Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Director, RAKNPA
Director, All PTCs
Assistant Director, RTC, Nashik
Subject : Incurring expenditure out of Postal Training Centre Mess Fund / RAKNPA, Ghaziabad Mess Fund - Clarification
With reference to the subject matter. It is informed that various references are being received in this Division seeking clarification regarding incurring expenditure out of Mess Fund in Training Institutions. Accordingly, the matter was taken up with PAF Wing of Postal Directorate. who has now informed that PA Wing has no procedure in place for incurring expenditure out of a contricutory fund, which is purely contributory in nature and is not fed by any government funds. Besides, PAF wing prepares SAPs for only those heads/services for which budget allocation takes place.
In this regard, it is informed that the guidelines to the Mess Fund formulated by Training Division previously and circulated vide Training Division's letter no. even dated 09-11-2017 were on the basis of the recommendations of the committee constituted for the purpose which clearly laid down that tht Director PTC would be overall responsible for carrying out the expenditure as laid down.
Since, PAF Division has also confirmed that no procedures are in place for contributory funds, and the above cited guidelines in para 2 above were proceed through IFW before being finalised, it is once again reiterated that the "Head of Training Institute will exercise full financial powers related to all expenditure from Mess Fund. The Head of Training Institute may delegate some of the powers, as per requirement, to any of the offices bearers of Mess committee" as per para(h) of Annexure I to Training Division letter no even dated 09.11.2017