9444226540 9600880953, 9843370580 9444208159
No.P3/Genl. dt. 13.10.2011
Smt. Santhi Nair, IPS,
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Request to declare holiday on October 17th and 19th 2011 on the polling dates in the areas
where Local body elections / bye-elections taking place under Negotiable Instruments Act
1881 and under the instructions of the Election Commission of India- Reg.
The Tamil Nadu Local Body Election has been scheduled in two phases. The first phase of the polling areas, which are under the Corporation, are, is scheduled on 17th October and for the other areas on 19th October, 2011.
You may aware that Government of Tamil Nadu has declared public holidays on October 17th and 19th October, 2011, being the polling dates for City corporations and other areas respectively, for Government and Private employees under Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and holiday is declared on the actual date of poll, and will be applicable only in the areas where the election/bye-election is taking place.
Also , in accordance with the directives of the Election Commission of India , holiday should be declared for Govt. departments under negotiable Instruments Act 1881 with directives to the State Government even to issue instructions to the Commercial and Industrial establishments in the private sector to declare a paid holiday for their workers on the day or days of the poll.
Hence our Circle Union requests the CPMG, TN Circle to take immediate action in this regard, so as to declare holiday on the dates of polling to the respective areas where elections is to be held, under Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 , and under the instructions of Election Commission of India. Your kind action and a word in reply is much awaited.
Thanking you Madam,
With regards,
Copy by hand to:
The CPMG, TN Circle, Chennai 600 002 through Sri. A. Veeramani, Circle Fin. Secretary , in-charge of Circle Union in the absence of Circle Secretary at HQRS.