The CHQ is releasing Hand Book 2016 in the first/second week of December 2015. This Hand Book contains in to four parts as follows:
Part-I – We Prefer to furnish the recommendations of the Seventh CPC as the first part of the Hand Book. It contains the compilation of Seventh CPC recommendations in nut shell on various topics.
Part-II – Central Government Employees containing the chapters of pay & increments, Allowances. Leave, TA/DA, HBA, Quarters, RFQ, Medical, LTC, OTA, Advances, HBA, GPF, CEA, Retirement benefits, Pension, NPS, etc.
Part-III – Postal Employees (Exclusive) contains the chapters of Tenure & Transfer, MACP, Postmaster Cadre, incentive, Honorarium, welfare, conduct & Disciplinary rules, Trade Union, Holidays, Postal Rates, Preservation of Records, PO SB, etc.
Part-IV is compiled elaborately exclusively for GDS and it will be a master Hand Book for Gramin Dak Sewaks. It contains on GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules, Compassionate appointment Group Insurance. Welfare, SDBP, TRCA, Allowances, Protection etc, leave, substitutes, officiating arrangements, promotions, Transfer, appointments, New Welfare Scheme Work norms, Selective orders, Dos & Donts etc. It will be master piece of the Hand Book which will contains everything for GDS.
We are evincing all our efforts to bring the Hand Book a most valuable one and it should be in the hands of all our members, It may have more than 300 pages and the rate will be decided as per our practice of ‘no gain: no loss” basis and will be announced shortly.
Further many Divisional/Branch Secretaries have not furnished their telephone number and their e-mail IDs. We could not update. Please furnish the details at once by e-mail and anyhow before 30.11.2015 without fail in order to exercise the corrections in the Hand Book.