1st Floor, North avenue Postal Office Building, New Delhi – 110001
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi – 110001
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No.PJCA/AGTN/2014 Dated – 12.11.2014
Ms. Kaveri Banerjee
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Reply to Charter of Demands Submitted by Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) on 28.08.2014.
Ref: - Your office letter F. No. 9-10/1997-SP (SR Section) dated 29.10.2014.
Please refer to your office letter cited above wherein Action taken Report on the items included in the Charter of demands submitted by PJCA on 28.08.2014 is furnished. Actually the Charter of Demands submitted by us on 28.08.2014 contains 39 items. Charter of Demands attached to our earlier letter dated 01.08.2014 intimating the decision of PJCA contained only 38 items. But when memorandum is submitted on 28.08.2014 the following item was also added as item no. 39.
Item No. 39 - Revise Postmen/Mail Guard/MTS Recruitment Rules. Stop open market recruitment. Restore seniority quota promotion.
This item was earlier discussed in the JCM (DC) and it is assured by Secretary (Posts) that the Recruitment Rules will be reviewed after one or two Recruitment/Promotional exam are over, as DOP&T may not approve immediate revision of Recruitment Rules already approved by it. Now more than two Postmen/MG/MTS recruitment/examination is over and hence it is requested to take action to revise the Recruitment Rules and stop open quota recruitment. Entire vacancies may be earmarked for GDS and Casual Labourers as existed in the pre-revised Recruitment Rules.
You are requested to include the above mentioned item also in the charter of demands and “Action Taken Report” may be furnished on the above item also.
Yours faithfully,
R. N. Parashar D. Theagarajan
Secretary General, NFPE Secretary General, FNPO
Copy to: -
Shri Arun Malik, Director (SR & Legal), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001