambit of compliance of these Labour Laws but to provide an administrative mechanism to regulate inspection of the Start-Ups under these labour laws, so that Start-ups are encouraged to be self-disciplined and adhere to the rule of law. These measures intend to avoid harassment of the entrepreneurs by restricting the discretion and arbitrariness. Punitive action shall, however, be taken whenever there is a violation of these labour laws.
This information given by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State (IC) for Labour and Employment, in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

No. CONF/NE/2016 Dated: 05-04-2016
An urgent meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers will be held at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on 24th May’ 2016 (Tuesday). The meeting shall commence at 05.00 PM and continue till close. National Secretariat members, Chief Executives of the affiliated Organizations, General Secretaries of all State level C-o-Cs and main Office bearers of the Women's Sub Committee are requested to attend the meeting.
The following shall be the agenda of the meeting:
1. 7th CPC related issues and proposed indefinite strike from 11 July 2016 by NJCA.
2. Proposed One day General Strike by Central Trade Union on 02nd September 2016.
3 Two days All India Workshop of Confederation at Dehradun - Review.
4. All India Conference of Confederation & All India Women Convention at Chennai (Tamilnadu).
5. Financial position of Confederation – Decision for improvement.
6. Issues relating to the affiliated Organizations.
7. Any other item with permission of the Chair.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
1. All National Secretariat Members.
2. Chief Executives of all affiliated Organizations.
3. General Secretaries of State C-o-Cs.
4. Main office bearers of Women's Sub Committee (Not Committee members)
Two days Trade Union Education Camp of Confederation will be held at Dehradun on 24th & 25th May 2016. Separate Circular enclosed herewith. Please ensure participation of delegates as per quota fixed in the circular.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General.
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