9444226540 9600880953, 9843370580 9444208159
No.P3/2- /Chennai City Central Dated the 12.10.2011
Smt. Santhi Nair, IPS,
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Unmindful and indiscriminate issuance of orders to close Teynampet West PO by the SSPOs.,
Chennai City Central Division - Request for immediate intervention and to stop such moves.
Ref: Our Circle Union letter dt. 29.09.2011 a/t Chief PMG, Tamilnadu Circle.
A kind reference is invited to the letter cited. It is once again to note here that the Secretary Posts has entered into a written agreement with the JCA leaders of all the Union Vide No. 08/09/2011-SR dt.06.07.2011 and recorded that there would be no closure of Pos & whenever needed it would be relocated.
But to our dismay, contrary to that, the SSPOs., Chennai City Central Division has ordered to close down Teynampet West PO on 15.10.2011. You may aware that this PO is situated in a prime Locality owned by TNCC Kamarajar Arangam near Teynampet Police station and under the usage of larger public.
In order to protest the withdrawal of public services abruptly, a larger program of agitation was held before this office on 28.09.2011 and many service organisations and political party leaders have taken part in the program. This was well covered by the Tele media as well by the print media . State and Central level representatives of political parties given press reports and were telecasted by many TV channels. They also exhibited the signed agreement given by the Secretary posts before the media. This completely shatters the image of our Department among masses, and exposes the disorderliness of our low rung officers violating the Secretary Posts agreement and written commitment which was given in public interest. The sitting Rajya Sabha M.P. Com. T.K.Rangarajan has also addressed in this matter to our CPMG, TN to stop closure of such a public service and a copy is also endorsed to us.
Actually the reason furnished by the local level administration is, to pay huge arrears of rent to the Land Lord and hence the PO is proposed for closure. But as learnt , it is only because of the fault of the local administration that the periodical due revisions were not made, which causes the litigation. It may be negotiated with the TNCC authorities after local body elections are over, by utilising the public organisations. We are to co-operate with. But closure is not the answer to settle any problem.
Hence we request the kind intervention of the Chief PMG in this matter so as to stop such orders of closure and to restore the P.O. in the interest of public services.
Thanking you Madam,
With regards,
SD/- ...
Copy by Post to: The Chief PMG, TN Circle Chennai 600 002.