RELEASED ON 29.12.2015!
It is a simple function but quite memorable one with a large number of leaders and members of both Pensioners' Organisations and CG Employees & Postal Employees trade union Organisations enthusiastically participating at a very short notice!
Comrade K.Ragavendran Editor Pensioners Post & GS AIPRPA welcomed all to the function.
Comrade K.Ragavendran Editor Pensioners Post & GS AIPRPA welcomed all to the function.
Com.M.Kannaiyan TN State President presided the function.
Comrade M.Duraipandian General Secretary of TN State Committee of Confederation of CG employees released the "Pensioners Post" and Comrade N.L.Sridharan President of Tamilnadu State COC of Central, State Government and Public Sector Pensioners organisations accepted the first copy.
Plethora of leaders A.G.Pasupathy (Patron); KVS (CHQ Advisor); C.K.Narasimhan (Circle Secretary AI BDPA); S.Sundaramurthi (President ITEF Tamilnadu); Ilamaran (Vice President TNGPA);P.Mohan (Circle president P3 NFPE); G.Kannan (Secretary NFPE Circle COC); P.Kumar (Secretary FNPO Circle COC); K.Ramesh (R3 NFPE C/S); and B.Paranthaman (R4 NFPE C/S) as well as quite a number of AIPRPA State Office Bearers, NFPE Circle office bearers and comrades graced the function. Circle Secretry P 3 is away from Circle Headquarters to attend the bi-monthly meeting with the PMG, WR. Hence we convey our best wishes to the good efforts of AIPRPA.
Comrade M.Duraipandian General Secretary of TN State Committee of Confederation of CG employees released the "Pensioners Post" and Comrade N.L.Sridharan President of Tamilnadu State COC of Central, State Government and Public Sector Pensioners organisations accepted the first copy.
Plethora of leaders A.G.Pasupathy (Patron); KVS (CHQ Advisor); C.K.Narasimhan (Circle Secretary AI BDPA); S.Sundaramurthi (President ITEF Tamilnadu); Ilamaran (Vice President TNGPA);P.Mohan (Circle president P3 NFPE); G.Kannan (Secretary NFPE Circle COC); P.Kumar (Secretary FNPO Circle COC); K.Ramesh (R3 NFPE C/S); and B.Paranthaman (R4 NFPE C/S) as well as quite a number of AIPRPA State Office Bearers, NFPE Circle office bearers and comrades graced the function. Circle Secretry P 3 is away from Circle Headquarters to attend the bi-monthly meeting with the PMG, WR. Hence we convey our best wishes to the good efforts of AIPRPA.