Homage to Com M Krishnan, ex SG NFPE & Confederation on the occasion of first death anniversary
On his first death anniversary, we pay homage to our respected leader, our guide Com M KrishnanKrishnan, ex SG NFPE & Confederation. It is still unbelievable that Com Krishnan is no more with us. His commitment to ideology, his devotion to organisational duty, affection to employees and hard labour in building up organisations amongst middle class employees will be remembered forever. Even in acute corona period he worked hard and selflessly for mass movement and got infected. In a middle class organisation like ours, it is really difficult to fill up the vacuum created by his untimely departure. That’s why we have to develop collective functioning and strengthen the centre and commom platform of all organisations like Confederation ( and it’s all affiliates) where he spent final years of his life. In every speech he delivered, he used to call upon us to build a class oriented militant organization. To fulfill his dream, we should move further aiming at this objective with full conviction. We can not but salute his endeavour in strike campaigns also to make all the Strikes grand success, in his time. So when we are on the way to observe country wide General Strike on 28-29 March, we have great scope to extend our profound reverence and highest honour to Com M Krishnan by undertaking continuous, intense and effective campaigning and finally make the Strike an unprecedented success.
Red Salute to Com M Krishnan
Com Krishnan amar rahe.