Friday, October 14, 2011
Yes, our pathetic voices….really….reached our benign Chief PMG Madam.
It is ascertained from reliable sources that the brutal & massive transfer orders issued to eight of our ASPs in Central Region, Tiruchirapalli (TN), by its PMG has been cancelled by our beloved, benign Chief PMG Madam, today. This would not have been possible, but for the support & solidarity shown by our members, not only from us, but also from other sister unions.
This Association does not want to discuss in depth, the positive reaction of our Chief PMG to the negative action of PMG, CR….….which is not our concern. But this Association always assures the Administration that we are not against the policies, targets etc., etc. but we will also fight for our right.
This Association thanks the PMG, Central Region for having given us an opportunity to show our solidarity.
This Association also takes this opportunity to thank Shri.K.V.Sridharan, the General Secretary of AIPEU, Group C (CHQ) and Shri.J.Ramamurthy, CS of AIPEU, Group C, Tamil Nadu Circle for extending their support to us. We will also reciprocate…..whenever needed.
Here, it may not be wrong to say, that the TN Circle Branch of this Association is not able to understand the reasons for the non reaction of our GS (CHQ) in this issue. This cannot be ignored as an issue relates to a particular Region or a Region in a particular Circle. The CHQ should remember that it is a massive attack on our Cadre. If there is no reaction to this issue then for what else our CHQ is going to fight..?
Posted by TN IP ASP at 10:10:00 PM 1 comments 
Labels: Meetings
Thank you Com. S.R.B. FOR YOUR KIND RECIPROCAL. We are all from working class to fight with, for the common cause. Let us continue our fight together for any oppression and anything injustice.
With greetings,